Taoist world

Chapter 3261: Sit back and wait (revision)

"The people of the Wu family still refuse to give up?"

Jiang Yun was also a little surprised and surprised by this news.

Originally, he thought that after a year, Wu must have given up searching for him, but he did not expect that Wu was still monitoring Jiangcun.

However, Jiang Yun soon understood.

Because Mr. Wu can be sure that he has not left the Infinite Realm, the best thing to do is spend some time and manpower to guard various places where he may appear, and wait and see, one day he will be caught.

In addition, there is another reason, it should be because of the soul of the old man Wu that he captured!

Jiang Yun already knew that the three old men of the Wu family who were fighting against him were actually three brothers.

They are called Wu Da, Wu Er and Wu San respectively.

The old man who was caught by him was named Wu Da, and he was the eldest brother among the three.

The Spirit Clan must have something similar to the Life Stone. If the Life Stone is not broken, the Wu brothers will know that Wu Da is still alive, so they will not give up.

Jiang Mingyuan naturally didn't know these things, so he nodded and said, "Yes, I was ready to come after receiving your summons. Unfortunately, in order not to be discovered by Wu's people, I delayed it for some time."

Jiang Yun nodded, but did not say anything about Wu Da's soul being in his hands.

After all, Jiang Mingyuan's character was too cowardly. If he knew about this, he would definitely be even more frightened.

Jiang Mingyuan then added: "However, you don't have to worry about us. Apart from surveillance, Wu's people have never done anything extraordinary."

"You can just stay here and continue practicing. In addition, we are also trying to find a solution regarding the Shouyuan Dan!"

After hearing these words, Jiang Yun also understood why Jiang Mingyuan was so happy to attract the spiritual energy of other mirror worlds to himself.

Obviously he was worried that he would go out to provoke Wu again, so he used spiritual energy to continue to comfort himself.

With a slight smile, Jiang Yun said without revealing Jiang Mingyuan's thoughts: "Okay, Uncle Jiang, you should be careful yourself."


After waving his hand to Jiang Yun, Jiang Mingyuan raised his head and glanced at the mirror he had left in the air before hurriedly turning around and leaving.

After Jiang Mingyuan left the mirror world, Jiang Yun appeared next to the mirror in a flash. Feeling the rich spiritual energy rushing towards his face, he couldn't help but take a strong breath.

After a slight hesitation, Jiang Yun stretched out his hand and gently touched the mirror, but nothing strange appeared.

After studying the mirror for a moment, Jiang Yun simply sat cross-legged in front of the mirror, and placed all the sacred objects of the Nine Clans around him.

In the previous year, Jiang Yun was worried that he didn't have enough spiritual energy. After he absorbed enough, he let the nine clans' sacred objects also absorb some.

Among them, the Demon of Annihilation absorbed the most.

After all, compared to other holy objects, the Demon Lord in the Nirvana Golem is the most helpful to him. Naturally, the more power the Nirvana Golem can recover, the better.

But now, in Jiang Yun's opinion, this spiritual energy should be inexhaustible, so he simply let the holy objects of the nine tribes open to absorb it.

The stronger the power of the holy object, the greater its help will naturally be.

In this way, Jiang Yun fell into seclusion again!

Time flies, and when two years are about to come, a figure suddenly appears in front of the cave leading to the world outside the mirror, it is Jiang Rou.

Jiang Rou frowned, her face full of anxiety and worry. She stood in front of the cave, but did not enter. Instead, she kept spinning in place.

During the three years of Jiang Yun's seclusion, although Jiang Rou listened to her father's words and never bothered Jiang Yun, today, she couldn't bear it anymore.

Because she remembered very clearly that Jiang Yun only had about three years left in his life.

But now three years have passed, and there is no way in the clan to get the Longevity Pill for Jiang Yun. She is worried that Jiang Yun will not be able to break through in cultivation.

He was even worried that Jiang Yun might have died in the mirror world, so he wanted to come and see Jiang Yun.

But she was worried that Jiang Yun would be disturbed if she appeared rashly at a critical moment in his cultivation, so she hesitated here.

In the end, worry outweighed hesitation.

Jiang Rou turned around again and looked around. After making sure that no one else existed except herself, she finally stepped into the cave.

Standing in front of the mountain wall, Jiang Rou stretched out her hand, her whole arm trembling slightly, until she pressed her palm tightly against the mountain wall, she gradually calmed down.

At this moment, she was still a little worried about how she would deal with it if she entered the mirror world and saw Jiang Yun's body!

"No, no!"

Jiang Rou kept mumbling to herself, cheering herself up.

Finally, he gritted his teeth, and the spiritual patterns in his body surged out and disappeared into the mountain wall.

As the soft light lit up, the mountain wall gradually turned into a mirror.

Just when Jiang Rou was about to step into the mirror, a sneer suddenly sounded in her ears.

Hearing the sneer, Jiang Rou's body trembled heavily, and she immediately rushed towards the mirror with all her strength without hesitation.

Unfortunately, a powerful force fell from the sky and enveloped her body, making her unable to move at all.

Immediately afterwards, two old men appeared next to her.

If Jiang Yun were here, he would definitely be able to recognize that these two old men were the old men of the Wu family, Wu Er and Wu San, who had fought with him before!

When Jiang Rou saw these two old men, her face suddenly turned extremely pale.

Ever since Jiang Yun entered the mirror world, Wu has always been outside Jiang Village, monitoring every move of all members of the Mirror Spirit Clan.

This kind of surveillance lasted for two years before Wu withdrew his people.

But in fact, the Wu family only evacuated people on the surface. Secretly, they were still monitoring the Jingling people.

As long as the Mirror Spirit Tribe has a mirror, they can enter the mirror world. Therefore, when the Mirror Spirit Tribe becomes prisoners, mirrors are not allowed to exist where they live.

The mirror in the cave is the last mirror that the ancestors of the Mirror Spirit Clan secretly created for their own clan in a special way.

It can be said that this mirror is the last resort for the Mirror Spirit Clan to save their lives. Only when the Mirror Spirit Clan is in danger of annihilation can they enter the world in the mirror.

This is also the reason why all members of the Mirror Spirit tribe are not allowed to enter the mirror.

They were worried that they would be discovered by the Wu family, which would completely cut off their clan's last retreat.

Although the Mirror Spirit Clan hid this mirror very well, Wu had long suspected that there was a mirror in the Mirror Spirit Clan.

Coupled with Jiang Yun's disappearance, as Jiang Yun speculated, Wu knew very well that Jiang Yun had not left the Infinite Realm.

However, in the past two years, they had truly searched the entire Infinite Realm, even digging three feet into the ground, but still could not find Jiang Yun's whereabouts. Naturally, they suspected that it was the Mirror Spirit Clan who hid Jiang Yun in the Mirror. middle world.

Therefore, they deliberately removed the people who were monitoring the Mirror Spirit Clan.

Secretly, Wu Er and Wu San were still taking turns monitoring the Jingling Clan with their spiritual consciousness, waiting for the Jingling Clan to take the initiative to reveal their flaws.

Today, they finally waited!

The fat old man Wu Er looked at the mirror in front of him and said with a sneer: "You Mirror Spirit Clan has indeed hidden a mirror, and it is really deep enough!"

Wu San turned his head and looked around and said: "I remember that we have been here several times and found nothing at all. Unexpectedly, they hid the mirror in the mountain wall."

"Little girl, I have to thank you this time!"

At this moment, Jiang Rou was already despairing.

Naturally, she also understood that she had caused a huge disaster, which not only affected Jiang Yun, but also made the entire Mirror Spirit Clan likely to suffer another disaster.

Although she wished she could kill him head-on and die as an apology, with her little strength, there was no way she could break away from the restraints of these two people.

Wu Er smiled slightly and said: "If my guess is correct, that human monk should also be hiding in this mirror world!"

"In this case, it can be solved at once!"

"Get in!"

The two old men reached out and put their hands on Jiang Rou's shoulders, pushing her directly into the mirror world!

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