Taoist world

Chapter 2961 The beginning of seeking revenge

Although Jiang Yun tried his best to keep calm, his heart still beat uncontrollably when he heard these words from Le Changling.

His eyes were fixed on Le Changling, and he said word by word: "What did you say?"

Jiang Yun already knew something about his life experience. He knew that he came from the All Heavens Gathering Area and the Jiang family. He also knew that his Jiang family had extremely powerful power.

But now, from Le Changling's mouth, he really knew for the first time that his own Jiang family was actually known as the most powerful clan in the All-Heaven Gathering Area!

The Gathering of Heavens is much more advanced than the world where Jiang Yun grew up in every aspect.

And in such a vast world, Jiang Yun could hardly imagine how powerful the Jiang family was to be able to become the most powerful clan.

Le Changling looked at Jiang Yun with interest, smiled slightly and said, "Why, as a descendant of the Jiang family, is it possible that you still don't know the situation of your own family?"

"Forget it, I'll tell you!"

Le Changling put his hands behind his back, walked slowly in front of Jiang Yun, and said, "The origin of your Jiang family is extremely mysterious."

"Originally, the Jiang family did not exist in our All Heavens Gathering Area. The Jiang family seemed to suddenly appear out of thin air, rising rapidly with extremely powerful strength."

"In just a hundred years, it has already resounded throughout all the heavens and is known as the most powerful clan. It can be said to have created a miracle!"

"Since then, Jiang's status has always been superior to all the forces in our All-Heaven Gathering Area. He is as if he is the Lord of All-Heaven Gathering Area. He has many strong men attached to him, and his reputation is endless."

"Naturally, everyone was quite curious about Jiang's origin, and there were various speculations. In the end, someone finally came up with a more reasonable explanation."

"The Jiang family should be from a certain lower realm!"

Jiang Yun had been listening to Le Changling's narration quietly. Combined with the scenes in his father's memory that he had seen before, he believed that Le Changling's narration was at least 80% true.

When he heard this sentence, he couldn't help but be slightly startled.

It turned out that the Jiang family had entered the All-Heaven Community from a certain lower domain, and had become the most powerful clan in the All-Heaven Community.

However, immediately after, Jiang Yun's expression darkened!

Because he knew very well that this guess was indeed very likely to be true.

Because the blood of his own Jiang family can be inclusive and inclusive, he can perfectly integrate all the forces together, thus making his clan become stronger and stronger.

And if the monks in the All Heavens Gathering Area really think so, then they will definitely be curious and covet the reason for the rise of their own Jiang family.

Just like his rise in this world, many strong men are thinking about their bodies and souls, and want to seize their bodies and souls.

The Jiang family, as a certain ethnic group in the lower realm, should not be taken seriously by the All Heavens Gathering Region at all. They are like ants.

When Le Changling told the story, every time he mentioned the All Heavens Gathering Area, he would add "we" twice, but to the Jiang family, it would always be "you". From this, it can be seen that they have never recognized it. Mr. Jiang is even very repulsive to Ms. Jiang.

However, this ant climbed to the top of the All Heavens Gathering Area, which naturally aroused strong dissatisfaction among the monks in the All Heavens Gathering Area. At the same time, they were also very curious as to why Jiang was able to do this?

The next thing will inevitably be that many forces unite together and start to jointly fight against the Jiang family!

Sure enough, Le Changling had already continued: "After guessing the origin of your Jiang family, many forces in the All-Heaven Gathering Area began to be dissatisfied with your Jiang family's dominance and wanted to replace your Jiang family's position."

"So, under the leadership of another powerful clan headed by the Gu clan, we, the All Heavens Gathering Region, launched an attack on you, the Jiang clan."

"Although your Jiang family is powerful, ants are still ants after all. In the end, there is no way you can compete with us. Soon your Jiang family will disappear and cease to exist."

"However, not all the Jiang clan members were killed, but many people escaped secretly."

"Especially at that time, the head of the Jiang family, Jiang Qiuyang's family of three, all disappeared inexplicably!"

Jiang Qiuyang!

Jiang Yun's heart trembled again, and he realized clearly in his mind that Jiang Qiuyang was his father's name!

"A centipede insect, dead but not stiff. Over the past countless years, many people in our All Heavens Gathering Area have been looking for the whereabouts of your Jiang family, but they have always found nothing. However, I didn't expect that I would find you!"

Speaking of this, Le Changling's eyes finally revealed the light of unconcealed greed, and he stared at Jiang Yunde and said: "Back then, Jiang Qiuyang had an ancient-suppressing gun in his hand, and he was almost unbeatable across the heavens. !”

"Among his men, there is a pioneer named Tomahawk. He is extremely brave and has made great achievements for him!"

"Jiang Yun, the big man who appeared at your wedding that day was the tomahawk that opened the way, and the gun you are carrying behind you should be the ancient gun!"

"Jiang Yun, do you think that after so long, no one remembers the past of your Jiang family, and no one knows the origin of your Jiang family, or do you think that you have the strength to dominate all the heavens, so you unexpectedly Your identities have been exposed so unscrupulously!”

"Today, you, a descendant of the Jiang family, will become my prisoner!"

As Le Changling finished speaking, Jiang Yun's face returned to calm.

By now, he had naturally understood that Le Changling and the others were not here to save Long Yu at all, but because they recognized his identity as a descendant of the Jiang family, they came specifically to capture him!

Although it was true that the ancient gun and battle ax were careless and exposed their identities, Jiang Yun certainly would not blame them and even felt proud.

Because, from Le Changling's narration, he knew even more clearly that it was no wonder that his parents wanted to send him into this world, erase his memory, and take out his blood.

Because the enemies of my Jiang family are too powerful!

The murderer of Jiang's family can be said to be almost all the forces in the entire All Heavens Gathering Area!

One clan, against the strong men of an entire region!

This is my life experience, this is my family, this is the most powerful family, the Jiang family!

Jiang Yun is extremely proud to be born into such a family, with Jiang's blood flowing in his body!

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Yun looked at the confident Le Changling and the others, with a smile on his face and said: "Have you ever thought that today, it is very likely that it is not me who is caught by you, but my Jiang family?" One lineage, the beginning of seeking revenge on your all-heaven domain!"


Golden light suddenly burst out from Jiang Yun's body, and the ninth reincarnation merged into his body, showing his strongest state.

In response to Jiang Yun's surge in aura, Le Changling shook his head indifferently and said, "If your father had said this, we might still be a little wary, but you don't have the qualifications!"

"Besides, don't expect the ancient gun or the battle ax to come to save you."

"This world is called the Fate Realm. The one that has just sealed the ancient gun is called the Fate Seal. It comes from Feng Mingtian, who is the best at sealing power among all the heavens."

"Its power not only seals this world, but also makes all the magic weapons on your body inoperable. I know that you also have a domain weapon on your body!"

The person who responded to Le Changling was Jiang Yun who suddenly raised his hand and threw Long Yu at the ugly strong man!

Immediately afterwards, a mountain and a sea flew out of Jiang Yun's hands.

Mountains and seas are the boundary!

The mountains and the sea did not fly towards Le Changling and the woman, but still flew towards the ugly man.

Of these three people, Le Changling came from the club, and although the charming woman tried her best to hide it, Jiang Yun, as an alchemist, had such a sensitive nose that he could still smell the faint fragrance coming from the other person's body, and deduced that she was from Fragrant part.

The fighting power of the eight celestial beings, Lebu and Xiangbu is not strong. What is really scary is the ugly strong man from the War Club.

Therefore, Jiang Yun must seal the ugly strong man first!

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