Taoist world

Chapter 3284 That’s it

"Boom boom boom!"

As Jiang Puppet finished speaking, several loud thunderous noises were heard, suddenly coming from all directions of the ruined manor.

"Buzz buzz!"

Immediately afterwards, countless white light pillars shot into the sky from the places where the sounds came from.

This scene seems somewhat similar to the mirror light cage used to trap the Five Spirit Clan before, but the difference is that these white light pillars all surround Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun felt as if these light pillars had imprisoned him this time.

Jiang Yun was completely confused about the situation. He had no idea what kind of help the other party wanted from him, let alone what kind of fortune it could bring to him.

Jiang Yun didn't understand, but Wu Longcheng, who had almost arrived in front of Jiang Yun, obviously understood what was going on.

Because, Wu Longcheng's eyes clearly showed a look of panic, and his clothes were bulging like balls. He suddenly opened his mouth and sprayed a stream of colorful mist from his mouth, just like the colorful clothes on his body.

However, the moment the mist left the body, it was no longer ethereal, but suddenly solidified, turning into a colorful giant sword shaped like a centipede!

The colorful light shone, and the sword energy was fierce, and it stabbed straight towards Jiang Yun.

Although the sword had not hit Jiang Yun yet, Jiang Yun could clearly feel that his body was enveloped by the sword energy and he could not move at all.

The sharp sword energy had caused numerous cuts on his skin.

In fact, even if he wanted to take out the ancient gun, he couldn't do it. He could only watch the giant sword getting closer and closer to him.

Domain controller!

This man from the Five Spirit Clan, who was at the peak of Yuanfa Realm, actually used a domain weapon against him.

This shows how determined he is to kill himself!

If he was stabbed by this sword, he would definitely end up in a state of complete disarray!

It was not difficult for Jiang Yun to see that Wu Longcheng not only knew what Jiang Puppet was going to do, but was also extremely afraid of it, so he made up his mind at this moment to stop it no matter what, even at the risk of killing himself.

This made Jiang Yun couldn't help but smile bitterly.

I am still at a loss, but it seems that I have become the target of the struggle between Wu Longcheng and Jiang Puppet.

One wanted to use his own strength to help, but the other wanted to kill himself. While avenging his son, he also cut off Jiang Puppet's hope.

This made Jiang Yun couldn't help but wonder whether the two people had discussed it and took the opportunity to take his own life.

Of course, Jiang Yun knew this was impossible.

Whether it's Jiang Puppet or Wu Longcheng, it's easy to kill him, so why bother!

At this point, Jiang Yun did not expect Jiang Puppet to bring any good fortune to him. He could only prepare to welcome death with regret and unwillingness.

But at this moment, Jiang Puppet's voice sounded in his ears: "Bring out your strongest strength, whether it's a temporarily improved secret technique or some kind of elixir."

"Quick, don't hide anything!"

"Bang bang bang!"

Before Jiang Yun could understand the meaning of Jiang Puppet's words, he saw that at least a quarter of the countless white light pillars surrounding him suddenly changed their positions.

This change in position caused these light beams to condense together and face Wu Longcheng's giant sword that was thrust straight at him.

Jiang Yun's ears also heard Jiang Puppet's urgent voice again: "Quick!"

Although Jiang Yun still didn't understand why, his body was now able to move, and he could naturally tell that Jiang Puppet was helping him.

In addition, Jiang Yun was not someone who was willing to sit back and wait for death, so he gritted his teeth and did not bother to ask why. The golden light in his body surged and lines spread on his face.

The body of Nirvana, the body of Dao, and the body of nine reincarnations appeared almost at the same time and merged into his body.

In fact, strictly speaking, Jiang Yun's strongest strength should be after he performed the Nine Heavenly Sacrifice Technique.

Because mastering the art of reincarnation can increase one's own strength ninefold at most.

There is no upper limit to the strength that the Nine Sacrifice Technique can increase. It is completely determined by the number of sacrifices made by the person who performs this technique.

As long as the number of sacrifices you sacrifice is enough, it is possible for your strength to increase hundreds of times and thousands of times.

However, in this situation, it was of course impossible for Jiang Yun to use the Nine Heavenly Sacrifice Technique, so he still used the Nine Life Reincarnation Technique.


While Jiang Yun was improving his strength, the dozens of condensed light beams had collided fiercely with Wu Longcheng's giant sword.

The strange thing is that although the movement was huge, other than that, neither the light beam nor the giant sword changed much. They both stopped in the air, seeming to be in a stalemate.

Looking at Wu Longcheng's face again, his face was ferocious, and the palms holding the sword were trembling slightly. It was obvious that he had used great strength, but he could not make the giant sword in his hand move any further.


Suddenly, the white light pillar also started to tremble.

From inside, a section of the sword tip and a section of the sword body slowly stretched out, until a complete giant sword stretched out.

It is exactly the same as the giant centipede sword in Wu Longcheng's hand!


Looking at this giant sword, Wu Longcheng let out a roar full of endless anger: "Jiang Puppet, are you done yet?"

Obviously, Wu Longcheng was very helpless as Jiang Puppet copied his own sword using the same method as before.

But he had no choice but to face the copied giant sword. Wu Longcheng did not dare to take it lightly, so he had to let Jiang Yun go temporarily and fight with the giant sword.

But even so, he was always staring at Jiang Yun from the corner of his eye.

Seeing this scene in his eyes, Jiang Yun couldn't help but feel shocked again.

Although he had seen this kind of copying technique a long time ago, he never thought that even the domain device could be copied.

He didn't know how long this kind of domain device copied through magic could last.

But if the time is long enough, if the overall strength of the Mirror Spirit Clan can be improved, then when a foreign enemy invades, the Mirror Spirit Clan will be able to copy endless Domain Artifacts as long as they have one Domain Artifact.

Even if it is possessed for a short time, it is even more powerful for the Mirror Spirit Clan. No matter in any battle, it is enough to cause considerable damage to the enemy.


Jiang Puppet's voice rang in Jiang Yun's ears for the third time, and Jiang Yun's attention was temporarily withdrawn from the giant sword. He nodded vigorously and said: "Okay, it's just that I'm injured now, so I can't do my best. The strength produced will definitely be greatly reduced."

Although Jiang Yun still didn't know what Jiang Puppet was going to do, he had to tell the other party the truth.

Jiang Puppet ignored Jiang Yun's reminder and muttered in a low voice: "Is this just a small improvement?"

Hearing these words, Jiang Yun was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

If he were in his prime state and nine reincarnations entered his body, Jiang Yun's strength could reach a whole new level. However, the current situation is equivalent to the second or third level of the Heaven Defying Realm at most.

But this is very valuable in any region.

After all, not all secret methods for improving strength can allow people to easily cross the gap between great realms.

However, this improvement in strength was obviously insignificant in Jiang Puppet's view, which made him not very satisfied.

Fortunately, Jiang Puppet changed the subject and said, "Okay, get ready for your great fortune!"

Jiang Yun's eyes suddenly widened and he observed himself intently. His consciousness was also enlarged as much as possible, paying attention to the changes around him.

And soon, he knew that he didn't need to look so carefully at all.

Because among the white light pillars surrounding him, there were figures appearing one after another.

It was none other than Jiang Yun himself, countless Jiang Yuns!

In other words, these white light pillars are still a reflection of mirror light, and they also copied Jiang Yun!

Jiang Yun was slightly startled and said, "What does this mean?"

"Could this be the so-called great fortune?"

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