Taoist world

Chapter 3466 Repaying Li

Ruyu, as the manager of Qiankun Building, even though she had already gone downstairs just now, she has been paying attention to the situation on the second floor with her spiritual consciousness.

Although no one dared to cause trouble in Qiankun Tower so far, she had to guard against it.

Moreover, what she was guarding against was not Xu Bufan, but Jiang Yun!

Because Jiang Yun didn't look like a fool, but even though he knew Xu Bufan was going to be detrimental to him, he still dared to sit in the same lobby with Xu Bufan arrogantly.

This made her realize that it was possible that she had made a mistake with Jiang Yun.

When Jiang Yun finally turned around and looked at Xu Bufan, her heart couldn't help but beat heavily, and she immediately understood that her guess might have come true.

And what happened next, she didn't even understand anything at all, she saw that Xu Bufan was like a madman, so scared that he peed his pants and rushed out of the Qiankun Tower.

Although Jiang Yun was indeed sitting there without even moving, everyone knew very well that Jiang Yun must have secretly taken action against Xu Bufan.

The people sitting on the second floor of this restaurant were all monks, including several experts who were able to break the law.

However, among so many people, none of them could clearly see how Jiang Yun took action, which was enough to show that Jiang Yun's strength was definitely not weak.

At least, it far exceeded the cultivation level of the third level of heaven-defying realm that he had shown himself.

More importantly, Xu Bufan, a long-established swinger, has had his reputation completely ruined from today on.

In full view of the public, he failed to bully others, but instead he was frightened so much that he peed his pants.

It won't take long for this matter to spread.

In fact, it will not only spread within the Taiyi Realm, but also spread to the Chaos Cloud Region and even more distant places.

At that time, not only Xu Bufan, but also the entire Xu family will suffer a big blow.

And all this was just because of Xu Bufan's cynicism towards Jiang Yun, the brother and sister.

Jiang Yun's two casual words and one look destroyed Xu Bufan, and also dealt a heavy blow to the Xu family.

This method may seem like nothing and very common, but if you think about it deeply, it will make people feel a little chilling.

No one knows better than Qiankun Tower the effort and price it has paid for the Xu family to become a second-rate force in the Taiyi world.

Qiankun Tower even thought about destroying the Xu family and supporting a family of its own, but it never succeeded.

But who would have thought that Jiang Yun, in just a few words, could not be said to have destroyed the Xu family, but it would definitely give the Xu family a headache for a long time.

Then if Jiang Yun really wanted to completely destroy the Xu family, I'm afraid it wouldn't take much effort.

And the dish Jiang Yun ordered just now also surprised Ruyu!

Although there are not many of Qiankun Tower's signature dishes, together they require dozens of top-quality heaven and earth stones.

Jiang Yun ordered so many dishes casually, which shows that Jiang Yun is not only not weak, but also has extremely strong financial resources.

Naturally, this means that Jiang Yun is definitely not an ordinary person, but has a powerful background that outsiders don't know.

For such a person, that is definitely the person Qiankun Tower needs to please.

Therefore, she came up in person again.

With the arrival of Ruyu, the steward, the boy let out a sigh of relief, smiled again on his face, and said to Jiang Yun: "Sir, please wait a moment, your order will be here soon!"

The other guests on this floor, especially the group left behind by Xu Bufan, were still immersed in shock.

When they saw Jiang Yun and Tie Runan chatting at the door of the restaurant, they unanimously concluded that the two did not have much money.

But now, the other party ordered all the signature dishes in the entire Qiankun Building in one go.

If Xu Bufan was still here, then they might think that Jiang Yun was deliberately fighting against Xu Bufan.

Although Xu Bufan had already left, Jiang Yun still ordered these dishes, which showed that Jiang Yun was really rich.

Ruyu ignored the others and just stared at Jiang Yun with interest in her eyes.

Because she was finally sure that she was indeed wrong about Jiang Yun!

Although this Jiang Yun looks unremarkable in appearance, he is definitely not a truly mediocre person.

"Who is this person? His appearance must be fake, and I have seen almost all the Tianjiao disciples among the slightly larger forces in the All-Heaven Gathering Area, and no one can match him. !”

"Could he be a descendant of a certain hidden lord?"

After finishing the thoughts in her mind, Ruyu walked directly in front of Jiang Yun and said with a sweet smile: "Master, do you mind if I sit here for a while?"

Seeing Jiang Yun nod, Ruyu pulled out a chair and sat down. She smiled and said, "What do you call the young master?"

Jiang Yun said calmly: "Gu Si!"

Ru Yujiao smiled and said: "It turns out to be Mr. Gu. Mr. Gu is really secretive. How come he has never been to my Qiankun Tower before!"

While speaking, Ruyu said to Jiang Yun through voice transmission: "Sir, let me remind you again, don't eat the food, hurry up and leave!"

"If the prediction is correct, Xu Bufan should have informed his father by now. I'm afraid someone will be waiting for you outside Qiankun Building soon."

"Although Xu Bufan is a playboy, he has an older brother, Xu Buxiu, who is quite capable."

"I don't know if he is in Taiyi Realm. If he is, he will definitely come to you in person!"

Hearing Ruyu's reminder again, Jiang Yun couldn't help but smile slightly and said: "Thank you very much, but I think Qiankun Tower should have a way to send me away safely!"

Upon hearing this, Ruyu's eyes suddenly lit up!

Qiankun Tower naturally has this ability!

However, this is not the case for every guest, and there is only one kind of person that Qiankun Tower is willing to send away safely, and that is the person who auctions items in Qiankun Tower!

In other words, this ancient master had items to be entrusted to Qiankun Tower for auction, and he had already thought of a way out for himself, so he took action against Xu Bufan without any care!

Jiang Yun also continued to use voice transmission: "If I entrust the Qiankun Tower with items to auction, Miss Ruyu should be able to benefit from it!"

Ruyu smiled and nodded and said: "That's natural. Why, does the young master want to take care of Ruyu?"

Jiang Yun said simply: "Throw a peach and repay with a plum!"

Ruyu reminded Jiang Yun twice, which made Jiang Yun very fond of him.

At this time, the boy had already walked over with wine and food, and Ruyu also stood up and said: "Sir, you have your meal first. I will come find you after you finish your meal!"

As Ruyu left, Jiang Yun looked at Tie Runan who was still standing there and said, "Are you still angry? You don't have to be as experienced as a person like that. Come on, try it quickly. The food and wine here taste really good!"

Tie Runan was not angry, but was deeply shocked by Jiang Yun's series of actions!

Although she knew Jiang Yun's true identity better than anyone else, she never thought that Jiang Yun would take action for herself.

Hearing Jiang Yun's words, Tie Runan came back to his senses, nodded, picked up the chopsticks, and started to eat happily.

After taking the first bite of the dish, Tie Runan's face showed excitement and satisfaction, his mouth was full, and he kept nodding.

After that, she couldn't stop using her chopsticks.

In all her life, she has never eaten such delicious food.

Although Jiang Yun was also eating, he basically only tasted it briefly and spent most of his time looking at Tie Runan.

Although Tie Runan's appearance is not very good-looking, it makes Jiang Yun look very comfortable.

As for the other guests above the restaurant, they no longer paid attention to Jiang Yun and Tie Runan.

Only the group of monks left behind by Xu Bufan would look at Jiang Yun from time to time.

However, at this moment, Ruyu's voice suddenly came clearly from the first floor: "Mr. Xu, why are you here!"

Immediately afterwards, a man's voice rang out: "My good-for-nothing brother was embarrassed outside. As an elder brother, I naturally want to help him regain some face!"

"You who just wanted to bet on life and death with my brother dare to bet on life and death with me!"

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