Taoist world

Chapter 3304: Wanting to Kill the Spiritual Master (Cultivation)

Regarding Wu Yaohua's appearance, Wu Fei, who had just witnessed her being killed by Jiang Yun, did not show the slightest surprise.

However, Wu Yaohua didn't agree with his suggestions, which made him look a little unhappy.

But the old man standing next to him smiled, nodded to Wu Yaohua, and said hello.

Wu Yaohua also nodded to the old man and looked towards the darkness ahead.

In the darkness, an old voice came out: "Wu Yaohua, you heard what Wu Fei said."

"Are you sure that the escape of the Jingling people is related to that human monk?"

Wu Yaohua nodded heavily and said: "Wu Fei is right, I did sense the aura of the Mirror Spirit Clan, which is on the body of the human monk."

"It's just that I don't agree with Wu Fei's proposal!"

Upon hearing that Wu Yaohua once again rejected his proposal, Wu Fei's eyes couldn't help but reveal a cold light. He was about to open his mouth to refute Wu Yaohua, but the old man next to him gave him a cold look, making him close his eyes immediately. mouth.

The old voice also sounded again: "Then tell me what you think!"

Wu Yaohua completely ignored Wu Fei's expression change and said calmly: "The human monk who rescued the Mirror Spirit Clan must go to the place where the Spirit Master is."

"Even if we can capture the human monk, even if we kill him, at most we can only capture the escaped Mirror Spirit clansman and throw him back into captivity in the Infinite Realm."

"This is no different from what it was before."

"We, the Five Spirit Clan, are really afraid of the Spirit Master!"

"I think the appearance of the human monk and his rescue of the Mirror Spirit Clan is an opportunity for us, the Five Spirit Clan, to kill the Spirit Master."

"Therefore, my suggestion is that instead of killing the human monk, we should follow the human monk and let him help us find the place where the spirit master is imprisoned, and then wait for an opportunity to kill the spirit master."

"As long as the spirit master dies, the remaining members of the Mirror Spirit Clan will not be afraid at all, and the seals on all the Spirit Clan can be lifted."

"By that time, we can completely replace the Mirror Spirit Clan and become the most powerful clan in the Linggu Domain."

"Also, although the human monk is not very strong, since he can be favored by the spirit master and let him help rescue the Jingling people, there must be something special about him."

"We can divide our troops into two groups. One group can send people to find out the origin of the human monk and see what is so special about him that he can be favored by the Spirit Master."

"The other way is to send people to follow him and find the location where the spirit master is imprisoned!"

"This is my idea!"

After finishing speaking, Wu Yaohua closed her mouth, bowed towards the darkness, and stepped aside.

And in the darkness in front of her, there was deathly silence.

After a moment, the old voice sounded again: "How do you find out about the origin of the human monk?"

"You have never dealt with human monks. Those human monks are extremely cunning and good at disguise!"

Wu Yaohua said: "Before, I heard the man from the Ten Thousand Beasts Heaven call out the name of the human monk, Jiang Yun."

"In that case, the name shouted by the Ten Thousand Beasts Celestial Being should be the real name of the human monk."

"Based on this name, we only need to go to the Linggu Domain to find the monks in the Lower Domain or All Heavens Gathering Domain, and we should gain something!"

After another moment of silence, the old voice said: "Okay, I'll leave it to you to investigate the origins of the human monks!"

However, Wu Yaohua shook her head and said: "Sir, it is more appropriate to leave the investigation of the human monk's origins to others. I am more suitable to follow behind the human monk."

"Because as you just said, human monks are extremely cunning and good at disguise."

"I suspect that after the human monk escaped from us, he will definitely change his appearance and even cover up his scent."

"If other tribesmen were to follow him, they would probably be thrown away by him. It would be safer for me to do it."

"No matter how he changes, as long as the members of the Mirror Spirit Clan are in his body, I can determine his identity."

"Yes!" The old voice muttered: "What you said makes sense, so let's do what you say!"

Wu Yaohua spoke again: "Sir, I have one more request."

"Say it!"

"The place where the Spirit Master is imprisoned should be extremely far away from us."

"If everything goes well, I will follow the human monk and find the location of the spirit master. Then I will send a message back to the clan. Then I will have to wait for the clan to send someone over. It will definitely take a long time to come and go. .”

"I'm worried that something unexpected will happen during this time period."

"Therefore, I boldly request you to send an elder who has regained his true strength to go with me."

"Once we find the place where the spirit master is imprisoned, we can kill him directly!"


As Wu Yaohua finished speaking, Wu Fei's expression suddenly changed, and he pointed at Wu Yaohua and said, "Wu Yaohua, do you know what you are talking about!"

"There are elders in the clan who have regained their strength. This is the biggest secret of our Five Spirit clan."

"Once the elders take action, even if they can kill the spirit master, they will definitely be known by the people in the All Heavens Gathering Area. What awaits us then will be the danger of annihilation!"

"Your proposal is clearly harming our Five Spirit Clan!"

Indeed, the reason why the All Heavens Gathering Territory allowed the Spirit Race in the Spirit Ancient Territory to fend for themselves is because the strength of all the Spirit Race has been sealed by them, so there is no need to worry.

But if they were to know that there was a spirit clan that had unlocked the seal of cultivation and regained its true strength, they would definitely kill that spirit clan at all costs.

Facing Wu Fei's accusation, Wu Yaohua said calmly: "Then if we don't kill the spirit master, why do we need to send people to follow the human monk?"

Wu Fei said coldly: "The spirit master naturally wants to kill, but we can't let us risk the annihilation of the clan."

"The Spirit Master has been imprisoned for so many years, and his strength is probably only one-tenth or two-tenths. I can kill him without sending any elders."

Wu Yaohua shook her head gently and said: "This is just your guess!"

"Don't forget, six years ago, the Spirit Master suddenly took action and stopped the surveillance of the All Heavens Gathering Area."

"This alone is not something that one-tenth of the strength can achieve!"

"Furthermore, the Spirit Master's sudden action six years ago was most likely to help the human monk rescue the Mirror Spirit people."

"Now that the human monk has rescued the Mirror Spirit clansman, I guess the spirit master will definitely have something else to do next."

"She may even use the Mirror Spirit tribe or the human monk to help her regain her freedom!"

"The spirit master has regained his freedom. The first one to deal with is our Five Spirit Clan!"

"What's more, since the spirit master has stopped the surveillance of the All Heavens Gathering Area, as long as we are careful when killing her, we should be able to hide it from the people in the All Heavens Gathering Area."

"In short, gentlemen, I still say what I said, this time is an opportunity for our Five Spirit Clan."

"Although there are some risks, once it succeeds, our Five Spirit Clan will be able to be completely proud and proud, and we will truly become the Lord of the Ancient Spirit Realm!"

There was silence in the cave.

Everyone is thinking about what Wu Yaohua said, and wondering about the possibility of success if they do what Wu Yaohua said.

After a long time, in the darkness, the old voice finally came out again: "Okay, I will leave the matter of tracking the human monk to you, Wu Yaohua."

"Wu Chang, you were the only one who never showed up back then, so it's up to you to accompany Wu Yaohua!"

In the darkness, an old man in a green shirt slowly walked out. He looked like an ordinary old man.

But when he appeared, all the toads in the entire Five Spirit Clan clan made excited frog sounds, as if they were welcoming the old man.

Even Wu Fei and the old man next to him knelt down towards the old man: "Greetings to the Wu clan elder!"

The old man waved his hand and said with a kind smile on his face: "Everyone, get up. It's been a long time since I went out to get some air."

"I didn't expect that when I went out, I wanted to kill the spirit master!"

"This burden is a bit heavy, and I don't know if I can complete it!"

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