Taoist world

Chapter 2932 Two Realms Formation

Since the Chuangsheng clan was surrounded by the ancient clan, they have fallen into a state of feudal clan status.

And ever since Si Jing'an and others attended Jiang Yun's wedding, the Ancient Clan has known that in fact, the Creation Clan has never had a real clan.

However, the Ancient Clan paid no attention to this, but still sent people to guard outside the Chuangsheng Clan.

Because, at Jiang Yun's wedding, the appearance of Tomahawk and Mo Chen, as well as the great strength they displayed, made them regret not taking Gu Bu Lao's warning to heart and instead looking for Cang Mang to assassinate Jiang Yun. .

In fact, they didn't pay too much attention to Long Yu's arrival, but the whole clan was prepared and waiting to see if Jiang Yun would lead these two powerful men to kill the ancient clan.

While they were waiting, Hai Changsheng, Ji Kongfan, Xiao He and other people who were very close to Jiang Yun all quietly entered the Chuangsheng clan and stayed in the Chuangsheng clan. !

The reason why Ji Kongfan and others came here was because they received a notice from Jiang Yun and learned that powerful monks from the All-Heaven Gathering Area came to this world.

Of course they would not have any doubts about Jiang Yun's words, so when the people from the Chuangsheng tribe who had also been notified came to pick them up, they immediately rushed to the Chuangsheng tribe.

Today's Creation Clan, because of the existence of Si Lingxiao, the fruit of the Flower of Two Realms who has restored his memory, has been able to draw the power of the Flower of Two Realms here, making the Clan of the Creation Clan impregnable.

Even the connection between Xiao He and the Celestial Clan can be easily blocked by the flowers of the two realms, so this place has become a safer place.

However, in the past three months, all the members of the Chuangsheng clan have once again started to act secretly.

Especially Si Lingxiao, in cooperation with Liu Peng, increased the power borrowed from the flower place of the two realms, and arranged a large formation, so that outside the entire clan territory of the Creation Realm, A flower of two realms emerged.

Because more than three months ago, Si Jing'an received a message from Jiang Yun, saying that Long Yu, under the leadership of Tianjia, had left the Celestial Clan and was heading towards the Creation Clan.

At this moment, a group of old men in the Chuangsheng Clan, headed by Si Tianyang, stood above the clan grounds, staring at a palace-like carriage that had just entered the sight of themselves and others.

Now, Si Jing'an has told all the clan members about the true origin of his clan and about his clan's cooperation with Jiang Yun in striving to replace the two Tiangu clans.

Although the Chuangsheng tribe had already made preparations, looking at this carriage, especially the powerful aura released by Long Yu unscrupulously within it, made many Chuangsheng tribesmen feel heavy in their hearts.

They know very well that the arrival of Long Yu and Tianjia is the key to whether their clan can truly become a dominant family!

If even Long Yu can't stop it, then his own clan shouldn't try to replace the two Tiangu clans, just wait for them to be exterminated!

Si Tianyang, who was standing at the front, gave the order expressionlessly: "They have arrived. Inform all clan members, with Ling Xiao as the center, to prepare for the battle!"

In this battle, for the Creation Clan, they don’t seek merit, but they seek no faults.

Counterattack is impossible. As long as he can defend his clan territory and prevent Long Yu from entering the clan territory and taking Si Lingxiao away, it will be considered a success!

Following the issuance of Si Tianyang's order, countless figures in the Chuangsheng clan suddenly ran around, and everyone found a place to sit down.

Looking down from a high position, all the Creation clan members formed a huge formation, and the center of the formation was Si Lingxiao!

This formation was named the Two Realm Formation by Liu Peng. It does not have any offensive nature. It is a purely defensive formation. In addition to protecting the clan land, it also protects Si Lingxiao.

Moreover, even if the clan's defense is breached, unless all the Creation clan members die, the formation will not be broken and Si Lingxiao will not be in any danger.

Looking at the busy clan members, Si Jing'an said softly: "I wonder if the ancient clan will stop them!"

"No!" Si Tianyang shook his head and said: "Although the Ancient Clan and the Celestial Clan are incompatible with each other, Long Yu does not represent the Celestial Clan, but the gathering of all heavens, so the Ancient Clan will never take action. Blocking it!"

Sure enough, just as Si Tianyang said, a group of ancient clan strongmen led by Qian Si who were guarding outside the ancient clan territory immediately gathered together and took the initiative to retreat when they saw the sky carriage appearing. Arrived aside.

Although Tianjia and Young Master had an agreement at the beginning, one party was responsible for Guantian Palace and the other was responsible for unifying the Destruction Domain. However, with the strong background shown by Jiang Yun and the decline of Tianjia's status, this agreement has long been equivalent to becoming Empty talk.

On top of the sky carriage, Long Yu stepped out. He just glanced at the ancient tribe who retreated to the side, and then looked down at Chuangsheng, which was almost completely blocked by an extremely huge two-realm flower. clan clan land.

The ancient clan, even with Long Yu's identity, was not willing to provoke them easily.

After all, he didn't know if someone from the Gu clan would come to this lower domain one day!

If he really did something to the ancient clan and the Gu clan knew about it, then the Dragon Tribe to which he belonged would punish him severely without the Gu clan taking action.

After staring at the Creation Clan for a moment, Long Yu finally spoke loudly: "Si Lingxiao, today, Mr. Long is here for you and has been ordered to take you back to the All Heavens Gathering Area."

"Are you going to surrender yourself and take the initiative to come back with me, or do you want me to take action and take you away!"

When he came to the Lower Domain, apart from indulging in wine and sex, Long Yu didn't do anything. At least he had some understanding of the situation in this world, especially about Si Lingxiao.

Although he didn't know why Si Lingxiao was born with Lingzhi and even escaped from the Flower of Two Realms, it had nothing to do with him.

His mission is to bring Si Lingxiao back to the All Heavens Gathering Area. When the time comes, someone will naturally explore these issues.

"If you show up on your own initiative, I won't embarrass the Creation Clan, but if I take action, the Creation Clan will disappear when I leave!"

While speaking, Long Yu also unabashedly released his aura completely, just like a big mountain, and the entire Creation Clan was trembling slightly due to its oppression.

Long Yu, no matter how unbearable he is, is at least an existence that has transcended the Real Life Realm!

Within the Chuangsheng clan, they felt the slight shaking of their clan's land. Although the Chuangsheng clan members all looked solemn, they remained unmoved. Each of them stood firm at their position, waiting for Long Yu's attack.

On the contrary, Si Lingxiao, who was protected by all of them, showed a trace of hesitation on his face.

She naturally understands that she is extremely safe now, but if all the members of the Creation Clan are in danger because of herself, it is something she does not want to see.

Just as Jiang Yun regards the Shanhai Realm as his home, for Si Lingxiao, the Creation Clan is also his home.

Therefore, she even had the idea of ​​simply obeying Long Yu's words and taking the initiative to arrest him. In this way, she could at least ensure the safety of the Creation Clan.

Si Tianyang's voice rang in her ears: "Ling Xiao, don't be deceived by him. Even if you go out, even if Long Yu lets us go, the Tiangu clan will not let us go!"

"With you here, we still have hope of fighting. If you leave, then our Creation clan will face the fate of annihilation!"

Si Lingxiao nodded and said, "I understand!"

At the same time, in the cracks outside the Creation Clan's clan, there is this black shadow hidden in the darkness, which no one can discover.

And among the black shadows, a face appeared, staring coldly at Long Yu!

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