Taoist world

Chapter 2820: Meeting Gift

Upon hearing these words, the expression on Jiang Yun's face suddenly froze, and his mind went blank for an instant.

But then, his body began to tremble uncontrollably, and some of the doubts that had arisen in his heart were explained.

Because the voice coming from the communication stone was none other than Dao Wuming!

No wonder neither his mother nor Dao Wuming appeared on this battlefield. It turned out to be because her mother was expecting a baby, and Dao Wuming must have been ordered to protect her mother.

Although Jiang Yun didn't know if he had other brothers, he instinctively felt that at this moment, the child his mother gave birth to was him!

It turns out that I was born near the end of the first war between my father and the foreign enemy!

Hearing that he was born was really a wonderful experience for Jiang Yun, and it made him want to go back and see his newly born self.

"Congratulations, sir!"

"Congratulations, sir!"

"Congratulations, sir!"

At this moment, the eighteen strong men around him also hurriedly stepped forward. Everyone's face was filled with smiles, and they held their fists in congratulations to Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun also came back to his senses, and bowed to everyone with his fists, and even laughed loudly: "Haha, thank you very much, today is a double happiness. Not only did I defeat the Gu family, but I, Jiang, finally finally There’s a queen!”

Just like the two previous pursuit orders, this sentence was not what Jiang Yun wanted to say, but it was said naturally and strangely.

Moreover, while saying these words, Jiang Yun could feel a complex emotion of excitement, joy, but also mixed with a little guilt in his heart.

This made Jiang Yun immediately understand that the vague figure that led him into this memory should be a ray of consciousness left by his father, or a ray of separated soul.

If he just uses the golden sword to open the seal, he can only watch his father's memory as a bystander.

But with the guidance of that vague figure, I can transform myself into my father. As a father, I no longer just watch, but experience my father's memories firsthand.

Naturally, the feeling that surged up in me at this moment was the feeling in my father's heart back then.

As a father and a husband, when his wife gives birth, he should stay by his wife's side and wait for the birth of the child.

But his father had to command an army and fight against foreign enemies, which made him feel guilty for his mother.

At this time, the old man who reminded him before also spoke again: "Sir, then we should go back quickly to see the mistress and the young master!"

Jiang Yun also wanted to see his newborn self, but just when he was about to nod, there was another loud shout: "Report!"

The big man with the ax appeared in front of Jiang Yun again and said hurriedly: "Sir, the invading enemy has passed through the teleportation array and returned to their lair. We should chase or let go!"

According to Jiang Yun, since the enemies have been beaten back to their lair, the most they can do is send people to surround the opponent's lair. There is no need to pursue them anymore.

However, the smile on Jiang Yun's face gradually faded uncontrollably and turned into indifference. He exuded a powerful chilling feeling and said coldly: "You dared to offend me, Mrs. Jiang, because you thought you were escaping." You can sit back and relax when you return to your hometown!”

"Come with me and destroy their lair!"

Upon hearing these words, the expressions of the eighteen people behind Jiang Yun suddenly changed, and they all said in unison: "Sir, you absolutely must not do this!"

After the eighteen people looked at each other, the old man hurriedly stepped forward and said: "Sir, don't chase after the poor bandits!"

"The Gu clan is coming with great force, and we don't know anything about their details. It's too dangerous to rush into their lair like this!"

"Yes!" Another middle-aged man said immediately: "Sir, the Gu family was severely damaged by us this time. It is impossible for us to lead an army to attack again in a short time. There is no need to risk annihilation."

Another old man stood up and said: "Yes, sir, although we did win this first confrontation, our victory was also extremely difficult and we paid a high price."

"If we rashly break into the Gu family's lair again, even if we can annihilate them all, I'm afraid the casualties will be even more severe."

"We should send a small number of troops to surround their lair and let most of the people withdraw and recuperate!"

"What's more, Your Excellency has just given birth to a precious son. At this time, you should go back to see the mistress and the young master, instead of personally taking risks!"

Eighteen people talked about it, but you didn't say a word. They all spoke to dissuade Jiang Yun from going to Gu's lair in person.

However, when Jiang Yun's majestic gaze swept across the faces of the eighteen people one by one, the eighteen people immediately shut their mouths, and no one dared to speak anymore.

Jiang Yun said solemnly: "Everyone, I think you should also understand the principle of letting the tiger return to the mountain!"

"As you said, it was quite difficult for us to win this battle, but it is difficult for us, and it will be even harder for the Gu family."

"We are recuperating, and Gu Shi can also take this opportunity to recuperate."

"After they have rested, if we come again, even if we can defeat them again, we will definitely have to pay the same or even greater price as today!"

"Now that our monks have high morale, we should take this opportunity to attack the Gu family's lair, completely annihilate the Gu family, and avoid future troubles forever!"

"As for the danger!" Jiang Yun said with an arrogant smile: "Do you think that no matter how dangerous the Gu family's lair is, it can still be compared to my Jiang family!"

"Also, my son was born. As a father, I didn't prepare any gifts, so I went to fetch the Gu family's lair and gave it to my son as a gift for meeting him!"

Although the words came from Jiang Yun's mouth, they were not what Jiang Yun meant at all. Even his own blood was boiling and his heart was shaking!

Because this was exactly what my father chose back then!

Even though he knew that his son had been born, he still went to the Gu family's lair in person without hesitation to annihilate the Gu family in one fell swoop.

Seeing that someone was still talking, Jiang Yun suddenly raised his hand and said, "Okay, I've given up, you don't need to say any more!"

"Tomahawk, clear the way!"

The big man who came to report the news always stood there with his head bowed, holding an ax and did not participate in the conversation. It was not until he heard Jiang Yun's words that he raised his head, with excitement on his face, and responded loudly. He said: "Yes!"

After finishing speaking, the big man immediately turned around, raised the giant ax in his hand high, and struck the darkness in front of him with a heavy blow!


As the big man's ax fell, there was a loud noise in the darkness ahead.

In the darkness, a path of nothingness was actually carved out by his axe, extending to the endless distance.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Yun's pupils couldn't help but shrink suddenly.

Jiang Yun felt vaguely familiar with this path of nothingness, because it was somewhat like the Void Path of the Void Clan.

However, Jiang Yuncong had seen Madman Xu open up the Void Path with his own eyes. The process could be said to be quite complicated, and it took a huge amount of time and energy.

Although he knew that the big man named Tomahawk must be extremely powerful, he did not expect that the other party could open a path to nothingness with just one axe.

This skill alone is so miraculous that it surpasses the cultivators of the Destruction Realm by many.

After opening the way out, Tomahawk was the first to step onto the road of nothingness, but when Jiang Yungang was about to take a step to follow, his expression suddenly changed.

Because, the roar of the battle ax suddenly sounded from within, and then his figure staggered back.

Jiang Yun's figure swayed and came behind Tomahawk. He reached out and gently pulled Tomahawk's shoulder. Not only did he stabilize his body, but he also took advantage of the situation and threw the opponent towards the back.

As for Jiang Yun himself, he stood proudly on the road to nothingness, looking at a figure walking out of nothingness.

And when this figure gradually appeared in front of Jiang Yun, Jiang Yun's pupils couldn't help but shrink again, and the expression on his face changed drastically!

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