Taoist world

Chapter 3263: Peace and security


Under the burning fire of Jiang Yun's life, Wu Da suddenly let out a shrill scream.

The pain he endured was countless times greater than that of Jiang Rou!

Hearing his eldest brother's screams, Wu Er's expression couldn't help but change, and he shouted loudly: "Human monk, you are brave, let my eldest brother go quickly, otherwise..."

Jiang Yun interrupted him rudely and said, "Let's exchange it. You let her go first, and I will return your eldest brother's soul to you."

Wu Er said with a gloomy face: "You release my elder brother's soul first!"

Jiang Yun stared at Wu Er quietly, and with a slight lift of his finger, the temperature of the life fire increased a little again, which also made Wu Er's screams thicker.

"Let her go first. I think you won't be afraid of me, a dying person!"

Wu Er didn't speak again and stared at Jiang Yun.

Although he didn't care about Jiang Rou at all, she was also worried that if she handed Jiang Rou over to Jiang Yun and Jiang Yun refused to let her go, or even destroyed her elder brother's soul, then she would lose more than she gained.

At this moment, Wu San's voice sounded in his ears: "Second brother, do some tricks on that girl, and then release her!"

Wu Er pondered for a moment, and suddenly there were several spirit puppets in his fingers, which instantly disappeared between Jiang Rou's eyebrows.

However, he retracted his finger and pushed Jiang Judao hard: "Go over there!"

There are several more spirit puppets in the body. Jiang Rou can't walk at this moment. She can't even stand still, and her body is swaying constantly.

Fortunately, at this moment, Jiang Yun had already rolled up his sleeves, and a gentle force enveloped Jiang Rou, bringing her to his side. At the same time, his consciousness instantly covered Jiang Rou's body.

Jiang Yun naturally saw Wu Er's actions clearly, and he had no way to stop it, so he could only let Jiang Rou escape from the Wu brothers' control first.

Anyway, he can at least be sure that as long as the Wu family wants to leave the mirror world alive, they will definitely not dare to kill Jiang Rou.

At this time, Wu Er shouted again: "I have already released him, but you still haven't released my brother's soul!"

Jiang Yun simply reached out and made a move, seemingly to withdraw the life fire, but the life fire suddenly increased sharply, and Wu Da's hoarse screams were heard from within, and then there was no sound again.


Wu Er's eyes were about to burst. He wanted to rush forward and kill Jiang Yun, but he didn't dare to act rashly.

Jiang Yun snorted coldly, finally withdrew his life fire, and sent Wu Da's soul back.


Wu Er and Wu San hurriedly rushed forward, but at this moment Wu Da was already burned by life and was dying. He was not even conscious, his body was illusory, and he was in danger of losing his soul at all times.

After Wu Er's murderous eyes glanced at Jiang Yun, he gritted his teeth and said: "Third brother, watch him, I'll save the eldest brother first!"

Although he wanted the third child to kill Jiang Yun first, he was worried that the third child was no match for Jiang Yun. If he fell into Jiang Yun's hands again, he would lose both his wife and his troops.

Wu San also knew it well, nodded, turned around, faced Jiang Yun, waved his sleeves, and heard a rustling sound.

In an instant, countless spirit puppets appeared around the three brothers, each waving their claws and looking at Jiang Yun eagerly.

As for Wu Er, he hurriedly started to treat his elder brother.

Jiang Yun turned a blind eye to the actions of the Wu brothers, and focused his attention on Jiang Rou.

Although he was sure that the Wu brothers would not kill Jiang Rou, Jiang Rou was suffering from great pain due to the presence of several spiritual puppets in her body.

Originally, he wanted Jiang Rou to hold on for a while, take the opportunity to capture Wu Er and the others, and then force them to take out these spirit puppets.

However, these spirit puppets have already rushed towards Jiang Rou's soul.

If Jiang Rou's soul is injured, although she will not die, she may become a useless person or an idiot, so Jiang Yun must quickly find a way to get rid of these soul puppets.

Therefore, in this mirror world, the Wu family and Jiang Yun, who were enemies of life and death, actually maintained a distance of only a few dozen feet, and they were peaceful and busy with each other.

Jiang Yun wanted to ask Jiang Rou if there was any way to deal with Wu's spirit puppet, but at this moment, Jiang Rou was in so much pain that she couldn't even speak.

What's more, even if she could tell, she probably wouldn't know it based on her experience.

Therefore, Jiang Yun could only figure it out on his own.

If there are spirit puppets in the outside world, Jiang Yun has many ways to deal with them, but these spirit puppets are in Jiang Rou's body, which makes Jiang Yun a little afraid, and many methods cannot be used.

Compared with Jiang Rou's complicated situation, Wu's situation is obviously simpler.

They only need to inject some soul power into Wu Da to keep Wu Da's soul stable and not dissipate.

Once they settled Wu Da, they would definitely take action against Jiang Yun, so Jiang Yun didn't have much time to think deeply.

After pondering for a moment, Jiang Yun carefully popped out a ray of his life fire, integrated it into Jiang Rou's body, and enveloped Jiang Rou's soul.

Moreover, Jiang Yun's life fire is like a flower, divided into two layers: inner and outer.

The inner life fire has no temperature and poses no danger to Jiang Rou's soul.

However, the outer layer of Life Fire exudes a sudden hot temperature, forcing those spirit puppets not to dare to approach.

Just to keep the life fire at different temperatures without changing, Jiang Yun needs to use his soul power to control it carefully at all times.

Once he withdraws his soul power, he will not be able to control the temperature of the life fire at all, and it is very likely that it will burn Jiang Rou's soul in turn.

After temporarily protecting Jiang Rou's soul, Jiang Yun began to try various gentle methods to deal with these spirit puppets.

It's a pity that although Jiang Yun has many methods, he is almost useless against these spirit puppets.

Moreover, these spirit puppets are very small, just like ants, and move nimble.

After a moment passed, Jiang Yun frowned and said to himself: "Actually, there is a very simple way, which is to make some wounds on Jiang Rou's body, and then I will reach in and catch these spirit puppets. .”

This method is indeed simple, but for Jiang Rou, it means she has to endure greater pain.

After all, just thinking about a body being torn open and a hand reaching in to catch bugs makes people shudder.

Jiang Yun was also worried about this, so he didn't dare to do it.

And when he looked up and saw that the spirit puppets gathered around Wu Er and the others were already ready to move, he knew that Wu Da's soul should be saved immediately.

Jiang Yun couldn't delay any longer. In desperation, he could only tell Jiang Judao his method softly: "Sister, it will hurt, so bear with it!"

Jiang Rou nodded vigorously. She absolutely believed in Jiang Yun.

Even if she died at the hands of Jiang Yun, she would not have any complaints.

Jiang Yun also gritted his teeth, raised his hand, pointed it as a sword, and suddenly stabbed Jiang Rou on the shoulder.

But just when his fingers were about to pierce Jiang Rou's shoulder, Jiang Yun's heart suddenly moved, and a light flashed in his eyes.

The originally solid fingers suddenly became illusory and sank directly into Jiang Rou's shoulder without leaving any wounds.

From reality to reality!

Jiang Yun can make his body become an illusion in a short period of time, but because the success rate is not high, although Jiang Yun has mastered it, he rarely uses it.

After all, if you use virtual reality when fighting an enemy, but it fails, the consequences will be unbearable for you.

At this moment, seeing Jiang Rou's situation reminded Jiang Yun of the day he got married, when he tried to snatch Xiao He away from Tianjia, and made him decide to take a risk.

Unexpectedly, this test was not only successful, but also gave Jiang Yun a clear feeling that this had changed from reality to reality, and it was now easier for him to perform it!

However, Jiang Yun doesn't have time to think about this now.

As his fingers became illusory and could freely appear in various locations on Jiang Rou's body, it was naturally easy to catch these spirit puppets.

Soon, all the spirit puppets were captured by Jiang Yun, and Jiang Yun also let out a sigh of relief. Looking at the unconscious Jiang Rou, he turned around and looked at the Wu brothers!

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