Taoist world

Chapter 3437: A new life (revision)

"What happened!"

"How come all of a sudden, the connection between me and them was completely severed? What happened?"

Although Jiang Yun felt huge loss and unspeakable pain in his heart, when he spoke, he remembered a question that he had asked Jiang Kunlun for advice.

"Is it possible that if someone else takes action and cuts off the inner and outer edges of Xue Qing and the others, then even after I return their memories to them, they still won't remember me?"

Jiang Kunlun said at that time that under normal circumstances, such a situation would not happen.

Because it is impossible to cut off the fate so thoroughly.

However, there is a magical power that is even more advanced than fate-cutting, and can completely wipe out all fate!

However, as far as Jiang Kunlun is concerned, this kind of magical power only exists in legends, and even the powerful Tianzun cannot use it.

But at this moment, Jiang Yun was very clear that there was a strong person who used this magical power to completely erase all the fate of Xue Qing and the others.

In other words, from now on, even if I hold the memories of Xue Qing and the others, even if I return the memories to them, they still will not know me or who they are!

"Who did it, who did it?"

Jiang Yun's eyes were already blood red, and like a trapped animal, he let out a crazy roar in this small room!


"Boom boom boom!"

Nearly a hundred illusory knives fell at the same time, striking all the monks in the lower realm, and immediately disappeared without a trace.

The storm that had just surged also disappeared.

The Angel Patroller's attack was too sudden and beyond everyone's expectations.

Not to mention that many monks in the All Heavens Gathering Area were unaware of it beforehand, not even the other twelve Heavenly Lords were aware of it.

Especially this move, it came and went so quickly that many people couldn't help but wonder, had they just had an illusion?

In fact, the angel patrol didn't take action at all?

However, when they saw the reactions of the lower realm monks who had been chopped by the illusory sword, they knew that it was not their illusion.

Xun Tian has indeed taken action!

Although the illusory sword did not hurt the body of the monks in the lower realm, as the illusory sword disappeared, each of their faces showed a look of confusion.

"Xantian, what are you doing!"

Divine Refiner Tianzun, who had the most violent temper, was the first to shout loudly, with a ferocious face, and a black hammer appeared in his hand at some point.

The body exuded an undisguised murderous intention, and his eyes were filled with fierce light, glaring fiercely at the angel patrol!

After the Divine Refining Heavenly Lord, Slaughter and Wanhuan, the other six Heavenly Lords who had just recruited the monks from the lower realm, also stepped forward in unison.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the angel patrol, and everyone's body exuded a strong murderous aura.

Even Niwu, Fengming and the three masters who had not recruited the monks from the lower realm looked at the angel patrollers with unkind expressions.

The reason why they are so angry is because the angel patrol just took action, shockingly cutting off the connection between all the monks in the lower realm and the lower realm where they are!

In other words, from this moment on, these Lower Realm monks have nothing to do with everything in the Lower Realm where they are, be it people or things.

In their memories, the lower realm they came from has disappeared forever.

In fact, they have even forgotten each other!

And to do such a thing, the angel patrol did not discuss it with them in advance, and even used the excuse of rewarding the first hundred people, and took action extremely arbitrarily.

The reason why they acquiesce to the existence of the Xuantian lineage is of course because of the strength of the Xuantian lineage, but the real reason is that the Xuantian lineage will never intervene in any disputes, always remain neutral, and will not interfere in their affairs.

But now, this behavior of the Angel Patrollers has violated the taboos of all the Heavenly Lords, touched their reverse scales, and made them furious.

Facing the twelve top powerhouses who had temporarily and spontaneously united together and regarded themselves as public enemies, the Patroller still remained calm and said: "You can all see clearly what I have done."

"I just cut off the connection between them and the lower realm, and cut off the connection between them and the past, which is equivalent to giving them a new life!"

"Their cultivation, their talents, and their strength are still there, and they will not be damaged at all in the future. It will not affect them from joining your sect, practicing your skills, and even becoming new deities!"

Having said this, the angel patrol paused, and his cold gaze also swept across the twelve strong men in front of him and said: "Therefore, I really can't figure out why you are so angry?"

"Could it be that you accepted them as disciples and recruited them to your respective sects not because of their qualifications or their potential, but because of their relationship with the lower realm?"

After the angel patroler finished speaking, the monks in the all-heaven gathering area around him finally came to their senses. They all nodded repeatedly, with the same doubts in their hearts.

The angel patrol suddenly took action to cut off the fate of the monks in the lower realm without informing the twelve people in advance. It was indeed a bit abrupt, but these twelve strong men should not have such a big reaction!

However, an imperceptible cold light flashed across the faces of the twelve top experts.

Because they knew in their hearts that Xantian was right!

The reason why they want to recruit monks from the Lower Domain is that they are interested in the potential of these monks, but the real reason behind it is because they are interested in the Lower Domain from which they come!

And this, they believe, is also known to the angel patrollers.

But I and others absolutely cannot admit this.

The voice of the angel patrol continued: "Of course, I also have some selfish motives for doing this."

Shenlian Tianzun sneered and said: "It's not easy. You, who are selfless, would admit that you have selfish motives. Then tell me, what selfish motives do you have?"

The angel patrol pointed at Ji Kongfan and others and said: "Since they are from the same lower domain, and you have seen it before, their relationship is not bad."

"Now I have been recruited by you again and become a disciple of Tianzun."

"If one day they all become stronger and unite together based on their relationship from the same lower domain, I'm worried that they will destroy my Xantian lineage by then!"

"So, I have to stop this from happening."

"The best way is to cut off their past and let them forget their relationship with each other. From then on, they will wholeheartedly become your disciples and become a member of my universe."

"In this way, it will be beneficial to you, to me, and even to our entire universe!"

The doubts on the faces of all the monks in the All Heavens Gathering Area turned into looks of surprise.

The twelve powerful men were also slightly startled. Indeed, they had not thought of this beforehand.

Now they have a total of seven Heavenly Lords who have recruited monks from the lower realm, especially the Divine Refining and Slaughter have been promised to Ji Kongfan, and will turn Ji Kongfan into a Heavenly Lord.

Ji Kongfan is obviously the leader of these lower realm monks and is deeply respected by these lower realm monks.

If Ji Kongfan really becomes a Heavenly Lord, the strength of other lower domain monks will also increase. If Ji Kongfan raises his arms, it is indeed possible for them to be willing to sacrifice their lives for him.

By that time, not only the Xantian lineage would be in danger, but even the foundations established by the Heavenly Lords themselves would be in danger.

Although the twelve people admitted that the consequences were indeed terrible, they still believed that this was just an excuse for the angel patrol.

The real purpose of the angel patrol is to prevent people like myself from knowing about the lower realm!

Shenlian Tianzun said coldly: "Even if what you say makes sense, even if you are thinking about yourself, us and the entire All Heavens Gathering Domain, they are already our disciples."

"If you touch them, you are touching us, you are slapping us in the face!"


A powerful aura is already exuding from the hammer in the hands of the Divine Refiner.

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