Taoist world

Chapter 300: Whatever you want

In the Medicine God Sect, just as Jiang Yun stepped onto the hundred-foot-long blood bridge, his figure disappeared from everyone's eyes very suddenly, leaving only an empty blood bridge.

Even Elder Han and others, with all their spiritual consciousness, could not sense the situation on the Blood Bridge.

Fortunately, at this moment, a red mist suddenly rose above the Blood Bridge, and under the distortion, a scene gradually appeared.

In the picture, there is a black door that is over a hundred feet high!

In front of the door, stood a lonely figure.

One person, one door!

Obviously, this is where Jiang Yun is now, the situation inside the Pass of Inheritance.

Although many Yaoshen Sect disciples were somewhat dissatisfied with the special treatment Jiang Yun received, at this moment, they temporarily suppressed their inner dissatisfaction and stared at Jiang Yun and the door intently.

They wanted to see what was so special about the sixth level, which allowed them to directly enter the land of inheritance.

Jiang Yun's eyes were also staring straight at this door that was over a hundred feet high.

Although this door looks inconspicuous, there is no knocker where the knocker should be.

Instead, there were two holes standing side by side, only as thin as a finger.

In the hole on the left, there is a colorful elixir embedded in it!

The hole on the right is empty, making the door look a bit awkward.

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After seeing the situation clearly in the picture, someone among the disciples of Yaoshen Sect suddenly spoke up.

"I understand. The way to pass the sixth level is to refine a colorful elixir that is exactly the same as the one in the hole on the left and put it into the hole on the right to open the door!"

Although there was no response to this disciple's words, everyone's faces showed shock.

Apparently, they all thought of it.

It's just that this method of breaking through is simply impossible when they think about it.

Although it sounds like the way to pass the sixth level is extremely simple, for these medicine cultivators, everyone knows that the difficulty is simply unimaginable.

Because, you don’t know the recipe of that colorful elixir at all!

The elixir recipe is not just the medicinal materials needed to refine a certain elixir.

Instead, it contains extremely detailed information such as the quantity of each material required, the proportions of various medicinal materials, and the required medicinal properties.

Even if there is a slight difference in any aspect of information, the final result may be completely wrong.

During the medicine competition, Elder Han asked Jiang Yun and others to refine the brand new third-grade Heaven-Building Pill recipe.

The elixir recipe was detailed enough, but everyone still failed in the first round of refining it, and in the end, only three people actually succeeded in refining it.

One can imagine how difficult it is to refine an identical seven-color elixir without even knowing the recipe!

First, you must analyze the recipe of the seven-color elixir;

Then according to the elixir recipe, the finished elixir is refined.

If the elixir recipe was so easy to analyze, then the elixir recipe would not be so precious.

At this moment, in the picture, lines of text suddenly appeared on the gate.

"This elixir is called Qicai. It is made from a total of ninety-nine medicinal materials. Within three days, you can refine a seven-color elixir by yourself and put it into the hole on the right to pass the test!"

“Everything you need is at your fingertips!”

The content of the text once again made everyone take a breath, even Elder Han frowned tightly.

The Dayan Pill, also made by him, is made from fifty kinds of medicinal materials.

For any alchemist, it is extremely abnormal, and it can be said that the elixir requires the most medicinal materials in the entire mountain and sea world.

However, now, the number of medicinal materials required for this colorful pill has almost doubled, reaching ninety-nine!

There are so many medicinal materials in the world. To find the ninety-nine kinds of medicinal materials to refine this colorful pill among so many medicinal materials is like looking for a needle in a haystack!

Xiao Zheng smiled bitterly and shook his head: "I can't do it!"

Three months ago, when he had just learned about the sixth level, he was happy for Jiang Yun and thought this was a great opportunity for Jiang Yun.

But now, he knows that this is no opportunity, it is clearly a kind of torture.

In three days, let alone refining a brand new seven-color elixir, even analyzing the elixir recipe was completely impossible.

Xiao Zheng's answer was also the voice of all the alchemists present at this moment.

Even Guan Yiming, after staring at the colorful pill for a long time, gently shook his head.

Even Mei Bugu slowly shook his head.

As a seventh-grade alchemist, she can't do the same!

But just when all the Medicine Dao disciples of Yaoshen Sect thought that they could not do it, Jiang Yun in the picture suddenly reached out and took out the colorful pill.

If Lao Hei could be here at this time, then he would tell everyone that Jiang Yun can do it.

Because he had seen it with his own eyes, Jiang Yun could roughly judge the recipe of a pill just by smelling it with his nose.

This is exactly the case!

For others, it is almost impossible to distinguish the recipe, but for Jiang Yun, it is just the game he played most with his grandfather when he was growing up!

Whether he was in Jiang Village or deep in Mang Mountain, whenever something happened, grandpa would always conjure up a pill like a magic trick and let Jiang Yun analyze its recipe.

If you succeed, you will be rewarded; if you fail, you will be punished.

At the beginning, Jiang Yun naturally couldn't do it, but as he received more and more punishment, he gradually succeeded more and more times.

Seeing Jiang Yun's actions, the Medicine God Sect fell into silence again. Everyone held their breath and stared at Jiang Yun in the picture.

After Jiang Yun took down the colorful pill, he just glanced at it before sitting down cross-legged and closing his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, beside Jiang Yun, as if by magic, various medicinal materials began to appear out of thin air, and more and more of them appeared.

This scene naturally puzzled many disciples of Yaoshen Sect.

Elder Han explained calmly: "The place where Jiang Yun is now is an illusion specially created by the founder of the sect."

"As long as the medicinal materials you think of, they will appear immediately, and you can make elixirs, just like real ones, so it's called whatever you want!"

Everyone suddenly realized that there were so many medicinal materials around Jiang Yun.

It was obviously something he had just thought of, which meant that it was probably the medicinal materials needed to refine the seven-color pill.

However, not only were there more and more medicinal materials around Jiang Yun, but they were also growing faster and faster. In the end, there were almost a thousand kinds.

Some disciples couldn't help but question: "Is this Jiang Yun crazy? There are only ninety-nine medicinal materials in total, how did he come up with so many!"

"He is not crazy. Take a closer look at these medicinal materials and think about their characteristics!"

The person who responded to this disciple was Xiao Zheng.

At this moment, there was a faint light in his eyes, because he already understood the purpose of the thousands of medicinal materials that Jiang Yun had come up with.

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