Taoist world

Chapter 2873 An old man

Si Lingxiao opened his palms, and an illusory flower appeared in each palm. Judging from its shape, it was exactly the two giant flowers that existed on the ground and underground in this world.

Looking at the two flowers, Si Lingxiao said softly: "This flower is called the flower of two realms. One flower represents one realm, and it is divided into two realms of life and death!"

"In short, this entire domain is actually the fruit produced by the flowers of the two realms!"

Although Jiang Yun had vaguely thought of Si Lingxiao's words before, hearing Si Lingxiao say them himself now still made him feel extremely shocked!

It turns out that this entire area is really just the fruit of one flower!

Countless creatures actually exist just by clinging to one flower!

"What about you?" Jiang Yun looked at Si Lingxiao and said, "Are you a spirit from this realm, or a demon?"

Si Lingxiao is also a life born from the flowers of the two realms.

Originally, Jiang Yun thought that her life form should be the same as Tao Zun, a demon, representing this entire domain.

However, as a demon refiner, Jiang Yun did not feel the slightest trace of demonic energy in Si Lingxiao's body.

Si Lingxiao laughed at himself and said: "I don't know, what kind of... thing am I?"

"However, although I am also a fruit, I am not the only one. I can continue to grow, be picked, and bear fruit again."

"My normal life trajectory should have always been to stay in the flower bone. When it is fully mature, it will be picked away by the palm you saw before."

"Then, after countless years, a new fruit will still appear in the flower bones, but I don't know whether it is me or not!"

Jiang Yun thought for a while and said: "That means that even if you are taken away, this domain will not be affected in any way?"

Si Lingxiao nodded and said, "Yes, all of you creatures will not be affected in any way."

This made Jiang Yun frown, because this was different from his previous speculation.

He previously believed that once Si Lingxiao was taken away, it would most likely cause the entire region to disappear, but now Si Lingxiao said that there would be no impact.

"Then do you know what use you are to the monks in the All Heavens Gathering Area?"

"Also, the flower of the two realms cannot appear out of thin air inexplicably and give birth to a realm by itself. It must have been planted by the monks from the All Heavens Gathering Region."

"Is the purpose of this entire domain, and the countless creatures within it, just to allow you to appear?"

Si Lingxiao said with a wry smile: "Do you think, as a fruit, I will know these things? All I know is what I just told you!"

Jiang Yun fell into deep thought.

From Si Lingxiao's words and some previous understandings of this place, he was able to determine that the cultivators in the All-Heaven Gathering Domain planting the flowers of the two realms were actually the same as opening up the Tao Domain in the Destruction Domain.

However, the purpose of opening up the Tao Domain in the Destruction Domain is to cultivate the Tao, for the Tao fruits formed by the Tao Domain monks after their practice, and to allow them to discover a brand new way of practice, thereby helping them break through the bottleneck of their own practice.

But the power of the gathering domain of the heavens, whether it is called the power of gathering or the power of heaven, already includes all the power of the two domains of Mie Dao.

Then, it is unlikely that the monks in the All Heavens Gathering Area opened up such a large area to find a new way of practice, but probably just to allow fruits like Si Lingxiao to appear.

And Si Lingxiao's growth must be related to the creatures in this domain.

Just like the growth of the grass of life, it needs to absorb the terrifying vitality, which will turn all the life in the land of world fall into nutrients.

But what nourishes Si Lingxiao’s growth?

Not to mention others, at least Jiang Yun himself never felt that he had lost anything.

Thinking of the Grass of Life, Jiang Yun also thought of what the Demon Lord had told him that the Grass of Life was a derivative of something. Such a thing must be the Flower of Two Realms!

"Perhaps, Si Lingxiao's growth does require us creatures to contribute something, but because there are too many creatures, so distributed to each creature, the things dedicated will be very small, so this will lead to We didn't notice it."

Jiang Yun's thoughts could only go so far.

He looked up at Si Lingxiao, and then asked: "Then what is the relationship between this place, or between you and the Creation Clan?"

Si Lingxiao frowned and said: "To a certain extent, the Creation Race, like me, is also a life born from the flowers of the two realms."

"The two-realm flower can give birth to a realm and distinguish between life and death because it has the power to create life and seek death."

"Even originally, the Creation Clan was supposed to be the first life form to appear in this domain, but for some reason, the two Tiangu Clan appeared before them!"

Jiang Yun's heart moved!

No wonder the source of power of the Creation Race is not the same as other races in the Destruction Domain, but comes from the Tongtian Order. It turns out that they are born from the flowers of the Two Realms.

This is why, when Si Lingxiao went to the Chuangsheng Clan, the strength of the Chuangsheng Clan changed drastically!

Moreover, as Si Lingxiao said, the Creation Clan should be the first to be born, and may even be the real masters of this domain.

Naturally, this also proves that despite Cang Mang's crazy behavior, his idea is right. Their clan indeed originated here!

The flower of the two realms is equivalent to the origin of their clan!

It's a pity that the two Tiangu tribes appeared before them, which made the strength and status of these two tribes surpass those of the Chuangsheng tribe.

Otherwise, the most powerful ethnic group in this domain now should be the Chuangsheng Clan, and the other Tiangu Clan, including the Nirvana Clan and the Light and Dark Clan, will be below them.

"The two Tiangu tribes appeared first. Could it be the fault of people from the Zhutian Gathering Area?"

"After all, the Gu clan is related to the ancient clan, and with the strength of the Gu clan, it shouldn't be difficult to create a clan in a region!"

"As for the birth of the Celestial Clan, there is a Babu Tian in the All Heavens Gathering Area. I wonder if there is any relationship between the two!"

This was just Jiang Yun's random speculation, but he didn't expect that he actually guessed it right!

"Miss Xiao, now that you have remembered your past memories, is there any way you can help the Creation Clan?"

Although Cang Mang and Jiang Yun had enmity, in Jiang Yun's heart, Si Jing'an's kindness to him was much heavier than the enmity between Cang Mang and him.

What's more, now in this domain, he can be said to have enemies all over the place, including the Tiangu Clan and the Light and Dark Royal Clan, any one of them is the most powerful existence.

He himself is not afraid, but he also has to consider the people around him. He doesn't want Xue Qing to be caught by others again.

Therefore, he also hopes to have the Creation Clan as his solid ally, hopes that the Creation Clan will grow stronger, and it is best to regain the status they deserve!

Si Lingxiao nodded and said: "Of course, as long as I go back to the Creation Clan, I can bring them the power of the flowers of the two realms!"

Jiang Yun's eyes suddenly lit up and he said, "Then are you planning to return to the Creation Clan?"

"Of course we go back!"

While saying these words, Si Lingxiao looked towards the ground, still showing a trace of fear in his eyes and said: "As long as I am here, I will always worry that the monks from the All Heavens Gathering Area will appear."

“I really don’t want to and don’t dare to come to this place again!”

Jiang Yun fully understands Si Lingxiao's feelings. No one wants to be picked away as a piece of fruit.

"Okay, let's get out of here together!"

Jiang Yun stood up and asked casually: "By the way, Miss Xiao, how did you gain consciousness in the first place, and how did you think of escaping from Huaguduo?"

Si Lingxiao frowned and said, "I seem to have had a dream, and an old man appeared in the dream..."

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