Taoist world

Chapter 269: Just don’t move

As long as you break through the formation and successfully get out of the Thousand Medicine Formation, you will still be able to see the competition of others just like watching the disciples, even though you are still in the place of inheritance.

After Guan Yiming came out of the battle, he began to look for Jiang Yun's location.

Because Jiang Yun dared to say that his character was too bad in front of so many people. After the competition was over, he had to teach him a lesson.

However, before he found Jiang Yun, he saw someone breaking out of the formation right after him, which naturally made his eyes look at this person.

At first glance, a look of surprise appeared on his face!

Standing next to him was Xiao Zheng!

He never expected that Xiao Zheng, who had been ridiculed by him just now and was still only in the third rank five years later, would be only a little slower than himself in identifying medicinal materials.

But soon, the surprise on Guan Yiming's face was replaced by indifference again, and he let out a disdainful snort.

After all, this first round only tests the basics of medicine, and the following rounds will be tested.

Especially the last round is the real test of your medicine skills.

Winning this first round doesn't explain anything.

But no matter what, Xiao Zheng's performance of breaking out of the formation after Guan Yiming also shocked many onlookers.

Even Mei Bugu opened his eyes, with a rare flash of relief in his eyes.

Compared with her, Yang Shizhong's complexion became ugly.

Because his disciple Li Changlin has not identified at least thirty medicinal materials so far.

Originally, he thought that Li Changlin and Xiao Zheng were not far behind in medicine, but he didn't expect that the distance had become so wide.

In desperation, Yang Shizhong could only comfort himself and said: "Fortunately, I made preparations in advance!"

After leaving the formation, Xiao Zheng ignored Guan Yiming beside him at all, but also looked for Xie Xiaoyong and Jiang Yun among the Dabi disciples.

Soon, he found Xie Xiaoyong.

Although Xie Xiaoyong's identification speed is not fast, it is definitely not slow either.

He can be ranked among the upper-middle-class among everyone, so he should have no problem getting through this first round.

However, when Xiao Zheng's eyes saw the motionless Jiang Yun, his expression suddenly became strange: "This, Brother Jiang, are you still hiding your clumsiness on purpose?

"Or is it that he is just good at controlling spiritual energy and refining medicine, but he has not worked hard on memorizing the medicinal materials?"

Xiao Zheng had seen Jiang Yun's control of spiritual energy, and heard that Jiang Yun had refined heaven-level elixirs.

But I'm really not sure whether Jiang Yun had spent time memorizing the medicinal materials, so he had such an idea.

And this is not just his random imagination, because not only do alchemists who do not pay attention to basics exist, but there are also many of them.

These demon refiners don't want to spend time memorizing the properties of various medicinal materials.

Just like many monks, they are unwilling to spend time practicing the control of spiritual energy when they are in the Tongmai realm.

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Because anyway, when refining the elixir, as long as you prepare the various medicinal materials required according to the elixir recipe, and then familiarize yourself with it in advance, you can successfully refine the elixir.

In this way, Xiao Zheng naturally began to worry about Jiang Yun secretly.

If he can't even pass this first round, then no matter how strong Jiang Yun is in other aspects, it will be useless.

But now, even though he is anxious, he is helpless. He can only hope that his guess is wrong and Jiang Yun can quickly break through the Thousand Medicine Formation.

As time passed by, although more and more disciples broke through the formation one after another, they were still only a small minority compared to the number of people participating in the competition.

Li Changlin and Xie Xiaoyong had also walked out one after another, and when they saw Jiang Yun, they couldn't help but be slightly startled.

Xie Xiaoyong immediately looked at Xiao Zheng, who smiled helplessly at her and shook his head.

Li Changlin was stunned for a moment, then his face suddenly became happy, and he did not forget to introduce Jiang Yun's identity and origin to the disciples around him who broke out of the formation like him.

When Elder Han explained Jiang Yun's identity earlier, they had already entered this inheritance place, so they basically didn't know that Jiang Yun was not his fellow sect at all.

Now after listening to Li Changlin's introduction and knowing Jiang Yun's identity, these people naturally showed different reactions.

Some are sympathetic, some are sarcastic, and some are confused.

Of course, there was also Guan Yiming who looked away from Jiang Yun with a look of contempt on his face and chose to ignore it.

This kind of non-medicine monk from outside the sect is not worthy of his attention at all.

When only one-tenth of the incense was burned, about two thousand disciples had successfully broken through the formation and passed the first round.

The remaining five to six thousand disciples are still trapped in the formation.

Not only is there less and less time left for them, but the minds of these disciples are also becoming more and more chaotic.

Almost everyone will look up from time to time to look at the shorter and shorter incense above their head.

This means that these five to six thousand people will most likely be eliminated in the first round.

And among them, Jiang Yun was included!

However, Jiang Yun's heart was not in chaos.

Because until now, he still maintained a still posture, holding the first medicinal material.

"Is this what you call good talent? It's really hilarious!"

"Just now I thought that Jiang Yun, not to mention being able to pass the first round, should at least be able to identify dozens of medicinal materials! But I didn't expect that he couldn't even identify one."

"Earlier, he ridiculed Senior Brother Guan for his poor character. Hmm, I think he doesn't know how to pretend to understand. He obviously knows nothing about medicine, but he pretends to be talented. That's how he really has poor character!"

Most of the disciples, whether they were onlookers or those who had successfully broken through the formation, mocked and ridiculed Jiang Yun unceremoniously.

However, some people have doubts in their hearts.

Because even if Jiang Yun didn't recognize the first medicinal material, there was no need to hold on to one!

There are thousands of medicinal materials around him, and he can choose other medicinal materials for identification.

There are thousands of medicinal materials, it’s impossible not to recognize even one, right?

After all, even among those disciples who successfully broke into the formation, not everyone can identify every one, and there will always be some that they don't recognize.

Those who had this doubt included Xiao Zheng and Xie Xiaoyong, the five Heavenly Medicine Masters, and Elder Han.

Therefore, they all looked at Jiang Yun with a strange look. No one could know what Jiang Yun was doing at this moment.

At this moment, Jiang Yun, who had always been standing there as if he was sluggish, suddenly moved!

He exhaled a long breath, and a smile appeared on his face. In that smile, there seemed to be enlightenment and joy.

The appearance of a smile on Jiang Yun's face naturally attracted everyone's attention immediately, and countless eyes were focused on him at this time.

Everyone wants to see how Jiang Yun, who is almost recognized by them as completely ignorant of medicine and has absolutely no chance of passing the first round of competition, can still do it in less than one-tenth of the remaining time. Something!

Even Mei Bugu opened his eyes again and stared directly at Jiang Yun.

Most of the gazes of so many people were filled with sneers and sarcasm, and only a few of them were filled with curiosity.

But there was one person whose eyes were full of expectation!

This person is Xiao Zheng!

Among the more than 30,000 people in the Yaoshen Sect, he was the only one who always believed in his opinion of Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun's attainments in medicine are absolutely extremely strong!

He believed that if Jiang Yun didn't move, he would be shocked!

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