Taoist world

Chapter 2889: Lone Man and Three Women

In addition to Xue Qing, Wu Shang, Lu Qingcheng and other powerful people in the Shanhai Realm also received messages from Jiang Yun, telling them to be ready to leave the Shanhai Realm at any time!

Although everyone was slightly startled, they had long been used to such things.

Even on the way here, they had considered such a situation.

Even if Jiang Yun asked them to prepare for a fight, they were not afraid.

But they knew very well that although the strength of themselves and others had improved, Jiang Yun's enemies were also getting stronger and stronger.

Since Jiang Yun asked himself and others to retreat, it meant that none of them together would be the opponent's opponent, so they all started to prepare for the retreat in an orderly manner.

Only one person did not make any preparation at all, but went directly to the depths of the boundary sea.

This person is naturally Hai Changsheng!

Even though Hai Chang was immortal and spent nearly two hundred years in a muddle, he was the demon of the sea and one of the reincarnations of Ji Kongfan. How could he not have imagined that his daughter's marriage to Jiang Yun might be Something unexpected happened!

Although he is unable to help Jiang Yun with his current strength, he has something to rely on that no one else has!

Hai Changsheng not only entered the Boundary Sea, but also came directly into the abyss of the Boundary Sea. Looking at the figure sitting cross-legged in front of him, he said coldly: "You seem to have failed to fulfill our agreement!"

Of course, this person is Ji Kongfan!

Ji Kongfan opened his eyes calmly, looked at Hai Changsheng, and said calmly: "What happened?"

Hai Changsheng said coldly: "Jiang Yun just informed us to be ready to leave at any time. This means that he has a powerful enemy coming!"

"Don't forget, the original agreement between you and me included that you must guarantee that Jiang Yun and my daughter's marriage will not be disturbed, that Jiang Yun's safety will be guaranteed, and that the world of mountains and seas will always be safe!"

Hearing Hai Changsheng's words, Ji Kongfan smiled lightly and said, "What did I think it was?"

"Don't worry, you don't have to leave the Shanhai Realm. Your son-in-law will be back soon, and their marriage will definitely go ahead as scheduled!"

Ji Kongfan's calmness and these words made Hai Changsheng stunned and said: "Are you sure?"

Ji Kongfan nodded and said, "Of course I'm sure, but it's just that the Light and Dark Tribe sent three people to kill Jiang Yun."

"Originally, they were supposed to go directly to the mountain and sea realm, but they were worried about my existence, so they didn't dare to come here, so they simply lured Jiang Yun out."

Hai Changsheng then asked: "In that case, these three people from the Light and Dark Tribe will not be Jiang Yun's opponents?"

Ji Kongfan thought for a while and said: "If it's one-on-one, Jiang Yun has a 60-70% chance of winning. If it's one-on-three, Jiang Yun will definitely die!"

Hai Changsheng frowned and said, "Then how can you guarantee that Jiang Yun will return safely?"

Ji Kongfan smiled and said: "Because Jiang Yun can't touch them at all, because someone has already gone to find those people from the light and dark tribe first!"

Hai Changsheng then showed a look of surprise on his face and said, "It turns out you were already prepared!"

"Ha ha!"

Ji Kongfan smiled and shook his head and said: "This is not my preparation, and the people who are looking for the Light and Dark Tribe are not my people. This is all your son-in-law's own ability!"

"In short, you can put your heart in your belly and wait for the day your daughter gets married!"

After saying that, Ji Kongfan closed his eyes, and after a moment, he opened them again, looked at Hai Changsheng who still hadn't left, and said, "Is there anything else?"

Hai Changsheng looked at Ji Kongfan and said, "I want to ask again, there shouldn't be any surprises on my daughter's wedding day, right?"

This time, Ji Kongfan did not answer immediately, but pondered for a while before saying: "If I am not mistaken, there should be an accident!"

"However, I will do my best to make this marriage end smoothly!"

"Try your best?" Hai Changsheng took a step forward and said, "You mean, it's possible that even you can't prevent the accident from happening?"

Ji Kongfan nodded heavily and said, "Yes, I can't guarantee that I can really solve all accidents."

"After all, even I can't imagine how powerful the Tiangu clan is!"

Hai Changsheng did not ask any more questions, but finally turned around and left.

The conversation with Ji Kongfan did not make him feel relieved, but made him feel anxious again.

If even Ji Kongfan can't guarantee the smooth completion of Xue Qing and Jiang Yun's marriage, then I'm afraid no one else in the world can do it.

"Jiang Yun, Jiang Yun, I really don't know whether Qing'er is lucky or unlucky that she followed you!"

Hai Changsheng looked at the sky and smiled bitterly. All he could do now was pray that this marriage would end successfully.


Just as Ji Kongfan said, Jiang Yun returned to the world of mountains and seas unscathed on the next night!

Although he followed Yue Ruhuo's instructions and went to the location set by the Light and Dark tribe, when he got there, he didn't even see a ghost!

He even carefully searched nearly a hundred worlds nearby, large and small, but still found nothing, so he had to rush back.

This also made Jiang Yun really confused as to where those three members of the Light and Dark Tribe had gone!

Since they came to the Shanhai area, injured Dan Daozi, and specifically asked Dan Daozi to come back to give them a message, how come they were gone when they left?

Jiang Yun couldn't think of an answer to this question.

Nothing was found, which made him even more worried. He found Dan Daozi and Yue Ruhuo again, and wanted to ask them in more detail about their experiences and the appearance of the three light and dark tribesmen.

Dan Daozi and Yue Ruhuo are no longer in Zangfeng, and were taken back to the Snow Clan by Xue Qing.

Because there was Ye Younan there, whose knowledge of elixirs was not lower than that of Dan Daozi.

And when Jiang Yun arrived at the Snow Clan's residence, he was deeply shocked by the scene before his eyes!

Xue Qing, Yue Ruhuo and Ye Younan, three women, are sitting together and chatting!

Although it can't be said that he was talking and laughing, even Yue Ruhuo would have a smile on his face from time to time.

Looking at the three of them, if you didn’t know better, you would definitely think that they have been friends for many years!

Jiang Yun really didn't know what was going on, but he was not in the mood to ask now and appeared directly in front of the three of them.

"Jiang Yun, you're back, are you okay?"

Seeing Jiang Yun appear, Xue Qing screamed in surprise.

Yue Ruhuo's expression was a little embarrassed, and she lowered her head, not daring to look at Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun smiled apologetically at Xue Qing and said, "I'm fine, Miss Yue, can you tell me in more detail how you were attacked yesterday!"

Yue Ruhuo nodded and told the story. After Jiang Yun listened carefully, his brows furrowed even more tightly because there was nothing special about it!

"I just went to the place where you were attacked, but I didn't see those three people!"

"Why are you here again!"

At this moment, an angry shout suddenly sounded in Jiang Yun's ears.

Hai Changsheng appeared behind Jiang Yun, looked at Jiang Yun with a straight face and said displeasedly: "Didn't I tell you that you are not allowed to see Qing'er again in the past few days? You are going to get married the day after tomorrow. Hurry up. Let’s go, let’s go quickly!”

Jiang Yun hurriedly said: "Uncle Hai, I..."

Hai Changsheng, however, didn't listen at all and interrupted unceremoniously: "What are you doing? We haven't even gotten married yet. It's not appropriate for a man and three women to live together in the same room. Come on, let's go!"

A lonely man and three women...

Hai Changsheng's words made Jiang Yun almost spit out a mouthful of blood. He didn't care what to say anymore and could only turn around and leave quickly, returning to Zangfeng!

Sitting on the Zangfeng, Jiang Yun recalled what happened to the Guangdian tribe again. Jiang Yun really couldn't think of a reason. He could only wait until the water came to cover him, and the soldiers came to stop him!

Just like that, another day passed peacefully, and tomorrow is the day Jiang Yun and Xue Qing get married!

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