Taoist world

Chapter 2650 Lord of Mountains and Seas

With the emergence of this terrifying murderous intention, the expressions of those monks from the outside world who already showed complicated expressions once again became extremely fearful, and even some of the timid ones began to tremble uncontrollably.

They naturally understood what Jiang Yun meant.

Jiang Yun wants to go to the thirty-six Dao realms, not just to visit them, but to completely erase these thirty-six Dao realms, together with all the living creatures in them, from this world, forever. future trouble!


At this moment, a scream suddenly rang out, waking everyone up from the shock and hurriedly looking in the direction of the sound.

At the edge of this area that had been blocked by Jiang Yun with pure murderous intent, there was an outsider monk who wanted to escape regardless because he could not bear the terrifying murderous intent.

It's a pity that at this moment, not only was he unable to escape, but his body had become torn into pieces, as if he had been scratched by countless sharp knives.

"Buzz buzz!"

At the same time as this foreign monk died, in front of him, at the visible barrier, countless vague figures suddenly appeared, densely packed and endless.

It turns out that what forms this barrier is not just Jiang Yun’s murderous aura, but also these figures!

If there are members of the Killing General Clan here, they will be able to recognize that Jiang Yun's murderous intention is very similar to the murderous aura possessed by their clan.

And these shadows are all the creatures Jiang Yun has killed in his life!

Seeing the death of their companion and the appearance of these figures, many outside monks finally realized that they and others had absolutely no ability to break through this area safely.

Han Lingzi's face was uncertain. Although the terrifying murderous intention exuded by Jiang Yun moved him, he was still unwilling to give up everything he had gained so easily.

Especially in his heart, he still held a glimmer of hope that he could defeat Jiang Yun.

Therefore, when Jiang Yun's eyes fell on him again, Han Lingzi smiled coldly and said: "Jiang Yun, you don't need to bluff here."

"No matter how strong you are, we have more than 100,000 monks, how can we still be afraid of you alone!"

As soon as the words fell, the cold air that had always been permeating Han Lingzi's body also burst out and turned into a rolling cold current, sweeping away in all directions.

As these cold currents surged through, layers of frost began to spread rapidly in the gaps between the boundaries, even covering the bodies of the more than 100,000 outer domain monks.

Although they are wrapped in these frosts, what the outside monks inside feel is not the cold, but the heat wave!

It's so cold that it's no longer cold, but hot!

The heat wave was pervasive and penetrated into their bodies, making them feel as if every part of their bodies was being burned by flames.

In an instant, most of the area that was first blocked by Jiang Yun with murderous intent was frozen by Han Lingzi with layers of frost.

The chill continued to sweep towards Jiang Yun, towards Yang Jinchen, and towards the beasts from the Yin Spirit Realm.

Yang Jinchen had actually felt the terrifying chill for a long time, but he always gritted his teeth and persisted, his body kept shaking, and he just didn't let himself make a sound.

But Jiang Yun stood there expressionlessly as if nothing was wrong, staring calmly at the chill that hit his face.

Seeing that the chill was about to come to Jiang Yun, Jiang Yun suddenly took steps and walked towards Han Lingzi.

At the same time, he also said calmly: "Han Lingzi, if the prediction is correct, the Dao realm you live in should be opened by a strong man with such cold power in the Destruction Realm. Come out!"

"And the reason why you are able to possess a strength comparable to that in the Void Realm is because you gained the power of the powerful man from the Destruction Realm!"

As Jiang Yun continued to step forward, the chill that was originally rushing towards him, instead of being able to move any further, continued to retreat towards the back, towards Han Lingzi!

It's like they have spirituality and are extremely afraid of Jiang Yun.

At this moment, Han Lingzi's face had become extremely pale, and when he looked at Jiang Yun, he finally showed uncontrollable fear.

What he feared was not Jiang Yun's powerful strength, but what Jiang Yun said!

Because Jiang Yun was right!

The Dao realm where Han Lingzi is located was created by a strong man from the Han Ling general clan in the Destruction Domain.

Every once in a while, the Han Ling General Clan will send clan members to that Dao Domain to collect Dao Fruit.

By chance, Han Lingzi obtained the power of the Han Ling tribe and turned it into his own Han Ling way.

From then on, Han Lingzi's strength began to improve by leaps and bounds, until he reached the peak of the Return to Origin Realm, and even had a strength comparable to that of the Void Stepping Realm.

And these things, he has never told anyone, they are the biggest secrets hidden deep in his heart.

Because once he leaks out and is known to the Han Ling generals, then the Han Ling generals will definitely come to take away his power, kill him, and even wipe out the entire Han Ling Dao Domain.

But he never expected that Jiang Yun, whom he met for the first time, would see through his secret at a glance.

At this time, Jiang Yun had already arrived in front of him.

Behind Jiang Yun, all the frost and all the coldness had disappeared, as if they had never existed.

Jiang Yun looked at Han Lingzi and said calmly: "You can transform the power of the Destruction Domain into your own way. Although I don't know exactly how you do it, I have to admit that you are very smart. Your approach is also unique and admirable.”

"Killing you will be a big loss to Dao Domain!"

"Therefore, I can give you a chance. From now on, you will stay in this mountain and sea area and be responsible for educating all spirits. Are you willing?"

Jiang Yun's voice not only rang in the ears of Han Lingzi, but also in the ears of more than 100,000 monks from outside the realm.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were focused on Jiang Yun and Han Lingzi.

Although the heights of Han Lingzi and Jiang Yun were almost the same, in their eyes at this moment, Jiang Yun's figure seemed extremely tall, like an insurmountable mountain.


Han Lingzi knelt directly in front of Jiang Yun, lowered his head, and uttered three words from his mouth: "I am willing!"

The leader of the Outer Domain Dao Alliance, the strongest among the thirty-six Dao Domains, finally chose to submit to Jiang Yun!

Because when Jiang Yun revealed the secret in his heart, it had already shattered his biggest reliance, making him fear and... reverence for Jiang Yun that no one could imagine!

Although he still didn't know how powerful Jiang Yun was, he knew that the Nirvana Storm that Jiang Yun had just used for the first time did not use all his strength at all. It was just a casual test of Jiang Yun.

If Jiang Yun wanted to kill himself, it would definitely not be more difficult than killing an ant.

Facing Jiang Yun, he himself couldn't even raise the will to compete!

Looking at Han Lingzi kneeling in front of Jiang Yun, after the more than 100,000 foreign monks experienced a short period of silence, the sound of "puff, plop, plop" continued to sound.

In the blink of an eye, all the monks from the outside world were kneeling around Jiang Yun!

Even their leader Han Lingzi has surrendered to Jiang Yun, how can they be Jiang Yun's opponent!

Looking at Jiang Yun standing in the middle, Yang Jinchen's eyes lit up with a dazzling light.

Facing the outer domain alliance that forced the entire Kongfan Dao Domain to surrender, Jiang Yun easily shocked them all with just one storm.

This is not only strength, but also represents a supreme majesty!

Suddenly, Yang Jinchen clasped his hands and bowed deeply to Jiang Yun: "Greetings to the Lord of Shanhai Territory!"

The Lord of the Mountains and Seas, Jiang Yun!

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