Taoist world

Chapter 2944 It ends here

Bailiye's words not only reached the ears of Jiang Yun and others clearly, but also made everyone in the light and dark tribe hear them clearly.

Suddenly, all the light and dark tribesmen were stunned, and everyone's face showed confusion and fear.

Because at this moment, they are pouring their power into the clan-protecting formation, which is equivalent to integrating with the clan-protecting formation.

So, Bailiye's initiative to trigger the collapse of the clan-protecting formation was equivalent to forcing them to self-destruct!

Not only will the formation explode, but the entire clan, including himself and others, will explode along with the formation.

Although the light and dark tribesmen already understood this, at this time, even if they wanted to get out of the formation, they were unable to do so.

Because Baili Ye had already stretched out his hand, a boundless power of darkness instantly covered the entire Light and Dark Clan, shrouding everyone, and at the same time, it spread to the entire formation. middle.

As a result, the darkness emanating from the formation surged crazily, and even included Jiang Yun and others who were attacking the formation.

This power of darkness also tightly bound all the light and dark tribesmen into the formation.

Immediately afterwards, a loud "boom" was heard. It was the explosion of the body of a light and dark tribesman, which also represented the official beginning of the collapse of the entire light and dark formation.

"why why!"

"Ancestor, why do you want to kill us!"

"Ancestor, why didn't you wait until our people came back!"

Questions filled with unwillingness came one after another from the mouths of the people of the light and dark tribe.

At this moment, they have lost control of their bodies and can only passively wait for death to come.

Therefore, before they die, they want to ask clearly.

Although Baili Ye's face was ferocious and his eyes were about to burst, there were tears of blood rolling down from his eyes filled with madness.

Even though he had made up his mind, these were his tribesmen and his relatives, so he couldn't bear to kill them with his own hands.

Bailiye gritted his teeth tightly and gave the answers to all the people.

"Because our ancestor has been captured, because our people have been killed, and because we can't wait for rescue!"

"Because we are the royal family of light and darkness. Even if we die, we must die vigorously."

"Instead of waiting for the enemy to break through the formation and massacre us, it would be better for us to die together with them!"

After hearing Baili Ye's answer, all the light and dark tribesmen fell into silence.

Although they were still a little unwilling in their hearts, the four words "Light and Dark Royal Family" inspired the blood in most of them and made their blood boil.

After a moment of dead silence, a member of the Light and Dark clan spoke in a deep voice: "The ancestor is right, we are a royal clan. Even if the clan is exterminated today, we must let people in the future always remember the name of our Royal clan of Light and Darkness!"


As soon as he finished speaking, this person actually took the initiative to blow himself up!

And if the first person is willing to die, there will naturally be a second one, a third one...

By this time, Jiang Yun and others had also understood Bailiye's plan and saw the changes in the psychology of the Guangdian tribe.

"Haha!" Suddenly, Si Tianyang burst out laughing and said, "Okay, I originally thought that you, the light and dark clan, were greedy for life and afraid of death. Now it seems that you are somewhat bloody. You are indeed He is qualified to create a clan with us and become the same royal family!"

As an enemy, Si Tianyang also admired the Guangdian tribe's behavior of disregarding death.

However, despite admiration, Si Tianyang would certainly not let the Light and Darkness clan drag his own clan members to be buried with him.

As he spoke, the power of creation and death had been released from his body, turning into two realm flowers, wrapping everyone including Jiang Yun.

Seeing Si Tianyang's actions, Baili Ye had a sneer on his face.

If Si Tianyang was in his prime, he might really be able to protect everyone, but Baili Ye and Baili Sheng had chased Si Tianyang for a while and knew that Si Tianyang was also injured.

Then, even if his clan's clan-protecting formation and the self-destruction of all clan members cannot kill Si Tianyang, they can at least inflict heavy damage on Si Tianyang, and may even make him cripple him!

In this way, even if the Creation Clan wins the final victory, they will still lose Si Tianyang, the Dinghai Shenzhen, and their status and strength will plummet!

Sure enough, when more and more members of the Light and Dark tribe exploded, all the power hit Si Tianyang's body, making Si Tianyang's body shake slightly, and blood spilled out of his mouth.

Finally, Bailiye laughed crazily and said: "Si Tianyang, if we can defeat you, our deaths will be worthwhile!"

Amid laughter, Baili Ye took a step forward and merged into the formation, and his body began to expand.

Apparently, he was also ready to blow himself up!

But at this moment, Jiang Yun, who had always been under the protection of Si Tianyang, calmly said: "Senior Si, send out the light of Tai Chi!"

Si Tianyang was indeed about to lose his hold, but he could not let his tribe suffer any more casualties no matter what, so he kept gritting his teeth and persisting.

Hearing Jiang Yun's words at this moment made him slightly stunned. He didn't understand what Jiang Yun wanted to do with the original object of the light and dark tribe at this time!

But he did it anyway!

The light of Tai Chi was suspended in the sky, and Jiang Yun suddenly bit the tip of his tongue and sprayed a mouthful of blood on the light of Tai Chi!


The Tai Chi light suddenly trembled rapidly.

And in the midst of this trembling, the mouthful of blood Jiang Yun spurted actually merged into it, as if it were one with the light of Tai Chi.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Yun stretched out his hand and pointed, and the light and darkness that made up the Tai Chi Light suddenly expanded and formed an extremely huge disk, covering Si Tianyang in it.

Seeing this scene, Baili Ye, whose body had reached its limit of expansion, almost had his eyes popping out of his sockets!

He never thought that Jiang Yun could control the origin of his clan.

This is clearly using the power of Tai Chi Light to protect themselves!

Bailiye's pale face revealed a look of true sadness and self-deprecation.

No one understands the power of Tai Chi's light better than Baili Ye.

The entire light and dark array is arranged based on the light of Tai Chi.

Therefore, using the collapse of the great formation of light and darkness to attack the light of Tai Chi will not cause any harm at all!

In other words, together with the members of the Light and Dark clan, including himself, their sacrifices for the clan's self-destruction in the end were in vain and had no meaning at all.

And this is really a great irony for Baili Ye, who wants to die together with the Creation Clan and wants to take Si Tianyang's back.

If he had known this, he might as well have let all the tribesmen escape on their own, and maybe many tribesmen would survive.

However, Baili Ye no longer has the chance to regret it. He can only hope that Baili Guangyan can live well and let the light and darkness clan's fire never be extinguished.

"Light and darkness, royal family!"


After Baili Ye finally said the name of his clan, his body exploded with a bang, and the terrifying power of the explosion was completely absorbed by the light of Tai Chi.

"Boom boom boom!"

After Baili Ye, all the members of the Light and Dark clan, together with the clan protection formation, and their clan lands were finally exploded!

Although the Royal Family of Light and Darkness has not been exterminated, from now on, for a considerable number of years, this ethnic group will never appear again in this world.

In fact, this ethnic group may disappear forever!

The battle between the two royal families has come to an end!

Looking at the ruins of the Light and Dark Clan, everyone in the Chuangsheng Clan fell into silence.

Although they finally took their revenge and finally took the first step to truly rise, there was no joy in their hearts.

At this moment, a black light suddenly fell from the sky and appeared in front of Jiang Yun!

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