Taoist world

Chapter 273: Stimulating the medicinal properties

Although these words from the leader of the Medicine God Sect were very soft, they made Jiang Yun's body tremble slightly.

Because the other party was right!

Previously, Jiang Yun seemed to be in a daze for 90% of the time in the Thousand Medicine Array, but in fact, it was because he discovered that the spiritual energy injected into the medicinal materials actually hid mysteries.

And the function of this mystery can actually stimulate the medicinal properties of medicinal materials!

Many medicinal materials can actually be taken directly, but for people who are truly proficient in medicine, they will not do this, but will often supplement them with other methods.

For example, adding medicinal ingredients, such as taking it in a special way.

It even includes mixing a variety of medicinal materials together to make elixirs.

The reason lies in its medicinal properties.

The medicinal properties of a medicinal material cannot be fully exerted when taken directly. Only through these special methods can the medicinal properties be brought out as much as possible.

But when Jiang Yun held the first medicinal material in the Thousand Medicine Array, he accidentally discovered that the words formed by the aura he input into it would spontaneously form a special trajectory, stimulating the medicinal material from the inside. various parts of.

As long as the words condensed by spiritual energy are correct, the medicinal properties of the medicinal materials will be stimulated.

If all the words are correct, then this trajectory will become complete, so that the medicinal properties of the medicinal materials can be stimulated to the greatest extent.

And this is why as long as the answer is correct, the medicinal materials will disappear.

Because they have lost their medicinal properties, the medicinal materials have lost all their essence, just like once humans lose the water in their bodies, they will turn into mummies, or even disappear into ashes.

Jiang Yun spent 90% of his time slowly exploring this method of stimulating medicinal properties, which was the trajectory of spiritual energy, and finally figured it out.

In short, the whole process is somewhat similar to a monk opening up his meridians.

The correct trajectory formed by the spiritual energy can be regarded as the meridians of the medicinal materials.

However, what exists in the meridians of the human body are impurities, while what exists in the meridians of medicinal materials is its medicinal properties.

Once the spiritual energy pours into it, these medicinal properties will be gradually forced out.

In fact, logically speaking, Jiang Yun was not stealing lessons at all.

Because the Medicine God Sect never expected that someone could discover this method of stimulating medicinal properties in this first round of competition.

XN`first release*Q

And, I learned it in such a short period of time.

More importantly, Jiang Yun is still a disciple of a foreign sect, so the sect leader deliberately asked this question.

After pondering for a moment, Jiang Yun did not deny it. He touched his nose and also lowered his voice and said: "I don't know, sect leader, how do you want this junior to explain?"

The sect leader smiled slightly and said: "Let's wait until the competition is over before we talk!"

After saying that, the sect leader ignored Jiang Yun, and after Jiang Yun glanced at the other party, he also turned his attention to the scroll on the platform.

In the inheritance place, the second round of competition is taking place. It is testing the disciples' control of spiritual energy. The method of the competition is very simple.

It is similar to the sesame-grabbing method that Xiao Zheng used to test the monks.

However, the sesame seeds were replaced by a pile of medicinal materials, and the bottle containing the sesame seeds was replaced by a fist-sized alchemy furnace.

The time has also changed from ten breaths to one stick of incense.

There is an extra piece of paper in front of each disciple, and the order in which the medicinal materials need to be grabbed is written on the paper.

Within the specified time, according to the order, grab the required medicinal materials with spiritual energy and put them into the alchemy furnace.

During the grabbing process, the medicinal materials must not be damaged at all.

Although it seems that this kind of competition is easier than catching sesame seeds. After all, there are more medicinal materials than sesame seeds.

However, the arrangement of these medicinal materials is extremely chaotic, and many roots, stems and leaves are even entangled with each other.

Moreover, this also requires another test of the disciples' ability to identify medicinal materials.

Some medicinal materials are almost identical in appearance. They just have an extra leaf or a few inches longer. You may get them wrong if you don't pay attention.

Therefore, the difficulty actually increases.

As the competition has begun, some disciples are completely in a hurry, with various medicinal materials flying around randomly.

There are even some medicinal materials that are so heavy that if you are not skilled in controlling spiritual energy, you will not be able to grasp them at all.

Even if it is forcibly installed, too much spiritual energy will cause damage to the medicinal materials.

But if it were Jiang Yun, it would still not be difficult at all.

The first one to finish was still Guan Yiming, and it still took half a stick of incense.

Following closely behind is Xiao Zheng!

The third place, unexpectedly, turned out to be Li Changlin.

Just like that, when the second round of competition ended, only 500 of the previous 2,000 disciples were left.

As Elder Han announced the results, the third round of competition will begin.

The leader of Yaoshen Sect looked at Jiang Yun and said, "I'll give you a ride!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Yun felt a breeze wrap around his body, sending him directly back to the place of inheritance.

When they saw Jiang Yun, most of the disciples' faces sank involuntarily, feeling a deep pressure.

There was no way, Jiang Yun's previous performance was really amazing.

Of course, some people kept their expressions unchanged, thinking that Jiang Yun would not perform as amazingly again in this round of competition.

"The third round is about drug sensation!"

As Elder Han finished speaking, a furnace lid suddenly appeared on top of the alchemy furnace in front of each disciple.

A raging fire also broke out below the alchemy furnace, directly covering the entire alchemy furnace.

Almost instantly, various smells wafted out from inside.

Apparently, some of the medicinal materials they had put in earlier had begun to melt under the burning of the flames.

Jiang Yun was naturally no exception. A sealed pill furnace that was also burning with flames appeared in front of him, and there was also a smell coming from it.

"The medicinal materials that I asked you to put into the alchemy furnace in order just now will condense into a kind of elixir under the burning of the fire."

"Everyone waits for a quarter of an hour. After a quarter of an hour, without using your spiritual consciousness, tell the temperature of each pill in it!"

"Don't think about taking chances. There is a divine consciousness formation on each alchemy furnace. As long as you use your spiritual consciousness, the alchemy furnace will explode. Okay, let's start now!"

Without using your spiritual consciousness, if you want to know the temperature at which medicinal materials are burned, you can only make a rough judgment through various senses such as seeing, smelling, and hearing.

Especially now, everyone has a lid on their alchemy furnace and it is sealed. You can't even look at it, you can only smell it.

Judging by smell is also the most commonly used method.

The second thing is to listen. After some medicinal materials are burned into liquid, there will be a sound.

Different medicinal materials have different sounds.

In short, it is extremely difficult.

But for Jiang Yun, it is even more difficult!

Because everyone else at least knows what the medicinal materials in their alchemy furnace are, it is relatively easy to judge, but Jiang Yun has no idea at all.

This made Xiao Zheng's eyes reveal a trace of anxiety. He was about to open his mouth to seek some fairness for Jiang Yun, but was rejected by Jiang Yun with a gentle shake of his head.

Jiang Yun's method of refining elixirs was completely different from that of these disciples of the Medicine God Sect.

In Mangshan, he always used stone pots or iron pots to refine it.

You must know that stone pots and iron pots are very different from each other in any aspect compared to the alchemy cauldron, which is specialized in refining medicine.

And at that time, he was just a mortal and had no spiritual consciousness at all.

But even so, after more than ten years of refining, he has never made a mistake in judging the temperature of the elixir.

So this kind of competition is really too familiar to him.

Gently closing his eyes and smelling the various smells coming from the alchemy furnace, Jiang Yun seemed to have returned to the time in Jiangcun.

Time passed slowly, and each disciple looked at the alchemy furnace in front of him with various expressions on his face.

There is anxiety, calmness, and doubts.

Jiang Yun's expression was always calm.

But when a quarter of an hour passed, when the flames of the alchemy furnace in front of him disappeared, a frown appeared on his calm face.

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