Taoist world

Chapter 3289: Guardian Spirit (Cultivation)

Jiang Rou's words made Jiang Yun startled slightly and he slowly sat up from the bed.

In fact, Jiang Yun was not surprised by this news, he had even thought about it.

In order to protect the Jingling Clan, Jiang Puppet continuously used various spells to fight against the Five Spirit Clan.

In the end, he did not hesitate to use the forbidden mirror technique to temporarily increase his strength.

Although until now, Jiang Yun does not know Jiang Puppet's specific identity or even his appearance, he has been able to deduce Jiang Puppet's life trajectory.

He must be a member of the Mirror Spirit Clan. When the great catastrophe of the Mirror Spirit Clan came, he somehow managed to escape the enemy's pursuit and hide silently in the mirror world for countless years.

Perhaps, his hiding back then would be misunderstood and complained by his tribesmen, who would think that he was greedy for life and afraid of death.

But in fact, he was silently enduring, waiting for the opportunity to save his people.

Therefore, when Jiang Yun appeared, he did not hesitate to use all his strength, even sacrificing his own life for this.

For such people, Jiang Yun really admired him from the bottom of his heart.

"Take me to him!"

While speaking, Jiang Yun had already stood up.

Although Jiang Rou was worried about Jiang Yun's physical condition, she also knew that she couldn't delay at this time, so she hurriedly wiped her tears, turned and walked outside the house.

Jiang Yun followed Jiang Rou silently, walked out of the house, and arrived at another house within a few steps.

At the door, Jiang Mingyuan and several members of the Jingling tribe stood there, their faces full of worry.

Seeing Jiang Yun's appearance, Jiang Mingyuan hurriedly greeted him. Before he could speak, Jiang Yun had already said, "Uncle Jiang, I'm here to meet senior."

Jiang Mingyuan nodded and said, "The old man has been waiting for you!"

Jiang Yun said nothing more, opened the door and walked in.

This is a very ordinary hut, not large in area. There is no furniture in the house, only a futon, and Jiang Puppet is sitting on the futon.

Although Jiang Puppet was really sitting there at this moment, the strange thing was that his face was still extremely blurry, making it difficult to see what he looked like.

Jiang Yun came to Jiang Puppet in one step, cupped his fists and bowed to Jiang Puppet, saying, "Jiang Yun pays my respects to you, senior."

Jiang Puppet raised his head, pointed at the ground in front of him and said, "Sit down and talk!"


Jiang Yun sat down cross-legged as he was told. Although he was facing a blurry face, he did not feel uncomfortable at all.

Instead, Jiang Puppet coughed twice and said, "Isn't it strange, why is my face like this?"

Jiang Yun did not deny it and said: "I am a little confused."

There was a hint of helplessness in Jiang Puppet's voice: "Actually, I can say that I have countless faces, or I can say that I have no face of my own."

"Because, I am neither a spirit nor a human. Strictly speaking, I am just the guardian spirit of the Mirror Spirit Clan."

Guardian spirit!

Although Jiang Yun didn't know what a guardian spirit was and why it couldn't be counted as a spirit clan, he vaguely understood: "The countless faces that our predecessors have should be the faces of all the members of the entire Mirror Spirit clan, right?"

This sentence made Jiang Puppet raise his head slightly, obviously a little surprised, but immediately nodded and said: "As worthy of being a descendant of the Jiang family, the master chose you to help us. The Mirror Spirit Clan is indeed right. people."

"Yes, I am actually a guardian spirit specially created by the master to protect the Mirror Spirit Clan."

Hearing Jiang Puppet reveal his true identity, even though Jiang Yun had already guessed it, his heart still trembled slightly at this moment.

However, he did not ask Jiang Puppet how he knew his true identity, but followed his words and asked: "Who is the master of the predecessor?"

After Jiang Puppet was silent for a moment, he answered: "Spiritual Lord, Lord of the Spiritual Clan, Lord of the Ancient Spiritual Domain!"

Although Jiang Yun had guessed in advance that the identity of the mysterious person who sent him here must be extremely noble, and also guessed that the Mirror Spirit Clan's original status was extremely high, when he heard Jiang Puppet's words, he was still deeply moved. Shocked.

It turned out that that strong man turned out to be the master of all the Spiritual Clan, and the Mirror Spirit Clan was the most powerful clan in the entire Spiritual Clan back then!

Next, without waiting for Jiang Yun to ask, Jiang Puppet had already taken the initiative to tell Jiang Yun some past events about the Linggu Domain.

The situation of the Eldar is actually similar to that of all worlds and regions.

The Spirit Clan has its own king, its own strongest person, who is the Spirit Master.

Under the Spirit Lord, there are four great Spirit Lords, each of whom has his own clan. There are five great Spirit Clan in total, commanding all the Spirit Clan.

Although there are constant disputes and wars among the Eldar tribe, in general, they are still peaceful and live a life without disputes.

In fact, the Ling clan does not even know that there are other worlds besides the Linggu domain.

It wasn't until one day that a human monk from the All Heavens Gathering Territory entered the Linggu Territory inexplicably. Only then did the Ling clan know that there was another All Heavens Gathering Territory outside the Linggu Territory.

At that time, after the Spirit Race came into contact with the human monk, not only did they not embarrass the other party, but politely sent him back to the All-Heaven Collection Territory, they also deliberately retained the All-Heaven Collection Territory and the Linggu Territory out of curiosity. connected channels.

It was from then on that the Linggu Domain ushered in its own nightmare.

It is conceivable that whether it is the All Heavens Gathering Domain or the Linggu Domain, they are full of curiosity after knowing the existence of the other world.

So since then, people from the All Heavens Gathering Area have continued to enter the Linggu Territory, and the Spirit Clan has also sent people into the All Heavens Gathering Area, and the two heavens and earth are connected to each other.

In the initial period of time, the monks in the two worlds were still able to live in harmony, and each other was also exploring whether there were any benefits and resources in the other world that could bring them.

Finally, when the Zhutian Jiyu discovered that there was a pill that could increase longevity in the Linggu Territory, the relationship between the two parties slowly changed.

In addition, among the Spiritual Clan, there are many ethnic groups that are extremely powerful.

Especially for the Mirror Spirit Clan, where the spirit master belongs, all the heavens are afraid of their magical powers and spells.

So, after randomly making up a reason, the All Heavens Gathering Domain was finally no longer satisfied with the existence of the Spirit Clan and launched an invasion war against the Spirit Clan.

Originally, with the overall strength of the Spirit Clan, although the battle came in a hurry, it was still able to fight against the All Heavens Gathering Domain.

What's more, the Spirit Race is fighting on its own territory, taking advantage of the favorable location and people, and even has the upper hand.

If the war situation continues like this, the battle between the two heavens and the earth will most likely end with the defeat of the All Heavens Gathering Area.

It's a pity that at the most critical moment of the war, a traitor appeared in the Eldar!

One of the four great spirit masters under the spirit master, the five spirit masters, the leader of the five spirit clan, betrayed!

I don’t know whether the Five Spirit Clan itself wants to replace the Mirror Spirit Clan and the Spirit Master, or whether it is because it is bewitched by the monks from the All Heavens Gathering Area.

In short, the Five Spirit Clan turned against them and helped the All Heavens Gathering Territory, and in turn dealt with the Spirit Clan.

Although the overall strength of the Five Spirit Clan is not as good as that of the Mirror Spirit Clan, as one of the four major spirit clans, the strength of the Five Spirit Clan cannot be ignored, and they have the support of the All Heavens Gathering Domain.

Therefore, the war ended with the defeat of the Eldar.

For the other spiritual tribes, the All-Heaven Gathering Region did not kill them all, but for the Mirror Spirit Clan and the other three major spiritual tribes, the All-Heaven Gathering Region went on a killing spree.

Even in the end, even the traitorous Five Spirit Clan did not receive the various promises given by the All Heavens Gathering Area before. Instead, like other Spirit Clan, their cultivation was also sealed.

As for the Spirit Master and the other three Spirit Lords, for some unknown reason, the All Heavens Gathering Region did not kill them, but just imprisoned them.

As for the place of imprisonment, only a few people in the All Heavens Gathering Area know about it, not even the Five Spirit Clan.

Having said this, Jiang Puppet sighed deeply and said: "This is what happened to my spiritual clan!"

Jiang Yun finally understood the whole story and felt extremely sympathetic to the Spirit Clan, but he could not comfort Jiang Puppet.

After a moment of silence, Jiang Yun then asked: "How did senior know my true identity?"

Jiang Puppet suddenly raised his head and said to Jiang Yun: "Because, you are here to atone for your sins!"

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