Taoist world

Chapter 3252 The Land of the Wu Clan (Revision)

Although Jiang Yun didn't want to be treated as a pawn and allowed to be manipulated by others, he had no choice but to obtain the Longevity Pill if he wanted to survive.

Of course, even without the longevity pill, he originally wanted to go to Wuliang City to help everyone in Jiang Village change their destiny.

Therefore, after making the decision, he did not ask Jiang Mingyuan or the others for their consent at all, and his figure had already soared into the sky.

At his feet, Jiang Mingyuan wanted to stop him, but it was too late. He could only send a message to Jiang Yun in a hurry: "Jiang Yun, in Wuliang City, please do not enter the Wu clan."

Before he could finish his words, Jiang Yun's figure had disappeared without a trace, rushing towards Wuliang City.

Jiang Mingyuan and Jiang Zhengye looked at each other with worried looks on their faces.

Just as Jiang Yun said of them, no matter what the reason was, they turned from the original owners of Wuliang City to prisoners, but their countless years of life have indeed made them accustomed to the status of prisoners.

Therefore, in their opinion, Jiang Yun's approach was too risky and unacceptable to them.

Even at this time, they did not have the courage to follow Jiang Yun to Wuliang City to take a look.

All they can do is wait here in fear for Jiang Yun's return.

Thousands of miles away, but for Jiang Yun, whose strength has been restored, it's just a blink of an eye.

At this moment, he was already standing above the sky of Wuliang City.

Although Jiang Yun had seen Wuliang City with his spiritual consciousness before, due to Jiang Mingyuan's obstruction, he only had a glimpse and did not see it clearly.

Now, he looked down again and found that this city was extremely majestic and covered an extremely vast area.

It is no exaggeration to say that Wuliang City can be regarded as the most majestic city Jiang Yun has ever seen in his life!

This also made Jiang Yun realize how prominent the Jiang family, who was once the master of Wuliang City, was in their original identity and status!

The walls of Wuliang City are completely black, exuding an aura of vicissitudes of life.

Although it seemed that there was nothing on the surface of the city wall, Jiang Yun knew that there were many runes hidden inside.

The two heavy city gates were open, and many elves were passing in and out.

On both sides of the city gate, although there were two spiritual monks standing there, their expressions were extremely lazy, and they did not look at the spiritual people coming in and out at all.

Obviously, in this Wuliang City, no one should dare to cause trouble.

Jiang Yun originally wanted to use his spiritual sense to check the cultivation of the two spiritual monks, but thought that it might trigger the runes on the city wall, so he ultimately did not use it.

After watching carefully for a moment, Jiang Yun fell from the sky and landed thousands of feet away from the city gate.

The power of assimilation spread all over his body, exuding the unique aura of the Spirit Clan. Jiang Yun restrained his cultivation, and then swaggered towards the city gate.

Regarding Jiang Yun's arrival, the two spiritual monks didn't even look at him and allowed Jiang Yun to enter Wuliang City unimpeded.

Standing in the city, Jiang Yun slowly walked around the city like an ordinary Spirit Clan person.

While strolling around, Jiang Yun was also listening attentively to the conversations of the spirit tribes around him.

In this way, after a full day of shopping, although Jiang Yun only visited one-tenth of the city's area at most, he already had a general understanding of Wuliang City.

Wuliang City is equivalent to the capital city of the entire Wuliang World, gathering many spiritual races from all over the Wuliang World.

To the north of Wuliang City, there is a huge manor, where the current owner of Wuliang City, the Wu family, lives, which is where Jiang Mingyuan reminded Jiang Yun not to enter.

There are approximately ten thousand members of the Wu clan, and almost all of them live in this manor.

As for the specific strength of the Wu family, although Jiang Yun did not find out, he already knew it from Shi Ma as early as three years ago when the rules of the Ancient Road to Heaven were changed.

Nowadays, in the Linggu Domain, the Ling clan who have truly regained their freedom are all below the realm of Yuanfa.

Wu thought that Lai should be no exception.

In the entire Wuliang City, except for the place where the Wu family lives, where outsiders are not allowed to approach, there are no restrictions on other places.

Therefore, Jiang Yun guessed that the Shouyuan Dan should be hidden in the Wu clan.

At this moment, Jiang Yun was standing on a street corner, looking at the Wu clan land.

He was considering whether he should use his spiritual consciousness to check the situation in the manor and the general strength of the Wu family.

After Jiang Yun entered Wuliang City, he never used his spiritual consciousness just in case something unexpected happened.

But it was different now. If he wanted to know Wu's general strength, he had to use his spiritual consciousness.

A clan with tens of thousands of clansmen may be considered a big clan in the eyes of others, but no one dares to provoke it easily.

However, for Jiang Yun, who had fought his way out of nearly half a million monks and killed more than 5,000 Heaven Defying Realm monks by himself, it really was nothing.

Moreover, he believed that among the 10,000 members of the Wu clan, it was impossible for them all to be in the heaven-defying realm, and most of them should not have high cultivation levels.

Of course, there will definitely be some existences that are beyond the Heaven-defying Realm, or even the Predestined Dharma Realm.

But for such powerful people, the All-Heaven Collection does not give them real freedom at all, so there is no need to worry at all.

Therefore, if the general strength of the Wu family can be known, and if it is within the range that Jiang Yun can compete with, Jiang Yun will be ready to take action directly, not only to destroy the Wu family, but also to subdue them.

The reason why Jiang Yun was still hesitating was because the entire Wuliang City's defense was too lax.

It can even be said that except for the runes hidden on the city wall, Jiang Yun walked in Wuliang City for a day and did not notice any other defensive measures.

But the more this happened, the more Jiang Yun felt that something was wrong.

Even in a mortal city, there will at least be soldiers patrolling and defending, and no matter how courageous the Eldar are, they should not be so lax.

What's more, now that the rules of the Ancient Way of Fighting for Heaven have changed, there are no longer just Spirit Clan in the Ancient Ling Domain, but a large number of foreign monks.

As prisoners, Jiang Mingyuan and the others did not know these things, but it was impossible for Wu not to know.

But under this situation, they still did not make any defense, and the entire city was almost undefended. It was so abnormal, there must be something wrong.

After weighing it for a moment, Jiang Yun decided to give it a try.

Anyway, if you want to live longer, you must get the Longevity Pill.

And if you want to take away the Shou Yuan Dan, you will definitely have a conflict with the Wu family sooner or later.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun finally released his spiritual consciousness and spread towards the Wu clan.

In order to prevent unexpected events, Jiang Yun's consciousness reached its extreme level after it appeared, covering the entire Wu clan in an instant.

However, at this moment, a sudden change occurred!

Within the Nawu clan, countless dazzling lights suddenly lit up.

Every ray of light shot towards Jiang Yun as if it had eyes.

Although Jiang Yun had expected something to happen in advance, he did not expect that the defense of the Wu clan was much stricter than that of Wuliang City, and the response was so quick.

There were thousands of these rays of light. Jiang Yun didn't know what the light did, so he immediately rose into the sky.

But those rays of light followed closely and turned around on their own until they hit Jiang Yun.

Under the shroud of countless rays of light, what Jiang Yun saw in front of his eyes and his consciousness was already white, and he couldn't see anything at all.

But in his ears, he heard a "rumbling" sound, as if there were countless monsters running rampant on the earth.

Jiang Yun suddenly took a step forward and escaped directly into the void. Only then did his eyes and consciousness recover, and he hurriedly looked towards the Wu clan.

At first glance, Jiang Yun's pupils suddenly shrank.

Countless spider-like colorful insects suddenly rushed out from the Wu clan.

Each of these bugs was the size of a fist. Under the overwhelming sky, they seemed to have formed an endless wave of colors, rolling towards me!

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