Taoist world

Chapter 3234 The real beginning (repair)

Looking at these heads flying towards us, even though they do not contain any earth-shattering power, they still look frightening.

After the nearly 100,000 monks looked at each other, a large number of monks finally chose to turn around and leave.

In their opinion, Jiang Yun probably still had some strength left.

Otherwise, how could he have killed so many monks in such a short period of time.

However, there were still more than 10,000 monks, and while they were dancing with their big sleeves, they easily defeated the heads of those who came over. However, their figures stood still and did not move.

It's not that they weren't shocked by the sight before them, but because they were the best among the nearly half a million monks!

Not only are they not weak in strength, but they also have extremely rich eyesight and experience.

They could all see that at this moment, although Jiang Yun's body was straight and his eyes were shining, he looked very normal, but the wounds on Jiang Yun's body that had stopped bleeding were filled with blood again. Constantly oozing.

Even mortal bodies have the ability to heal themselves, let alone monks.

Generally speaking, if a monk suffers such trauma, as long as it is not fatal, he can recover on his own without using elixirs.

Obviously, this is enough to prove that Jiang Yun's condition is really extremely bad and his injuries cannot heal on their own.

Even if Jiang Yun still has something to rely on, he is definitely at the end of his strength and the lamp is exhausted.

Under this situation, as long as they can seize an opportunity, they can easily kill Jiang Yun!

What's more, although they still don't know how Jiang Yun caused the monks from the two heavens to disappear inexplicably, there were nearly two hundred monks who disappeared, and the number of heads that appeared now was only thirty or forty.

With Jiang Yun's cruelty and killing methods, if he really still had the strength to spare, he would definitely kill all those people. How could he only kill thirty or forty people!

Therefore, they concluded that Jiang Yun could not be killed!

The remaining monks from the two heavens are still alive, but they are restrained by Jiang Yun, and they don't know where they are hiding.

After thinking about this, how could these 10,000 monks be willing to just turn around and leave!

Jiang Yun glanced at the ten thousand monks with cold eyes, smiled coldly, said nothing, and turned around calmly.

And the moment he turned around, blood suddenly overflowed from his mouth and nose.

The speculations of these ten thousand monks are completely correct!

Jiang Yun has reached a state of exhaustion and urgently needs a rest!

Although he does have a lot of domain devices on his body, controlling the domain devices and wanting to exert the power of the domain devices will consume more of his own power.

Jiang Yun has been in the midst of high-intensity killing since he entered the Linggu Realm. It is extremely rare to be able to persist until now.

In order to preserve as much power as possible, he let the Golem of Annihilation carry him while walking.

Among the thirty or forty monks from the two heavens that he just killed, more than half actually died at the hands of the Nirvana Demon Statue and the Punishment Sword, and only a few of them were killed by his own hands.

There was nothing he could do, his body was really exhausted, and both gates of life were empty.

This is also the reason why he had to use the Void Seal!

Originally, he wanted to use these thirty or forty heads to scare away the remaining monks.

But now it seems that these ten thousand monks are obviously determined to kill him!

Jiang Yun had no other options for this. All he could do was to leave here as soon as possible.

The Demonic Statue of Annihilation emerged from the darkness again, grabbed Jiang Yun's body, put him on his shoulders, then took steps forward and continued walking towards the depths of the boundary seam.

Seeing this scene, although the ten thousand monks believed more and more that the judgment of themselves and others was correct, for the sake of safety, they still did not take action, but continued to follow the Nirvana Golem.

When everyone gradually moved away, figures suddenly fell out one after another in the darkness. It was the monks from Qi Qing Tian and Qian Huan Tian who were still alive.

Jiang Yun was no longer able to kill them, and Huanxu's strength was also limited. It was impossible to stay trapped in the void seal forever, so he had to release them all at this moment.

The Void Seal also quietly pursued Jiang Yun.

The monks from the two heavens all looked around with blank expressions.

They didn't see Jiang Yun at all in the Void Seal. They just knew that they were inexplicably trapped and now they were inexplicably released. They had no idea what they had experienced.

After a while, they came to their senses one after another.

After the leader counted the number of people, he found that another thirty or forty companions had disappeared, and their faces became extremely ugly.

A beautiful woman from Qian Huantian gritted her teeth and said: "Jiang Yun, I will not be a human until I kill you!"

Although the two heavens hated Jiang Yun deeply and had to kill Jiang Yun, now they had no idea where Jiang Yun and the other monks had gone, so they could only choose one direction and leave in a hurry. go.

After all, while they wanted to kill Jiang Yun, they also knew that they would also become the targets of other monks.

Moreover, at this time, they did not dare to spread out and formed an alliance.

Because there were so many people and it was too chaotic, no one noticed that there were two people in the crowd. They looked at each other, nodded tacitly, and then looked away.

These two people have the slave mark set by Jiang Yun in their souls!

Jiang Yun was really unable to place slave marks on all of them, so he could only choose two people, so that he could at least let himself know the movements of the two heavens.

With the departure of the two great cultivators from all over the world, this battlefield finally regained its peace for the time being.

At the same time, the six purple-clad sky patrol officials who were outside the Linggu Territory also said loudly to the nine hundred monks who were still gathered here: "Okay, you can enter the Linggu Territory now!"

"Also, although you should already know this, I still want to remind you that from now on, your connection with the All Heavens Gathering Area will be completely severed!"

This is also to ensure the fairness of this battle.

After all, within the Zhutian Gathering Domain, through the Observation Terrain and some special means, one can clearly see what is happening in the Linggu Domain.

If they can keep in touch with the monks in the Linggu Domain, they can send messages to their fellow clansmen.

As the patrol officer finished speaking, he saw that the two hundred monks from Wuwutian and Fengmingtian had been divided into two groups and entered the two battle areas respectively.

Naturally, both of them went for Jiang Yun.

Even originally, the Fateful Heavenly Lord and the Void Heavenly Lord wanted to give up another battle field and let all hundreds of monks enter the battle field where Jiang Yun was, so that Jiang Yun could be protected to the greatest extent.

However, what they did was against the rules.

And if you really do this, it will inevitably make others realize how much they care about Jiang Yun, so they have to give up.

These hundred monks naturally saw that Jiang Yun's condition was extremely poor and he was still in danger, so they hurried in to find Jiang Yun and protect him.

The four major forces including the Gu family, the Yun family, Lei Yintian and Wan Huantian also followed closely behind.

In short, when all 1,200 people entered the Linggu Domain, twelve purple-clad sky patrol officials appeared together, closed the six domain doors of the Linggu Domain, and then turned around and left.

Quietness returned to the outside of the Linggu Territory, with only four magic weapons representing the Four Heavenly Lords left, as well as a few people standing on them.

Whether it is them or the monks who are paying attention to the developments in the Lingu Territory, they all know that the battle in the Lingu Territory really begins now!

Next, all the monks in the Linggu Domain will inevitably start a bloody storm in order to compete for the last hundred qualifications to be alive.

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