Taoist world

Chapter 3328 Wait until the end

In the past year, the Linggu Territory has always maintained an extremely peaceful state.

Not to mention large-scale fighting, even a small amount of friction rarely occurs.

Because all the monks from the outside world who are still alive today are all recuperating!

Basically, they have gathered at the Southwest Domain Gate, openly or covertly watching the battle list in the center!

There are still two hundred names on the battle list!

However, everyone knows that there is no way those two hundred names will be the final ranking!

Everyone is waiting for the last moment, which is when the domain gate opens!

Everyone is recharging their energy to maintain their peak condition, in order to try their best to squeeze into the top 100 on the battle list at the last moment, so that they can leave the All Heavens Gathering Area alive. .

Today, although there are still nearly a hundred thousand monks left in the Linggu Domain, most of them are no longer gathered together.

Except for a very few fellow disciples or relatives who can really be trusted, the other monks are all alone.

Fellowship, family affection, love, any relationship is not as important as one's own life when faced with the threat of death.

The only ones who are still united are the twelve major powers.

Of course, there are not many of them left who can be called a big force.

The three major families were the worst. Only Gu Zheng was left in the Gu family, and less than ten members of the Yun family and the Ji family each survived.

But no matter what, at least they were gathered together and not scattered.

It's not that they are very united, but because there are not many of them left alive, so as long as everyone works together, there may be a chance to get enough kills, so that all the people in this force can return to the All Heavens Collection. area.

As for this moment, those monks who were still in the top 100 on the battle list felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

Everyone looked at others with a look full of alertness and vigilance.

And if you look at others twice, you may cause others to kill you at the last moment!

In short, this Southwest Domain Gate looks peaceful, but in fact the atmosphere here is extremely solemn and full of the smell of gunpowder.

The war is about to break out!

In the void facing the domain gate, Ji Kongfan still sat cross-legged with his eyes closed, and the disciples of Shen Liantian still gathered around him.

Guan Chuang once again couldn't help but walked to Ji Kongfan's side and whispered: "Brother Kongfan, there is still a month left. When are you going to take action?"

In the past year, Ji Kongfan has maintained this state and has not moved.

Therefore, the number of his kills, let alone the top one hundred, does not even count as the top one thousand.

This naturally made Guan Chuang and the others really anxious.

Because if Ji Kongfan didn't take action in the end, if they wanted to complete the mission of Divine Refining Heavenly Lord and bring Ji Kongfan back to the All Heavens Gathering Area, they would have to sacrifice some of their fellow sects and reduce the number of kills of their fellow sects. Give it to Ji Kongfan.

And this is something that all the remaining disciples of Shen Liantian are unwilling to do.

Especially for Guan Chuang, if Ji Kongfan gets enough kills, then when the domain gate opens, he can take Ji Kongfan and be the first to step into the domain gate, thus avoiding being chased by others. .

He knew very well that as the number one player on the battle list, he must be a piece of fat in the eyes of almost everyone.

No matter how strong he is, he cannot fight against nearly 100,000 monks with one person!

Even at the last moment, he had to be wary of his fellow disciples!

Hearing Guan Chuang's words, Ji Kongfan slowly opened his eyes, looked calmly in all directions and said, "Didn't any of them show up?"

As early as a year ago, Ji Kongfan had asked Guan Chuang to help pay attention to the whereabouts of some monks who came from the same lower domain as him.

And as of today, not even one of those people has appeared!

Guan Chuang smiled bitterly and said: "Now, all the monks from the outside world who are still alive should have gathered here. As for those who have not come, they are almost dead!"

"Are they all dead? Even Jiang Yun is not an exception?"

In Ji Kongfan's soft murmur, his just-opened eyes closed again, and Guan Chuang did not see the flash of killing intent in his eyes.

Guan Chuang said anxiously: "Brother Kongfan, don't worry about other people, just think about yourself!"

"There is still one month left, and the domain gate will open. If you don't take action, your lower domain will probably be completely annihilated in this Linggu domain by then!"

Of course, Guan Chuang couldn't tell him the truth at the moment. He couldn't tell him that if Ji Kongfan didn't kill enough in the end, a disciple of Shen Liantian would give him the number of kills.

He still hoped that Ji Kongfan could obtain enough kills through his own strength.

After all, he knows better than anyone else that Ji Kongfan definitely has this strength.

However, Ji Kongfan only threw four words to Guan Chuang.

"Wait until the end!"

Ji Kongfan's attitude made Guan Chuang filled with anger and made his teeth itch with hatred.

However, he could not do anything to Ji Kongfan. He could only grit his teeth and ignore Ji Kongfan. Instead, he sent an order to all the disciples of Shenliantian: "Listen to me, Ji Kongfan doesn't After entering the domain gate, even if we occupy all the top 100 on the battle list, we will still be dead after we return!"

This is not Guan Chuang trying to scare everyone, but a fact.

Among the nine Heavenly Lords, the one with the most bad temper is the Divine Refining Heavenly Lord!

There was once a disciple who was very fond of the famous God Lian Tianzun. Because of a trivial matter, Tianzun was angered. As a result, Tianzun threw him directly into the refining furnace and burned him alive.

And these people, in terms of status and identity, cannot be compared with the direct disciples in any aspect.

If you can't complete Tianzun's mission, you will definitely die if you go back!

Guan Chuang finally said fiercely: "So, you can figure out what to do specifically when the time comes!"

The disciples of Shen Liantian were all gnashing their teeth, wishing to eat Ji Kongfan alive.

Except for Guan Chuang here, almost everyone else has begun to secretly discuss countermeasures, discussing how they and others can seize other people's jade slips when the domain gate opens.

About ten thousand miles away from the Southwest Domain Gate, there is a small, uninhabited world, in which a thin old man hides.

The old man looked left and right, then looked at a jade slip in his hand like a thief, and lowered his voice and said: "Senior Zhan, I want to go back to the All Heavens Gathering Area."

A deep voice soon came from the jade slip: "Are you coming back now?"

The old man said: "Yes, Jiang Yun hasn't shown up yet, so he must be dead. Why am I still here?"

"Do you really think that I can fight my way out of the nearly 100,000 monks and return to the All Heavens Gathering Area?"

The rich voice then said: "Who told you that Jiang Yun is dead? He is not dead!"

"What!" The old man's eyes suddenly widened: "He is still alive? Why hasn't he come to the domain gate to gather here if he is still alive?"

"You ask me, I ask who is going. Anyway, he is definitely still alive. Now, will you come back?"

There was a look of hesitation on the old man's face, and after a moment he gritted his teeth and said, "Since he is alive, I won't go back."

"But you have to send me some helpers!"

The rich voice asked doubtfully: "It's already this time, what else do you want to do to help?"

The old man said angrily: "Nonsense, of course we will take Jiang Yun back to the All Heavens Gathering Domain!"

"You still haven't given up? Still want to recruit Jiang Yun to join Zhidian?"

The old man gritted his teeth and said: "If he dies, I will give up, but since he is still alive and I have been here for ten years, I will bring him back to Hidden Sky no matter what!"

After a moment of silence, a rich voice spoke: "Okay, but now all the forces have started to leave for the Linggu Territory. There are too many people and I can't send them. I'll ask a person at the peak of Yuanfa Realm to help you!"

The old man's eyes suddenly lit up and he said, "That's enough, that's enough!"

At the peak of Yuanfa Realm, he is absolutely invincible in today's Linggu Domain!

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