Taoist world

Chapter 2977 Arrogant and Domineering

The Tenth Clan of Annihilation was a reserve army that Ji Kongfan secretly prepared for his own clan as a precautionary measure.

Except for Ji Kongfan himself, no one knows how many ethnic groups the Tenth Clan consists of and where these ethnic groups are distributed.

Even Jiang Yun, who was once mistaken for a descendant of the Nirvana Clan, had to find one ethnic group first by peeling off the cocoons before he could then find another ethnic group.

So far, Jiang Yun has only found the Shura Clan and the Tianxiang Clan.

Later, after Jiang Yun knew that he was not a member of the Nirvana clan, he stopped looking for other members of the Tenth clan.

But now, in order to deal with the monks of Babutian and protect this world, Ji Kongfan finally issued a summons to the tenth clan he once created!

As Ji Kongfan finished speaking, a storm of annihilation composed of a large number of annihilation patterns suddenly shot out from between his eyebrows and shot up into the sky!

The Nirvana Storm exploded in the air and turned into countless rays of light, flying to all directions in the world!

The Destruction Territory, the southeastern wasteland, has a dead world.

The entire world is covered by endless yellow sand, without any sign of life.

However, at this moment, the yellow sand all over the ground suddenly emitted rays of light and rose into the sky. All the yellow sand seemed to have turned into water, boiling like crazy.

Immediately afterwards, all the yellow sand rushed up into the sky and condensed into large swaths of clouds. They were intertwined horizontally and vertically, forming a "ten", covering the entire sky and revealing countless cracks. The desolate land, and a figure rushing out from the cracks.

The person rushing at the front was a bald old man, with a line of annihilation appearing between his eyebrows.

He looked at the yellow sand above with excitement on his face, bowed and said: "Sand Spirit Clan, return to the Tenth Clan of Annihilation!"

As the old man finished speaking, the yellow sand that formed the cross clouds exploded again, directly condensing into a huge warship.

The old man raised his arms and shouted: "People of the Sand Spirit tribe, follow me to meet the Lord of Nirvana!"

In the Destruction Territory, there is a strange scene in the far east of the Northwest Desolate Territory.

Countless worlds of varying sizes are scattered in the gaps between the boundaries.

Looking at it, these worlds are like chess pieces placed on a chessboard.

It is not difficult to see that they form some kind of formation.

In every world, there are also a large number of creatures living in it!

And in the world at the edge, there is a low mountain, on which sits a middle-aged man with his face covered with pockmarks sitting cross-legged.


Suddenly, countless loud noises were heard from all the worlds at the same time. While everyone was shocked, this middle-aged man suddenly opened his eyes, his expression suddenly changed, he stood up, took a step out of the world, and stood there. In the gap between boundaries.

I saw all the worlds moving on their own, as if they were alive, constantly changing their positions, until all the worlds finally formed one word - "Ten!"

Looking at this word, the middle-aged man showed a look of struggle on his face, but just a moment later, he also bowed to the word "ten" made up of all the worlds and said: "Xingluo Clan, return to silence. Destroy the tenth clan!”

As the man's voice fell, the whole world shook once again.

In fact, even the seam in the boundary they were on moved, forming a chessboard.

The man looked up to the sky and sighed, then stepped directly onto this huge chessboard.

Territory of destruction, the wasteland of the east!

In an extremely lively world, there is a huge blue palace of magnificent scale.

In the deepest part of the palace, a gray-haired old man was lying between three women, hugging each other, with a lewd smile on his face.

Suddenly, the palace beneath him suddenly shook. Several rays of light shot out from various locations in the palace and merged into a cross-shaped light group in the air.

The old man's expression suddenly changed. He suddenly pushed away the three women in his arms and stepped out of the palace. He looked at the dazzling light group above the sky. After a long silence, he said coldly: "The Nirvana clan has been here for a long time. Already buried in the long river of time.”

"Although you, Ji Kongfan, are alive now, the Destruction Territory is in chaos, and our Qingyu clan is about to become a general clan, with a bright future."

"If you want me, the Qingyu Clan, to return to your annihilation of the Tenth Clan, give up our future and follow you Ji Kongfan, how can it be so cheap?"

"I, the Qingyu Clan, refuse!"

After the words fell, the old man suddenly raised his head. With the wave of his big sleeves, a storm suddenly rose into the sky and rushed towards the cross-shaped light group in the sky.


The ball of light exploded directly.

The old man also snorted coldly and turned around to return to his palace.

However, at this moment, a cold voice sounded from the sky: "The Qingyu clan, annihilate the clan!"

The entire cyan palace shook even more violently, and terrifying power was emitted, causing all the Qingyu clan members around the palace to be firmly restrained.

The old man's expression suddenly changed, and he exclaimed: "All the Qingyu tribe members, leave here quickly..."

However, before he could finish his words, he heard a deafening loud noise, and the entire huge palace exploded!

The terrifying power of the explosion swept away in all directions, spreading to the entire world in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, a louder explosion sounded, and the whole world disappeared into smoke and collapsed!

The Qingyu tribe disappeared!

The same situation was happening almost simultaneously in dozens of places and among dozens of ethnic groups throughout the Annihilation Domain.

Naturally, these ethnic groups are all members of the tenth ethnic group selected by Ji Kongfan back then.

Following Ji Kongfan's call, some of them chose to return, while others chose to refuse.

And those who refused, without exception, were all killed by some kind of magic weapon that Ji Kongfan made for them back then!

Ji Kongfan did not hide his call to the Tenth Clan, but carried it out openly, so that soon, almost the entire Annihilation Domain knew about it.

Naturally, this shocked them. They did not expect that Ji Kongfan, the former leader of the Nirvana Tribe, would secretly deploy so many tribesmen as his reserve army.

At the same time, they were also puzzled as to why Ji Kongfan wanted to summon these ethnic groups at this time.

But no matter what, they all realized that something big might happen again in the already chaotic Annihilation Territory.

And soon, they knew what this big deal was!

The eighty-one monks of Babutian have successively revealed their identities and stated their purpose in this world. Relying on their strength, they can do whatever they want in various regions and be arrogant and domineering.

At the beginning, they still had concerns, but as time went by, after they tasted the sweetness, their behavior became more and more unscrupulous.

As long as they like something, whether it is an object or a person, they will snatch it away without saying a word, and kill anyone who dares to offend them!

Wherever they passed, it was like locusts passing through. Although it could not be said that there was no grass growing, they caused complaints and devastated lives.

Gradually, the creatures in this world finally realized that these monks from the Eight Heavens came here to capture Jiang Yun. It was just an excuse. The real purpose was to invade and plunder!

Although some people have thought about killing them, their strength is too strong. Anyone who dares to attack them will only end up with one outcome: being exterminated!

The two Tiangu tribes, as the most powerful existences in this world, just as Shura said at the beginning, not only did they not take action to stop the people of Babutian, but they almost fawned over them.

Half a year after the monks from Babutian came to this world, when all living beings were almost in despair, the scenes that Lexiang and others discussed when they first came were displayed in several areas!

When all the images dissipated, a figure appeared in the eyes of countless creatures and said calmly: "Everyone, I am Ji Kongfan!"

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