Taoist world

Chapter 3219: The Most Killers (Revision)

Due to the large number of monks gathered in this area of ​​the Linggu Domain, the already somewhat solemn atmosphere was almost completely solidified with the arrival of six purple-clad sky patrol officials.

Looking at the six identical purple-robed sky patrol officials riding on Pegasus, everyone could feel a huge coercion falling from the sky and covering their bodies, making them unable to move or even breathe.

The sky patrol official represents the angel patroller, who patrols the sky on behalf of the sky. He is an extremely transcendent existence.

For the monks in the All Heavens Gathering Area, the prestige of the Heaven Patroller is simply not something they can compete with.

For most monks in the lower realm, although it was their first time to see the sky patrol official, it was not difficult to guess his identity, and he must be extremely noble.

Therefore, even the unruly monks in the advanced battlefield have become more honest at this moment and do not even dare to look at them.

Although Jiang Yun looked calm, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Because, the feeling given to him by these six purple-clad sky patrol officials was that their strength should exceed that of Shizuma.

However, this is also normal!

The Xantian lineage can be said to be unscrupulous throughout the entire heavens. Even the Nine Heavenly Lords have to give them face. If there is no certain strength as the basis, it is impossible to do so.

Even Jiang Yun once guessed that the strength of the Angel Patroller might exceed that of the Nine Heavenly Lords!

Otherwise, how could the Nine Heavenly Lords tolerate the existence of the Xantian lineage.

Naturally, Jiang Yun was also curious about the origin of the Xantian lineage.

Where did that mysterious angel patrol come from, and how did he become the guardian of heaven?

What kind of existence is the "heaven" of other times?

Jiang Yun could not be said to have a favorable impression or hostility toward Xuntian's lineage.

After all, until now, Jiang Yun still doesn't know what the relationship between his father, his Jiang family and the Xantian family was!

Among the enemies of the Jiang family, are they also of the Xantian lineage?

"Now that everyone is here..."

At this moment, a deep voice suddenly sounded, waking everyone up and making them all look up at the six purple-clad sky patrol officials who were always aloof.

At first glance, everyone's eyes flickered slightly.

Because the six purple-clad sky patrol officials all wore masks, it was impossible to know who was speaking, and it seemed to everyone that all six of them were speaking at the same time.

The rich voice continued: "Open the Ancient Spirit Realm!"

When they heard this, everyone was slightly startled. They and others had already been in the Linggu Domain for a long time. Why did the sky patrol officer inexplicably say that he wanted to open the Linggu Domain now?

As the words fell, the six sky patrol officials raised their hands at the same time, and their twelve palms slowly fell from top to bottom.


A loud sound like thunder suddenly sounded.

Everyone felt that the space in front of them gradually became distorted as the twelve palms fell.

It felt like there was an invisible wall, which gradually collapsed under the pressure of twelve palms, until a huge black hole appeared in everyone's eyes, with a radius of thousands of feet.

Through the black hole, it can be clearly seen that although there is also a dark boundary inside, there are a large number of worlds scattered in the boundary.

This scene made everyone shocked. They didn't expect that this ancient spiritual realm had a different world.

There are those who react quickly, such as Jiang Yun. After seeing the situation in the black hole, he instinctively turned his head and looked back.

At first glance, everyone was deeply shocked again.

Jiang Yun clearly remembered that although the Ancient Road to Heaven hid countless worlds, the direction in which he and all the monks in the Lower Domain walked was always forward.

The place where he and others are standing now is the city in the palace of the third level of heaven. Logically speaking, the ancient road to the sky that he has walked behind should be there.

But at this moment, when I looked back, there was nothing behind me.

In fact, even the bright red ancient road to the sky disappeared without a trace, leaving only an endless darkness.

It was as if he and others had not walked all the way along the Zhengtian Ancient Road, but appeared at this location out of thin air.

Jiang Yun's eyes narrowed slightly. Although he was a little surprised by this situation, he knew that this should be a deception and it was related to space.

After all, when Jiang Yun first set foot on the Ancient Road to Fighting Heaven, he used his spiritual consciousness to look along the Ancient Road to Fighting Heaven and saw three connected worlds.

But later, when he was walking, he did not pass through those three worlds at all, but kept falling into the world formed by the boundary stones on the ancient road.

In addition, the Linggu Territory is obviously one territory, but it can be divided into four parallel battle domains, and each battle domain does not overlap with each other.

These are enough to show that everything is the top powerhouses in the All-Heaven Gathering Domain who borrowed the power of space to deliberately change the ancient Ling domain.

But now, the world shown in the black hole should be the real ancient spiritual realm.

Jiang Yun slowly withdrew his gaze to the rear, stared at the black hole in front of him again, and said in a voice that only he could hear: "In this way, the two heavenly palaces I captured before are completely useless."

"This approach of the inspector is tantamount to completely cutting off our way back here!"

Originally, Jiang Yun was still thinking that the two heavenly palaces he had snatched could not be of any use.

If that doesn't work, you can go back to the first or second level of the Heavenly Palace. With your control over it, you can completely use the Heavenly Palace as a base.

The defense of Tianque is so strong that not even the Spirit Clan can break it, let alone a group of monks in the Heaven Defying Realm.

As long as he stays in the Heavenly Palace and waits for others to kill each other before reappearing, he can at least preserve a considerable part of his strength.

But now, this idea is obviously impossible to realize.

"Could it be that the Zhutian Gathering Area has noticed that I have gained control of Tianque, so it deliberately cut off my escape route?"

Jiang Yun naturally didn't have an answer to this question, and he didn't bother to think about it.

Since there is no Tianque to rely on, the worst thing is to rely on your own strength to compete for the hundred qualifications.

At this time, the voice of the inspector sounded again: "Many of you do not understand the changed rules. I will explain them here."

"I believe you already know that no matter it is the All-Heaven Gathering Domain or the Lower Domain, only a hundred people will be able to enter the All-Heaven Gathering Domain alive in the end."

"Moreover, these hundred people don't just refer to you, but include the levelless and lower-level battle areas that have also been merged."

Upon hearing this, everyone's expressions changed again, even Jiang Yun was no exception.

Originally, he thought that after the four battle domains were merged in twos, each battle domain could use hundreds of qualifications.

But I didn't expect that it would take the two battle areas combined to qualify for a hundred.

And this means that each battlefield only has fifty qualifications, and the possibility of survival becomes even lower!

Jiang Yun said to himself: "In this way, I am afraid that all the monks sent by the sects and ethnic groups in the All-Heaven Gathering Area will be divided into two, with one part entering here and the other part entering another battle area."

The voice of the inspector then sounded: "In addition, these hundred qualifications do not mean that whoever reaches the All Heavens Gathering Area first will be the first to enter, but there are criteria for judging!"

Everyone was stunned, not understanding what the so-called judging criteria were.

The six sky patrol officials suddenly raised their hands, and saw countless white jade slips, like raindrops, overwhelming everyone, and everyone happened to hold one in their hands.

"Standards are life!"

"Once you enter the Linggu Realm, every time you kill someone, it will be automatically recorded on the jade slips in your hands!"

"In the end, only the hundred people with the greatest number of kills will be qualified to enter the All Heavens Gathering Domain!"

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