Taoist world

Chapter 3222: Shocking Movement (Revision)

Jiang Yun's voice was not loud, but at this moment, it was like thunder, resounding in the ears of nearly 500,000 monks, and in the ears of all the monks in the entire heaven gathering area who were looking at this place. .

Faced with Jiang Yun's sudden entry, many monks who were originally preparing to attack him couldn't help but froze.

Before, everyone thought that Jiang Yun was afraid and did not dare to enter this black hole.

But now, seeing that the time limit given by the inspector was about to arrive, he stepped into the Linggu Domain without hesitation.

Not only did he step in, but the words he spoke also meant that he would challenge nearly half a million monks with one person!

Jiang Yun's sudden move was really beyond everyone's expectations, and they couldn't figure out why Jiang Yun's attitude changed so drastically.

In the void sky, the slightly frowned brow of the void god gradually relaxed, and a rare smile appeared on his face: "Finally, there is still a bit of the past..."

At this point, his voice suddenly changed: This is how I live up to my expectations of you! "

In Feng Mingtian, Feng Ping opened his mouth wide, his eyes widened, and his mind went blank after being shocked.

Therefore, he did not see a trace of relief flashing through the slightly turbid eyes of the Fateful Heavenly Lord on the side.

"I see!"

In the palace, the voice of the angel patrol came out.

The eyes of the Xantian Statue suddenly lit up with blue light, and there was a hint of surprise in the light.

The big fat man's eyes also lit up, and he stretched out his hand to rub his chin, rolling his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking, until he slowly sat on his bed again.

Even the six purple-clad sky patrol officials who had completed their mission to close the black hole and prevent all monks from leaving temporarily stopped what they were doing and stared at Jiang Yun with interest.

One of them whispered: "It seems that he was not moving just now, but was notifying the group of monks who were leaving to let them go first!"

Another person continued: "Yes, he is going to use his own life to buy some time for those people to escape!"

The third person said: "When he is about to die, he still wants to protect others. I really don't know what is going on in his mind!"

Indeed, the reason why Jiang Yun was so hesitant before was that he secretly contacted Zi Nuo, Shen Minglie and others to ask them to leave first.

This is not because Jiang Yun values ​​​​loyalty, but because he knows very well that under the current changing rules of the All-Heaven Gathering, his own strength is limited after all, and he must unite the strength of some people in order to survive as much as possible .

For Jiang Yun, the most suitable partners for cooperation are naturally the monks like Shen Minglie, who have already surrendered to him.

Although it was Shinuma who laid the spiritual brand for them, the memory that was taken away from them was in Jiang Yun's body.

Therefore, Jiang Yun deliberately delayed time to let them leave first.

However, Shen Minglie and others simply did not believe that Jiang Yun would be so kind and refused to leave.

In desperation, Jiang Yun could only spend some time and point out some memories one by one that they each buried deep in their souls and did not want others to know. Only then did they finally believe it.

Jiang Yun also made an agreement with them to let them wait for him in a certain world.

As long as he doesn't die, he will definitely meet them when the time comes and give them an explanation that satisfies them.

With their departure, Jiang Yun no longer had any worries, and finally stepped into the black hole to face nearly half a million monks.

No matter whether they were pleased or shocked, no matter how everyone reacted, when everyone came to their senses, the vast majority of people still did not think favorably of Jiang Yun.

They did not think that Jiang Yun was really powerful enough to challenge so many monks.

In the All Heavens Gathering Domain, countless voices of discussion rang out from the mouths of many monks.

"He was obviously cornered and had no other choice."

"If you don't enter the Linggu Realm, you will be killed by the patrol officials, so you have to do this."

"Indeed, other monks are of similar strength to him. Even if they are defeated, with the chaos caused by the large number of people, there may still be a chance of survival. It is better than facing six purple-robed sky patrol officials alone!"

"His words seemed to challenge everyone, but the real purpose was to worry that the three heavens or others would join forces, so he deliberately suppressed them with his words and asked them to send one by one to fight with him."

"Even if he fights one by one, even if the three hundred monks from the three heavens are no match for him, the consumption of three hundred people will kill him!"

"Anyway, if he doesn't die in the hands of the three heavens, he will die in the hands of others."

"Okay, let's stop talking and just see how he died!"

At this moment, in the Linggu Domain, Jiang Yun spoke again: "Who wanted to kill me just now? Is it possible that he doesn't dare to come out now?"

While speaking, Jiang Yun looked straight at the three hundred monks in the three heavens.

Nearly half a million monks, looking at each other in disbelief, also looked at the three heavens.

Although many people from other forces want to kill Jiang Yun, they all know very well that the people who want to kill Jiang Yun the most are the people from the three heavens.

What's more, most of them don't know Jiang Yun's true strength, and they also want the three heavens to send people to try Jiang Yun's strength first.

Under the gaze of so many eyes, it is certainly impossible for the three heavens to show weakness.

Especially since they simply didn't believe that Jiang Yun really had the strength to defeat three hundred of his own.

In Babu Tian, ​​an old man from the war department took the lead and said with a cold smile: "Don't dare? Jiang Yun, I hope your ability can be as powerful as your tone!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the old man walked out quickly.

This old man is at the third level of the Heaven-defying Realm. He has never been to the Lower Domain before. This is the first time he sees Jiang Yun.

And the reason why he wanted to rush out was not because he had any grudge against Jiang Yun, but because he wanted to become famous.

Under the public gaze, with so many pairs of eyes looking at him, if he can be the first to kill Jiang Yun, then as long as he survives in the following days, he will definitely receive a heavy reward from the clan after he returns.

Seeing the old man walking out, Tianxiang, as the leader, did not stop him. He just flashed his eyes and secretly said: "Be careful!"

Although Tianxiang had fought against Jiang Yun, he knew that his memory had been tampered with, so he was not sure about Jiang Yun's strength.

Now that someone is willing to touch Jiang Yun's bottom, why not do it!

"It doesn't matter!"

The old man smiled confidently and had already arrived in front of Jiang Yun.

But just when he was about to say a few words to Jiang Yun, he felt his eyes blurred, and a fist appeared silently in his eyes.


Accompanied by an earth-shaking loud noise, under everyone's gaze, the old man's body had been blasted!

Jiang Yun, take action!

Without any extra words, without giving the other party a chance to speak or take action, he killed the old man from Babutian with just one blow!

This sudden scene really shocked everyone present!

No one could have imagined that the old man at the third level of Heaven Defying Realm could not even receive a blow from Jiang Yun and lost his life so easily.

Jiang Yun did not look at the reactions of the crowd, but sensed it with his spiritual consciousness. Sure enough, a light spot appeared in the jade slip handed to him by the patrol official.

And the next moment, Jiang Yun's figure didn't stop, and he suddenly rushed directly into the crowd of nearly half a million people!

"Boom boom boom!"

Clear sounds of explosions rang out from the crowd, and each explosion meant that a monk had died in Jiang Yun's hands!

Jiang Yun, who didn't move at all, made an astonishing move. He took the initiative to kill nearly half a million monks with one person's power!

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