Taoist world

Chapter 2695 The ancestor was killed

Jiang Yun was not surprised to hear that Xue Qianshang also participated in the attack on the Guyin tribe.

Because Xue Qianshang already knew in advance that there were no Shura clansmen in those three worlds, so his visit was just a pretense.

In this way, people would never even think about the relationship between the Danyang Clan and the Guyin Clan!

Jiang Yun then asked: "Did your six generals secretly discuss this in advance?"

Xue Qianshang shook his head and said: "No, actually, there are other people pulling the strings!"

Before Jiang Yun could ask again, Xue Qianshang took the initiative to continue: "More than two months ago, except for the Ancient Yin clan, the nine major general clans in the Southwest Wilderness welcomed an uninvited guest at the same time!"

"These people have changed their appearance, so none of us know their identities."

"The first thing they said when they saw us was that they hoped that we would each send a strong person to attack the Ancient Yin Clan together!"

“To that end, he offered us a huge benefit that was almost impossible to refuse.”

"In fact, as long as we agree, he will cash in half of the benefits in advance, and after the Ancient Yin tribe is wiped out, he will cash in the other half of the benefits."

While speaking, Xue Qianshang threw a storage magic weapon towards Jiang Yun.

After Jiang Yun's consciousness swept over the objects in the magic weapon, he couldn't help but sneer on his face and said: "What a big gesture, even if it were me, I would be a little excited."

"Then based on these things, can we deduce their identities?"

"No!" Xue Qianshang shook his head again: "We can only speculate that he comes from an extremely powerful ethnic group."

"Because although these things are valuable, they are only compared to us young generals who have never seen the world. Any general in the Four Elephants area can afford them."

Jiang Yun nodded, threw the magic weapon back to Xue Qianshang and said, "Keep talking!"

After catching the magic weapon, a look of surprise flashed across Xue Qianshang's face. Apparently, he didn't expect Jiang Yun to return these things to him.

However, he did not ask any more questions, put away the magic weapon, and continued: "There is nothing else. Even you can't refuse these conditions, so it would be unreasonable for me to refuse."

"As for the other five tribes, they have long regarded the Ancient Yin tribe as a thorn in their flesh, a thorn in their side, and they can't wait to pull it out."

"Now that someone is taking the lead and there are benefits to be gained, of course they won't refuse!"

"Therefore, our six generals made an appointment with them, divided our troops into three groups, and attacked the three worlds of the Ancient Yin Clan."

"I paid special attention to their actions and wanted to use this to determine their identity, but they were so hidden that I couldn't see anything at all."

"After destroying the three worlds of the Ancient Yin Clan and realizing the other half of the benefits, we each left."

Having said this, Xue Qianshang paused and said, "However, I think this matter is not over yet."

"I doubt they will even let those of us involved!"

Jiang Yun nodded and said: "Then they didn't find out that the monks in the three worlds were not strong at that time, so they had suspicions?"

"No, the four Void-Treading warriors attacking at the same time were extremely powerful. It is normal for them not to encounter any resistance."

Jiang Yun stopped talking and started thinking.

Although he knew what happened, and even Xue Qianshang was personally involved, he still had no clue as to the true identity of those people.

Even if it was really the Creation Royal Family, I couldn't find any evidence!

Jiang Yun suddenly frowned and said: "No, you just said that the other party found all nine of your tribes at the same time, so there should be at least nine people. Why did only six people participate in the battle in the end?"

Xue Qianshang shook his head and said: "I don't know about this. Maybe they think that with the strength of our six tribes, six people are enough!"

"Well, it is indeed possible!" Jiang Yun then asked: "Where are Shura and the others now?"

Although Shura and the others were fine, Jiang Yun felt relieved, but until now, he still didn't know if something had really happened to Xue Qing.

Xue Qianshang did not know Xue Qing's existence, and only a few people including Shura and Ye Danqiong knew Xue Qing's identity.

Xue Qianshang said: "When you came in just now, I already informed him that he should be arriving soon!"

Obviously, Shura and the others also considered that if Jiang Yun came back and couldn't find them, he would definitely come looking for Xue Qianshang, so he left a contact method for Xue Qianshang.

Then, Jiang Yun and Xue Qianshang repeatedly discussed the situation of the six strong men.

Xue Qianshang even transformed the images of the six people, but in the end Jiang Yun could not find any useful clues.

"Jiang Yun!"

Finally, Shura's voice came from outside the door, and two figures stepped in.

Shura and Ye Zhiqiu!

But seeing these two people coming together, coupled with Shura's pale face and the sad expression on Ye Zhiqiu's face, Jiang Yun's heart sank!

Ye Zhiqiu is the son of the leader of the Tianxiang clan. In terms of status and strength, he is far inferior to Shura.

Although both the Shura and Tianxiang tribes are members of the Tenth Clan of Annihilation, the only person in the Tianxiang tribe who is qualified to travel with Shura is Ye Danqiong!

Now that Ye Danqiong did not come, only Ye Zhiqiu came, which made Jiang Yun realize that maybe something happened to not only Xue Qing, but also Ye Danqiong!

Sure enough, after seeing Jiang Yun, Ye Zhiqiu knelt down in front of him. Without opening a word, tears were already flowing down and he said: "Sir, the Tianxiang tribe is guilty!"

Looking at Ye Zhiqiu who didn't notice Xue Qianshang's presence at all and cried when he came in, the original relaxation in Jiang Yun's heart had been swept away and replaced by heaviness again. There was a cold light in his eyes as he said: "Stand up, after all What's wrong!"

Ye Zhiqiu knelt there, trembling and said: "Sir, Ancestor Danqiong was killed, and Miss Xue and Younan were taken away!"


Jiang Yun suddenly stood up, and the murderous aura coming from his body turned into a monstrous storm, sweeping directly through the entire hall.

"Boom boom boom!"

There was a loud roar in the hall and it turned into ruins, and everything exploded instantly and turned into nothingness.

Feeling the murderous aura on Jiang Yun's body, Xue Qianshang and Shura's eyes flashed at the same time!

When Jiang Yun left the Destruction Domain, he was still at the Tianyuan realm.

And now, although his cultivation level is unknown, his strength is not as good as the two of them, but it is not too far apart!

And only a few decades have passed!

Jiang Yun didn't pay attention to the shock in the two people's hearts. He stretched out his hand and grabbed Ye Zhiqiu who was kneeling on the ground. He shouted loudly: "What did you say? Ancestor Danqiong is dead?"

Ye Zhiqiu's tears continued to fall, and he nodded vigorously: "The ancestor's life stone in the clan has been completely shattered!"

Hearing Ye Zhiqiu's answer, Jiang Yun's body trembled, weakly let go of Ye Zhiqiu, and slowly closed his eyes!

Ye Danqiong, the old patriarch of the Tianxiang clan who was personally inspired by Ji Kongfan, has always treated Jiang Yun as his master and helped Jiang Yun a lot.

Especially Xue Qing's ability to wake up was entirely due to her.

In Jiang Yun's heart, he never regarded her as a slave, but as a kind elder.

But now, she was actually killed!

One can imagine the anger and sadness in Jiang Yun's heart at this moment.

After a long time, Jiang Yun finally opened his eyes again, turned to look at Shura, and said coldly: "Senior Shura, what is going on? Didn't you leave people in those three worlds?"

Then, Jiang Yun looked at Xue Qianshang again, the sadness and coldness in his eyes turned into a terrifying murderous intent, and continued: "Then how could Senior Danqiong die? How could Xueqing and Younan be killed? Catch him!"

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