Taoist world

Chapter 2925 A drop in the ocean

Looking at the endless golden ocean with countless bubbles and surging water all around, Jiang Yun couldn't help but wonder if he had entered some of his father's memories again.

However, being in this golden ocean, I felt extremely comfortable, safe and warm!

"What the hell is this place?"

Jiang Yun stretched out his hand and picked up a handful of golden water. He held it in front of his eyes and looked at it carefully. He suddenly discovered that the water was actually golden, extremely pure, just like what was formed after melting gold.

"This is blood!"

Just as Jiang Yun finished speaking, another voice suddenly sounded in the vast ocean.

Upon hearing this voice, Jiang Yun's body suddenly trembled heavily, and the handful of golden water in his hand immediately slipped from his fingers.

Because, this is the voice of his father!

Jiang Yun asked with a trembling voice: "Father, is it you?"


The vast ocean suddenly began to boil violently, and countless water droplets quickly piled together, condensing into a tall, blurry figure.

The figure was also golden in color. Although Jiang Yun couldn't see clearly what the figure looked like, he clearly knew that this figure was his father!


His father spoke in a deep voice, with a hint of kindness in his voice, which made Jiang Yun's eyes wet.

He didn't know whether the father in front of him was a wisp of his father's soul or a spiritual consciousness, but being able to see his father was already a great surprise for him.

However, he soon realized that the father in front of him was neither a soul nor a consciousness, but just an image left here by his father.

Because his father didn't look at Jiang Yun at all, he just stood there and continued: "Since you can enter here, it means that your cultivation has passed the Void-Taking Realm!"

"I don't know how much you already know about your life experience, but you must have some understanding!"

"It's just that I still can't tell you your specific life experience. I can only say that no matter how much you know about your life experience, it is only a drop in the ocean compared to the real truth!"

Jiang Yun's eyes suddenly widened, and the moisture in his eyes disappeared instantly because of his father's words, replaced by full of shock!

What I knew about my life experience was only a drop in the ocean!

The father's voice continued: "When I sent you away, in order to prevent others from recognizing your true life experience, I took out all the blood from your body."

"And at this moment, the golden ocean you are in is the blood in your body, and it also contains the cultivation method of my Jiang family!"

These words made Jiang Yun almost jump out of fright!

This vast and endless golden ocean turned out to be all the blood in my body, and my blood was actually golden?

Suddenly, Jiang Yun thought of the Flower of the Two Realms. When the Flower of the Two Realms swallowed up everything in his body with its stamens, the color of the corresponding petals turned into pale gold!

Perhaps, it has something to do with my own blood!

The father continued: "The reason why I chose to let you enter here when you are in the Void Realm is to integrate your blood into your body again."

"After all, the cultivation method of my Jiang family must be combined with your own blood."

"It's just that your cultivation in the Void Realm is not enough for you to absorb all this blood, especially your physical body cannot bear it."

"So, this blood will be stored in your soul, and as your cultivation level improves, it will be absorbed and integrated bit by bit."

"When will you integrate all your blood into your body again, and you will be qualified to pursue your true life experience!"

"In addition, although I have hidden your golden blood in your body in a special way, most people cannot detect it, but there is no absolute, and there are still people who can know it."

"And you must be careful not to let anyone else discover your golden blood."

"If you're discovered, you only have two options."

"Either commit suicide or kill the other person!"

"Okay, kid, now I'm going to give this blood back to you. It will be a little painful at first, but you won't be able to feel it anymore after you pass out!"

After his father finished speaking, he raised his hand. Huge whirlpools suddenly appeared one after another in the surrounding ocean, setting off huge waves one after another, swarming towards Jiang Yun's body, following the pores of Jiang Yun's seven orifices. , poured into his body.

As the blood entered his body, Jiang Yun suddenly felt a huge pain, which instantly swept through his whole body.

This kind of pain comes from every part of his body, and even exceeds the pain when the flowers of the two realms devoured him.

Just as his father said, even Jiang Yun's powerful body, which had been destroyed eight times, couldn't bear it, and he couldn't help but groan.

The whole person fell directly to the ground, his eyes widened, and his consciousness gradually disappeared as he looked at the figure of his father that was gradually disappearing.

And at the last moment before he fell into coma, he heard his father's voice again in his ears.

"My child, I'm sorry for making you endure so much pain alone. I hope that when you and my family of three are reunited again, my father can make it up to you!"

"When you wake up, Zhengu will take my place and guide your practice!"

After hearing these words, Jiang Yun's consciousness finally disappeared completely and he closed his eyes, but there was an expectant smile on his face!

In the huge fighting world, Jiang Yun lay quietly on the boulder, falling into a coma. A bright golden light emitted from his body, almost lighting up the world.

And the Zhengu Spear had been separated from his back at some point. Just like when Jiang Yun first saw him, it penetrated deeply into the boulder and stood there, as if it had transformed into a loyal guard, guarding Jiang Yun. .

Time passed little by little while Jiang Yun was in coma. In the blink of an eye, more than a month passed.

The golden light that had been shining on Jiang Yun for more than a month finally began to spread towards his body bit by bit, but Jiang Yun was still in a coma.

In the Celestial Clan, all clan members, including the four major branch clans, were already standing in the sky with respectful expressions, forming nine endless lines.

At the front of them stood an extremely old man with an excited look on his face, rubbing his hands together and pacing back and forth, revealing his inner nervousness.

Naturally, this old man is the Lord of the Celestial Clan!

This was also the first time that he appeared in front of all the tribesmen without any scruples, letting all the tribesmen know that there was actually a supreme ancestor in their tribe!

And the reason why he appears is because the envoy from the main clan from the All Heavens Gathering Domain is about to arrive!

"I'm coming!"

As a message light lit up on his body, his eyes suddenly shone with light, and he shouted: "Get ready, the envoy is here!"

Four figures appeared in the sky, one in front and three in the back.

The three people at the back, with their heads lowered and groveling, showed extreme humility. They were the ancestors of the Celestial Clan.

The person at the front was a young man, with a slight frown on his face and a hint of disgust on his handsome face.

However, this trace of disgust gradually dissipated in the thunderous sound of "Welcome the envoy".

Especially when his eyes saw the beautiful faces in the crowd, a smile appeared on his face, and he said to himself in a voice that only he could hear: "Actually, in this lower realm, There are also merits!”

At the same time, in a certain boundary of the battlefield outside the territory, a loud "bang" sound suddenly came, and a narrow gap opened in the darkness.

Then, from the gap, there was a rather broad figure, who squeezed out with great difficulty!

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