Taoist world

Chapter 3320: Sacrifice Position

In the past three years, other outside monks in the Linggu Territory have been in danger and tension all the time, and everyone's nerves are almost broken.

But for Jiang Yun, it was extremely relaxed.

Ever since he decided to cut his jade pendant into pieces, no one came to trouble him along the way.

In addition, the area passed by along the way should be an extremely desolate place in the ancient spirit realm, so I have never encountered other spirit tribes or monks from outside the realm.

In short, looking at the mirror-like world in front of him, with a chessboard, a hammer, a seal, a talisman and a total of thirteen different huge runes firmly covering the smooth mirror surface, Jiang Yun also grew. One breath.

This is the world where the spirit master is imprisoned.

Although Jiang Yun was certain, he still brought Jiang Rou and all the Mirror Spirit tribe members out of the mirror world to let them make a final confirmation.

When they saw the mirror world in front of them, even though these Mirror Spirit tribe members, like Jiang Yun, were seeing it for the first time, standing here, they suddenly felt a sense of blood connection originating from the depths of their souls.

Naturally, this made them immediately understand that this was the place where their ancestors were imprisoned.

There was no need to speak at all. One hundred and eight members of the Jingling tribe kneeled down towards the world in unison, with their heads bowed deeply, worshiping their ancestors with the most pious posture and attitude.

Jiang Yun stood aside. Although his eyes were looking at the world, his consciousness was covering behind and around him and the Jingling clan members.

Over the past three years, he has always felt that someone was secretly following him, but he had tried his best to find the person following him.

However, he believed in his feelings and even speculated that the other party should be a member of the Five Spirits tribe!

Therefore, at this time, he summoned all the members of the Mirror Spirit tribe, just to see if the people following him would take this opportunity to take action!

Of course, he felt confident at this moment, after all, this was where the Spirit Master was imprisoned.

If the other party really dares to take action, even though he is not his opponent, the Spirit Master will definitely not sit idly by.

Jiang Yun's guess was correct!

At this moment, seeing the mirror world, looking at the one hundred and eight members of the Mirror Spirit tribe, Wu Chang and Wu Yaohua, who were still hiding in the dark, were as excited as the Mirror Spirit tribe members.

However, they all held their breath and did not dare to let out the slightest breath.

Although Wu Chang has regained his true strength, and although he did come to kill the spirit master, even if the spirit master is imprisoned, he is still the former master of the ancient spirit domain and the co-master of the spirit clan!

A person's life is the shadow of a tree!

It is impossible to say that Wu Chang is not afraid of the Spiritual Lord at all!

Therefore, he did not dare to take action rashly before he was sure of the true strength of the Spirit Master.

After the members of the Jingling clan knelt three times and kowtowed respectfully to the world in front of them, they still knelt there and did not get up.

What's more, he was already in tears.

As a group that has been imprisoned for countless years, they are really excited when they think about being able to see their ancestors.

Although Jiang Yun did not disturb them, he frowned slightly.

He has brought the Jingling people here, so it stands to reason that the spirit master must already know.

Even though the spirit master is imprisoned and cannot move freely, he should still express something, even if he just makes a sound!

But the world in the mirror was always quiet, without any reaction.

"Could it be that the spirit master encountered an accident?"

As this thought came to his mind, Jiang Yun's heart sank.

You know, I came with great hope, and there are still many things I need to help the spirit master.

If the Spirit Master really had an accident, all his plans would be in vain.

After waiting for a while, Jiang Yun couldn't help but send a message to Jiang Ju, who was still kneeling: "Sister, can you communicate with the spirit master?"

Jiang Rou raised her head and shook her head at Jiang Yun, but then she also said via voice transmission: "However, we may be able to enter this world!"


Jiang Yun couldn't help but narrow his eyes, looking at the thirteen different runes covering the world.

Although these runes also come from the thirteen major forces in the All Heavens Gathering Area, they are different from the rune barriers outside the Infinite Realm.

The barrier outside the Infinite Realm is purely made of runes and has no specific shape.

But these runes in front of me have various specific patterns, and they should be some kind of weapons owned by the strongest of the ten major three forces.

Naturally, the power of these seals is obviously more powerful than the runic barriers.

Under such circumstances, it is almost impossible to enter the world.

However, Jiang Yun remembered the way Jing Puppet helped him leave the barrier, and thought that maybe Jiang Rou and the others could do the same.

However, Jiang Yun was also a little worried.

Jiang Rou and the others are far inferior in strength to Jiang Puppet, and the seal here is much stronger than the barrier in the Infinite Realm.

What's more, this is the place where the spirit lord is imprisoned, and the thirteen forces in the All-Heaven Gathering Domain must pay much more attention to this place than they do to the Infinite Realm.

If Jiang Rou and the others were a little careless, if they touched the seal and attracted the attention of the Nine Heavenly Lords and the Angel Patrollers, all their previous efforts would have been wasted.

While Jiang Yun was thinking, all the Jingling clan members had already stood up.

Jiang Rou even sent a message to Jiang Yun: "Brother, please step aside first."

Jiang Yun retreated as he was told, and one hundred and eight members of the Mirror Spirit tribe walked to the side of the mirror world.

Moreover, everyone spontaneously stood in a specific position.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Yun couldn't help but have a flash of surprise in his eyes.

Because Jiang Yun is a formation master, he can see at a glance that the positions of all the Jingling clan members clearly form a formation!

Originally, Jiang Yun thought that the Mirror Spirit tribe members would use a similar method to Jiang Puppet to enter the mirror world.

Unexpectedly, they would actually set up a formation.

Jiang Yun has had a lot of contact with the Jingling Clan, but he really didn't know that the Jingling Clan could actually form a formation.

As if she knew what Jiang Yun was thinking, Jiang Rou smiled at Jiang Yun and explained: "Brother, our clan has a rule since ancient times."

"We sacrifice our ancestors every year, and during the sacrifice, every clan member needs to stand in a specific position!"

Jiang Yun nodded and looked at the Mirror Spirit Clan carefully again. At this glance, his pupils could not help but shrink suddenly.

Because Jiang Yun could see that the base of this formation must be one hundred and eight, one more would not work, and one less would not work.

As for the Mirror Spirit Clan, there are exactly one hundred and eight people!

This also made Jiang Yun's heart skip a beat, and he thought, could it be that the Jingling Clan has always maintained the number of one hundred and eight?

If so, coupled with the positions of their annual sacrifices, it means that before the spirit master was imprisoned, he had already prepared for a rainy day and secretly arranged everything so that all the Mirror Spirit tribe members would record the positions. In fact, This is where the base of the formation is!

The person who carried out all this was probably Jiang Puppet.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun also thought of himself further.

Was his appearance just a coincidence, or was the spirit master of that year already aware of it in advance?

Even more, is it possible that there is a shadow of his father in this?


As the Jingling clan members stood still, their own spiritual patterns appeared above their eyebrows.

And their bodies, at this moment, gradually emitted a ray of light.

Looking at it faintly, everyone seems to have turned into a mirror!

Immediately afterwards, the light on Jiang Rou's body suddenly exploded and turned into a beam of light, which shone on the bodies of the Jingling clan members adjacent to her and was reflected out.

And then, rays of light swam back and forth among the one hundred and eight people, like spiritual snakes, until they finally shot towards the mirror world.

Moreover, it happened to hit the pattern of a seal composed of countless runes!

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