Taoist world

Chapter 3355: Forming Cliques

Whether it is the All Heavens Gathering Domain or the Ancient Spiritual Domain, at this moment, all the monks gathered at the southwestern domain gate are as if they have turned into statues, and they all stand still, motionless.

Everyone looked at the twelve figures representing the strongest people in the All-Heaven Gathering Area with completely dull eyes!

Twelve of the strongest people appeared at the same time. Even if they were not themselves, this was something that had never happened before in anyone's memory, and was even unimaginable.

However, now, just because of the participation of a monk in the Heaven Defying Realm, the battle in the Ancient Spirit Realm was about to end, but all these twelve strong men appeared.

The twelve strongest men also remained silent.

While each of them was looking at each other, they were also guessing in their minds the reasons for the appearance of the others.

Naturally, there are twelve of them, and everyone has their own thoughts!

But I'm afraid only they themselves know what their thoughts are.

Apart from them, in the domain of the heavens, in the void about ten thousand miles away from the twelve of them, stood a big fat man!

The fat man's chubby face was covered with sweat, and the fat all over his body was shaking slightly, revealing the shock and excitement in his heart at this moment!

As a member of Hidden Sky who has always been fighting against the Nine Heavenly Lords, Patrolling Angels and others, even he did not expect that these twelve people would appear at the same time.

As a result, after coming back to his senses, a jade slip of communication appeared in his hand.

Casually wiping the sweat from his face, the big fat man murmured: "This time the matter is a bit serious. The twelve of them are here to hide it from the sky, right?"

"If so, then the little fat guy is in danger."

"Should I inform his family and the boss? Otherwise, with my strength, I will definitely not be able to protect him!"

At the same time, in the direction opposite to the big fat man, probably only a thousand miles away in the void, there was also a person hidden, a boy who looked to be only seven or eight years old.

The boy stood there, frowning slightly, and said to himself: "What the hell are they doing?"

After the boy's eyes slowly passed over the twelve people, he said thoughtfully: "Lei Yin and Wan Huan are justifiable in order to kill the fourth child."

"They just wanted to avenge the disciples of Qi Qingtian and Qian Huantian who were killed by the fourth child."

Having said this, the boy's eyes fixed on Gu Yang and continued: "But Gu Yang, your Gu family has been warned by the immortal Karma, but now you still dare to trouble the fourth child."

"Don't you, the Gu family, even pay attention to old man Karma?"

This boy is naturally Jiang Yun's master, he is ancient!

Compared to these twelve people, he had been here long ago, waiting to take his disciples into the All Heavens Gathering Domain.

And he knew more about people and things related to Jiang Yun than others.

Therefore, he was puzzled when he saw that Gu dared to challenge the killing of Tianzun for Jiang Yun's sake.

Shaking his head, Gu Bulao couldn't figure out the reason. He looked at the other nine Heavenly Lords and said, "Why are they here?"

"If we are all here for the fourth child, then today, even I will not be able to keep the fourth child."

"Fourth Brother, Fourth Brother, you must have done something outrageous in the Linggu Domain, right?"

Although he was complaining about Jiang Yun, a message jade slip also appeared in Gu Bu Lao's hand, and he was stroking it gently.

Obviously, he was considering whether he needed to crush this jade slip and find helpers to help his disciple get out of today's situation.

However, at this moment, Gu Bu Lao suddenly turned his head and looked in one direction.

From that direction, another calm but majestic voice suddenly sounded, breaking the silence here and saying: "What kind of wind is it that blew the twelve of you today?"

A blue figure walked slowly and slowly from a distance, appearing in the eyes of the twelve strongest men and all the monks.

This is a man dressed in blue with a blue mask on his face.

Angel Patroller!

So far, the thirteen forces on the bright side of the All Heavens Gathering Domain, the thirteen strongest ones, have arrived!

Everyone was not too surprised by the arrival of the angel patrol.

The purpose of their existence is to balance the relationship between the various forces in the All-Heaven Community, to maintain the stability of the All-Heaven Community, and even to establish a relatively fair system. order.

Even though many people are dissatisfied with the transcendent status of the Xuantian lineage, they have to admit that it is precisely because of the existence of the Xuantian lineage that the All-Heaven Gathering Area has fewer wars.

Therefore, it is reasonable for the angel patrol to appear at this time.

Hearing the words of the angel patroller, the Killing Heavenly Lord smiled slightly and was the first to respond: "I have taken a fancy to two monks from the lower realm, and I am worried that the brats below me will not be able to invite these two people, so I am shameless, Come here in person."

The answer of the Killing Heavenly Lord made most monks tremble in their hearts.

Because the Killing Heavenly Lord was clearly answering the angel patroller's questions honestly.

As recognized by most people as the strongest person in the entire universe, Killing Heavenly Lord's actions seem to indicate that he is somewhat afraid of the angel patrollers!

The angel patrolman smiled and nodded, looked at Shen Lian and said, "Where is Brother Shen Lian?"

Divine Refining Heavenly Lord also glanced at the Angel Patroller, but said nothing. He just pointed at Ji Kongfan who was standing at the gate of the Ancient Spirit Realm!

After Shenlian Tianzun, Lei Yin, Wan Huan and Guyang also immediately stated their purpose of coming here.

Others may not be able to see the performance of these three people, but it is not difficult for other Tianzun family heads to see that the three families are clearly standing on the same front!

This scene made the Void Heavenly Lord sneer, and suddenly took a step forward and came to the side of the Killing Heavenly Lord.

Moreover, he actually stretched out his hand, hooked the killing god's neck very affectionately and said: "Brother, for so many years, you just didn't go to my place to sit there, but now you come here to fight with me, isn't it a bit It’s unreasonable!”

Although the Void Heavenly Lord was blaming the Killing Heavenly Lord on the surface, his actions and words made everyone's eyes shine with light.

Even a fool can see that the Void Heavenly Lord is clearly on the same side as the Killing Heavenly Lord.

The purpose is naturally to fight against Lei Yin, Wan Huan and Gu Shi!

Before everyone could come back to their senses, an old man with an illusory figure also walked up to Killing and Nothingness, and said with a smile: "Two Heavenly Lords should not be willing to die like me. Let’s grab it!”

Fate God!

The actions of these Heavenly Lords made everyone take a deep breath.

At this time, in order to steal people, or to be more precise, for a mere monk from the lower realm, the twelve forces started to form gangs!

This really makes everyone wonder whether Jiang Yun, who they are fighting for, is lucky or unlucky!

The angel patrol glanced meaningfully at the three Heavenly Lords, smiled slightly, looked at the powerful men who had not spoken yet and said, "Where are you?"

"Could it be that you also took a fancy to a certain lower realm monk and came here in person?"

An old man with a slender appearance smiled and said: "Although I have taken a fancy to a monk from the lower realm, there is nothing I can do."

"Originally, it was impossible for me to come here in person, but I didn't expect that not only did I fall in love with the monk from the lower realm, but my precious granddaughter actually also fell in love with him!"

"For the happiness of my granddaughter, I have to make a trip myself!"

The one who spoke was Zhenque Tianzun!

And his words immediately made everyone think of a monk who came from the lower realm, did not have any cultivation, but had extremely high attainments in formations, Liu Peng!

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