Taoist world

Chapter 3378 It’s better to die (repair)

Whether it is the top powerhouses such as Wu Tianzun and Gu Yang who are standing in the light, or Gu Bu Lao and the old man hiding in the dark, everyone who cares about Jiang Yun is thinking about Jiang Yun's whereabouts.

Especially Gu Bu Lao, although he seemed calm, there was a hint of anxiety in his eyes.

Now that the time for the domain gate to close is coming, Jiang Yun still can't even see his shadow.

If Jiang Yun still doesn't appear after the domain gate is closed, then he will really have no choice but to stay in the Linggu Domain.

Although Gu Bu Lao actually has a way to enter the Linggu Realm and even bring Jiang Yun out.

However, he knew very well that since the Angel Patrollers, the Nine Heavenly Lords and others had initiated such a war in the Ancient Spirit Realm, and only allowed the final hundred people to enter the All Heavens Gathering Realm, then after the war was over, in order to ensure their Keeping his word, he will definitely keep his word and completely seal the entire Linggu Domain.

For monks who have not entered the top 100, no matter what your status is, you will be left in the Linggu Domain and will not be allowed to enter the All Heavens Gathering Domain.

And this closure, God knows when it will be opened again, or it may even be closed for thousands of years.

Unless Gu Bu Lao is prepared to openly resist the patrol angels and others.

Otherwise, he would not be able to quietly enter the Linggu Realm under such circumstances.

And for such a long time, no matter how optimistic Gu Bu Lao was about his disciples, he still had to worry about whether Jiang Yun would die in the hands of the Spiritual Clan!

What's more, Gu Bulao is not the only one who wants to find Jiang Yun!

Nothingness, life sealing and killing three people do not count.

Guyang, Leiyin and Wanhuan, especially Guyang, will definitely be looking for Jiang Yun's whereabouts secretly.

Once they find Jiang Yun first, Jiang Yun will definitely die.

Gu Bulao couldn't help but mutter: "Old Fourth, Old Fourth, where have you gone!"

Hearing Gu Bu Lao's voice, the old man beside him naturally knew very well about Gu Bu Lao's anxiety, and couldn't help but smile bitterly and comfort him: "Old Gu, don't be too anxious!"

"The fourth child in your family is not weak, and he is smart and witty. Moreover, he did not leave just because he was forced to leave."

"After all, Ji Kongfan can save the people behind him, so how can he not be able to save your fourth child?"

"Therefore, I think that your fourth son's early departure was clearly premeditated. He must have known that there were people like Guyang waiting for him in the All-Heaven Gathering Area, but he also didn't know that your master was there. , so I have already thought about my retreat in advance.”

I have to say, caring leads to chaos!

Gu Bulao didn't think of this at all, but when he heard the old man's reminder and carefully recalled the situation when Jiang Yun left, his face suddenly showed a look of surprise, and the anxiety in his eyes quickly receded.

Gu Bulao nodded and said: "That's right, the fourth child acted very calmly when he left. He probably won't run away."

"This kid has always had many ideas since he was a child. He is bold and careful. He must have found a way out."

"However, what escape route can he find that even my master can't think of?"

After hearing that Gu Bulao was not worried, he began to praise Jiang Yun again. The old man beside him really couldn't stand it and was too lazy to say anything else. He just said secretly in his heart: "That Jiang Yun, it would be best if he died!"

He had no objection to Gu Bulao accepting disciples, but he knew very well what Gu Bulao had gone through in accepting disciples.

Originally he thought Gu Bulao had given up, but after hearing what Gu Bulao called Jiang Yun, he knew that Gu Bulao had never given up at all.

Therefore, although he did not understand Jiang Yun, he instinctively felt disgusted.

Anyway, until now, apart from seeing that Jiang Yun had offended too many people, he had not seen anything special about Jiang Yun, so he didn't care about Jiang Yun's life or death at all.

He just hoped that his old friend would not pay too much attention to Jiang Yun!

As for Jiang Yun, who is being talked about by his master at this moment, although he has long since disappeared from everyone's consciousness and sight, and has long since merged with Tianyu Jiang Kunlun, but in fact, he has not left the Linggu Territory .

At this moment, he was staying in the sand of hiding the sky.

Hiding Tiansha, on the other hand, was hiding on the edge beyond the reach of the consciousness of the thirteen top experts, silently watching the final madness that unfolded before the domain gate.

Even with Ji Kongfan's promise and seeing Ji Kongfan's strength, how could he leave with peace of mind without seeing with his own eyes that Xue Qing and others safely entered the All Heavens Gathering Area and finally occupied the top 100!

Now, seeing that Xue Qing and others have finally entered the All Heavens Gathering Domain, and that their names are among the top 100 on the battle list, Jiang Yun's heart that has always been hanging has been relieved.

Tian Yu, who had always been with him, was using a voice transmission to ask Jiang Kunlun: "Brother Jiang, has the relationship between him and that person been severed?"

Jiang Kunlun nodded and said: "Cut it off!"

Tian Yu then pushed Jiang Yun and said, "Brother Jiang, we can go!"

"If we don't leave, once the list of the hundred people is released, the Angel Patrollers and the others may seal off the entire Linggu Territory."

"At that time, if we try to leave again, we may disturb those people."

Jiang Yun hesitated and said, "Can you wait a little longer?"

"Senior Ji hasn't entered the domain gate yet, I want to watch him enter the domain gate!"

"As for the sealing of the Ancient Spirit Realm, we will definitely wait until the number of kills of all those who entered has been calculated before proceeding. As long as we leave beforehand, it should be fine, right?"

Ji Kongfan helped Xue Qing and others enter the All Heavens Gathering Area. Although it was not purely for Jiang Yun's sake, Jiang Yun was naturally full of gratitude to him.

Although Jiang Yun also believed that Ji Kongfan must have the strength to enter the top 100, he couldn't help but worry about whether Ji Kongfan would give up entering the All Heavens Domain and deliberately stay in Linggu because he cared about Ji Wang. Within the domain!

This is not impossible, so he has to watch Ji Kongfan enter the All Heavens Gathering Domain with his own eyes before he can rest assured.

Tian Yu and Jiang Kunlun looked at each other and nodded helplessly.

With their method, it is actually very fast to go back to the All Heavens Gathering Territory from the Linggu Territory, so they really don't care to wait a little longer.

Therefore, the two of them could only stay with Jiang Yun and continue to wait.

Finally, when Feng Ping and others entered the domain gate, Ji Kongfan glanced at the thousands of monks who were watching eagerly, waved his sleeves, took the Wheel of Nirvana into his body, and then crushed the jade that originally belonged to Gu Zheng. Jane strode into the domain gate.

Just as Ji Kongfan's figure had just entered, the remaining thousands of monks also rushed towards the domain gate like crazy.

At this moment, it was also a melee!

The fast and powerful ones, such as Jin Butterfly, Kong Xuanzi and others, all successfully entered the domain gate, while the monks behind them were fighting together.

In short, when more than 600 monks squeezed into the domain gate, the domain gate finally began to vibrate and was about to close.

Naturally, everyone's eyes are still focused on the Linggu Domain, looking for any monks from outside the domain.

In particular, Gu Bu Lao, Feng Ming Tian Zun and others amplified their spiritual consciousness as much as possible.

Hidden in the sand, Tian Yu urged again: "Brother Jiang, you can go!"

"That's it!"

Although the final hundred rankings have not yet come out, looking at the names on the battle list, there has been no change.

Jiang Yun knew that even though Xue Qing's rankings would fluctuate a bit, they were definitely among the top hundred.

Therefore, Jiang Yun nodded and said: "Let's go!"

Hidden Sand quietly retreated towards the rear,

However, at this moment, in the All Heavens Gathering Domain, the patrolling angels suddenly waved their sleeves, and they saw the twelve purple-robed patrolling officials who had been standing at the domain gate all rushing into the Linggu Domain!

Immediately afterwards, the angel patrolman spoke loudly: "Seal the ancient spiritual realm. From now on, no one is allowed to leave. Find me...Jiang Yun!"

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