Taoist world

Chapter 3349: Chasing the World (Revision)

Hearing Fuyi's words, Zhu Wenhou was slightly startled, but then he frowned and said, "Fuyi, do you really want us to submit to him?"

Fuyi shook his head and said: "Submission is not enough, but you and I have to admit that Jiang Yun is indeed qualified to compete in the world!"

"Chasing deer in the world?"

Zhu Wenhou was startled again, and sneered full of disdain: "Fuyi, you think too highly of him!"

"If it weren't for the help of outsiders and the protection of his father, and Jiang Yun was still competing in the world with his own strength, I think it would be difficult for him to even protect himself!"

Fuyi shook his head and said, "You don't understand things this way!"

"If Jiang Qiuyang was still here, if he could truly rely on his father, then he would have been qualified to compete in the world long ago. There is no need to wait until now!"

"As for his own strength, although it is indeed not high, have you ever seen a few people with Jiang Yun's strength who can be driven by powerful men of the Tianzun level beside them?"

"What's more, a son with a lot of money can't sit down in court!"

"If he can have enough strong men to work for him, then why would he need to charge into battle all day long?"

"Jiang Yun's strength should not be underestimated, but compared to his strength, his cohesion is even stronger!"

At this point, Fuyi stopped and closed his eyes slightly, seeming to be recalling the past.

After a moment, he continued: "Since the beginning of the Shanhai Realm, Jiang Yun has always had a group of staunch followers around him, and they will never leave each other."

"And now, the number of his followers is increasing, and his strength is getting stronger!"

"Take the Five Spirit Clan as an example, although I don't know how Jiang Yun made the Five Spirit Clan obey his orders, even though the Five Spirit Clan is reluctant now..."

"In short, I can bet you that one day, the Five Spirit Clan will definitely be extremely grateful for their decision to surrender to Jiang Yun today, and they will be willing to follow Jiang Yun wholeheartedly!"

Listening to Fuyi's praise of Jiang Yun, Zhu Wenxu frowned more tightly and said, "Why can he make so many people want to follow him?"

Fuyi sighed and said: "He just said it himself, there is nothing wrong with him, he is just protecting his shortcomings!"

"As long as anyone he regards as a friend or subordinate, no matter how humble the other person's status is or how weak their strength is, if someone is in danger, he will really save his life to help."

"You should feel this."

"That Jiang Ying, to put it bluntly, is one of his subordinates, but in order to save Jiang Ying, he did not hesitate to use the Zhengu Gun. If it were you and me, would you dare?"

Although Zhu Wenxu wanted to refute, he finally shook his head and said, "I don't dare!"

Let alone one of his men, even if Fuyi was captured, Zhu Wenxu would not dare to risk his identity being exposed to rescue her.

But Zhu Wenxu still said unwillingly: "Even if Jiang Yun is cohesive and has many loyal followers, but based on these, it is still too much to think that he is qualified to compete in the world!"

"Not at all!"

Fu Yi said in a deep voice: "Excluding the other friends around him, in this ancient Ling domain alone, he has obviously subdued the Five Spirit Clan, and the Five Spirit Clan has five elders."

"Including the Spirit Master, if he can rescue the other three Spirit Lords of the Spirit Clan in the future, then by then, there will be as many as nine Heavenly Lord level experts around him!"

"What's more, there is his master Gu Bu Lao in the All Heavens Domain, and there is also Old Man Karma in the Lower Domain."

"These two are at least Tianzun-level experts. Together, they make eleven people!"

"With eleven powerful people at the level of Tianzun, do you have the qualifications to compete in the world?"

I wish Wen Shu was completely silent!

The answer is obvious, not only yes, but too many!

Fuyi continued: "Although the people he brought from the Lower Domain are still weak at the moment, they all have great potential."

"If you can enter the Gathering Domain of All Heavens, if you can obtain enough cultivation resources and cultivate them, your future prospects will be limitless."

At this moment, Yuan Hu, who had never spoken, suddenly said: "Yes, that monster!"

Wonho refers to the little beast.

He had always been reluctant to speak, but now he specifically mentioned the little beast, which showed how much the little beast had shocked him.

How could a monster that made him feel a little afraid even as an ancient being, once it grew up, not become powerful!

"It's not just that monster!" Fuyi shook his head and said, "There are too many talents around him!"

Zhu Wenxu looked at Fuyi with a strange expression and said, "Fuyi, why do I feel that you are tempted by Jiang Yun's words just now and really want to submit to him and become his subordinate?"

Fuyi smiled and shook his head: "Of course not, I'm just feeling emotional."

"Okay, let's go. I have to go back and release his clone."

"Both of you, Jiang Yun is right. Next, for a long period of time, this Lingu Realm will definitely calm down, and we will all disappear separately. Let's meet again in the future!"

"I go first!"

After saying these words, Fuyi had already taken the lead to leave.

Zhu Wenhu and Yuan Hu nodded to each other and then disappeared.

Fuyi walked in the gap between the boundaries, with light constantly flickering in his eyes.

Although he said that he would not surrender to Jiang Yun, he really felt a little shaken in his heart!

It seems that their ancient thoughts are powerful and have a very high status, but in fact, only they themselves know how miserable their life has been over the years.

It doesn’t matter the level of Tianzun, it’s not like he has to hide in the Linggu Domain, not even daring to show his face!

Moreover, this is only in this world. If you return to the Four Realms, the status of these ancient thoughts of yours will actually be lower.

Therefore, Fuyi is indeed seriously considering whether to submit to Jiang Yun.

Other Fuyi could not guarantee that they would submit to Jiang Yun, but Jiang Yun's protective character would definitely protect their safety with all his strength!

And with the addition of his Gu Zhinian, Jiang Yun's strength will be even more powerful!

However, even if he wanted to surrender, Fuyi couldn't choose this time.

After all, Jiang Qiuyang was their ancient enemy. Submitting to Jiang Yun meant giving up hatred. This was not something that could be achieved just by talking about it.

He still wanted to see if Jiang Yun could enter the All Heavens Gathering Domain, and whether he could break out of the sky in the All Heavens Gathering Domain just like he did in the Lower Domain and the Linggu Domain!

"Next time, next time we meet again, maybe I can make a decision!"

At the same time, Jiang Yun, who was also in the gap between the boundaries and was rushing towards the southwest domain gate, was also thinking about helping them.

Although Jiang Yun did want to subdue the ancient thoughts, he also knew that he still lacked sufficient strength, so he deliberately dropped these words, which could be regarded as leaving a seed in their hearts in advance!

When the heat is sufficient, the seed will take root, sprout, branches and leaves, until it bears the final fruit.

And I'm afraid even he didn't expect that the seed he left behind had quietly sprouted in Fuyi's heart!

As for the Five Spirit Clan, he also believed that they had truly surrendered to him.

Even without Wu Yaohua's natal egg, the Five Spirit Clan would not dare to betray themselves.

After all, Wu Yaohua's immortality is a huge secret.

Holding this secret is actually equivalent to holding the lifeblood of the Five Spirit Clan.

If this news is announced, then Wu Yaohua and the Wuling Clan will definitely become the target of public criticism and become the target of crusade from all the heavens!

Their fate will be worse than death!

In short, although he does not think about competing in the world now, he also knows that he has a foothold in the lower domain!

Three days later, the face of the spirit master finally disappeared;

Five days later, Jiang Yun felt the aura of his clone and knew that Fuyi finally kept his promise and released his clone.

And twenty days later, which was the last day for the opening of the Linggu Territory, Jiang Yun was already within easy reach of the Southwest Territory Gate!

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