Taoist world

Chapter 3447: Brewing Tie Family

Although the aroma of the wine is weak, Jiang Yun's senses have always been relatively sharp, and as he is an alchemist, he can smell the smell of medicinal herbs from the aroma of the wine.

This also made Jiang Yun understand why so many monks came to this restaurant.

Obviously, the wine sold here, because of the addition of herbs, turns ordinary wine into medicinal wine, which has various benefits for the monks.

No matter how good the medicinal wine is, it is definitely not as effective as the elixir.

After all, alcohol will dilute the efficacy of various medicinal materials.

If someone really wants to improve his cultivation through drinking, then even if he soaks in the wine jar day and night, the benefits he can get are limited.

However, Jiang Yun also knew that good elixirs were not something that ordinary monks could afford.

But the price of wine is much cheaper, so these monks come to this restaurant.

As for Jiang Yun, of course he would not think of using this medicinal wine to improve his cultivation.

However, the appearance of this medicinal wine inspired him.

Jiang Yun's eyes showed a look of contemplation and said: "I don't know, can I rely on some kind of elixir to cover the aura of my bloodline, thereby making the bloodline compass useless?"

If it were in the lower domain, Jiang Yun knew that his idea was absolutely feasible, but in this domain of heavens, he was not sure. After all, he had no idea about the medicine refining situation here.

After waiting for nearly half an hour, there was finally a space in the restaurant, and Jiang Yun naturally walked in, found a remote corner, and ordered a bottle of wine.

The wine was served quickly. This time, Jiang Yun did not drink directly from the pot. Instead, he poured the wine into a glass, held it up to his nose, and took a deep breath.

Being at such a close distance, Jiang Yun couldn't help but feel refreshed when he smelled the aroma of the wine again, and he drank the wine in one gulp without hesitation.

The drink turned into a stream of heat when entering his mouth, and a light suddenly lit up in Jiang Yun's eyes!

Because he suddenly discovered that his blood flowed slightly faster under the influence of the wine.

You know, the blood of the Jiang family is extremely special blood.

If there are levels of blood, then among all the blood that Jiang Yun knows so far, his own Jiang's blood is definitely the best.

Although wine is said to have the effect of promoting blood circulation, Jiang Yun has also drank a lot of wine over the past year. There has never been any kind of wine that can make Jiang Yun's blood feel better.

But now, just after drinking a glass of wine, Jiang Yun felt his blood boiling. This was enough to show that there must be something fishy in this wine, and it also made Jiang Yun really interested in this wine.

"This brewer is probably an alchemist. Perhaps he can know how to help me hide the secret of my bloodline!"

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun didn't care about drinking anymore. He hurriedly put down the wine glass, called the waiter in the store, and asked directly through voice transmission: "Waiter, who brewed your wine?"

While speaking, Jiang Yun had a top-grade Heaven and Earth Stone in his hand and gave it to the waiter.

The waiter's eyes lit up, he put away the Heaven and Earth Stone without any courtesy, and also said via voice transmission: "The Tie family lives in the east of the city!"

The next moment, Jiang Yun's powerful spiritual consciousness had spread to the entire city. At the same time, he also began to pay attention to the conversations of the monks around him.

Soon, not only did he find a small manor in the east of the city, but he also got to know something about the Tie family.

The Tie family is an ordinary family, with about a hundred members.

Although all of them are monks, their overall qualifications are not good, and there is no strong person in the entire family.

The current head of the Tie family is just a monk in the third level of Yuanfa.

The reason why the Tie family is able to establish a foothold in this city and even pass it down to this day is because they master an ancestral secret brewing recipe.

Selling drinks has become the Tie family's main source of income.

After finding out the general situation of the Tie family, Jiang Yun couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

He originally thought that the person who brewed the wine was an alchemist, but he didn't expect that the secret recipe was handed down by the ancestor of the Tie family.

And this means that there should be no alchemist in the Tie family today.

With this secret brewing recipe alone, he certainly cannot hide the secret of his bloodline.

However, now that they were all here, Jiang Yun decided to pay a visit to see if he could get the secret brewing recipe.

Then, based on the herbs in the secret recipe, see if you can refine an elixir that can hide the secret of your bloodline.

After making up his mind, Jiang Yun left the restaurant and walked towards Tie's house.

Jiang Yun is still very confident about obtaining the Tie family's secret brewing recipe.

Although the Tie family relies on brewing wine to make money, the reason why he wants this secret recipe is not to compete with them for brewing wine.

And the benefits and benefits that I can give them are enough to make them tempted.

After all, there are too many good things in me.

Soon, Jiang Yun arrived at Tie's house. He politely raised his fists to the two servants at the door and said, "I am from the ancient four, from another world."

"I've taken the liberty to come here because I have a business deal. I want to talk to the head of the Tie family. Could you please help me explain it to me!"

Since he came with a request, Jiang Yun naturally asked to see him with courtesy.

However, after listening to Jiang Yun's words, the two servants glanced at him and said lukewarmly: "Sorry, our master is not here!"

Although Jiang Yunggang did not use his spiritual consciousness to check the situation in the Tie family due to politeness, but through the chats of some monks here, he already knew that the head of the Tie family, Tie Chengyun, rarely left the Tie family because of his old age.

What a coincidence that when I came to visit him, he was not there.

However, Jiang Yun was not angry either. He flipped his wrist and found two more top-quality heaven and earth stones in his hands. He handed them to the two servants respectively and said: "It's a small thought, it's not respectful. Please help me to inform you."

The Heaven and Earth Stone, in the All Heavens Gathering Domain, is just like the Spiritual Stone Source Stone in the Lower Domain. It contains the power of heaven and has four grades, namely the upper, middle and lower.

The value of the top-quality heaven and earth stones. For a small family like the Tie family, the annual expenses of all members of the clan, combined, would probably not exceed ten top-quality heaven and earth stones.

Therefore, seeing Jiang Yun making such a generous move, the two Tie family servants were immediately shocked.

The two looked at each other, wanting to take it but being too embarrassed to do so.

After all, the value of this Heaven and Earth Stone is really too great, and they will feel it is hot to hold it.

In the end, it was Jiang Yun who forced the two heaven and earth stones to the two of them.

After accepting the Heaven and Earth Stone, the attitude of the two of them improved obviously, and there were smiles on their faces. They lowered their voices and said: "Young Master, it's not that we don't want to inform you, but that something has happened to our Tie family. It's a matter of fact, the old man, the master of the house, doesn't have the mind to care about anything."

"Even if we help you report, we will only get scolded. Therefore, young master, please go back and come back after a while!"

Jiang Yun's heart moved. He was worried about how to ask the Tie family for the secret brewing recipe. Now that the Tie family happened to have something going on, and it looked like it was not a trivial matter.

If I can help solve the problem, it will naturally be more convenient to ask for the secret recipe.

Therefore, Jiang Yun said with a smile: "My business will only benefit the Tie family, and there will be no harm."

"Well, it's inconvenient for you two to reveal what happened to the Tie family."

"Perhaps I can be of some help!"

While speaking, Jiang Yun once again took out two top-grade heaven and earth stones and handed them over.

Four top-quality heaven and earth stones in a row made the expressions of the two Tie family servants change.

Today's Jiang Yun deliberately showed that he was at the third level of cultivation, neither high nor low, so they did not take Jiang Yun seriously before.

But now it is natural to see that Jiang Yun must be a person with considerable background.

Otherwise, how could he casually take out four top-quality heaven and earth stones.

After the two of them looked at each other again, they finally said, "Sir, even if you have extraordinary abilities, I'm afraid you won't be able to help our Tie family."

"Our master, the end is approaching!"

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