Taoist world

Chapter 2646: Then I’ll take care of it

Three years ago, Shi Tian and Han Jiang brought monks from thirty-six other realms to the Kongfan Dao Realm in order to unite all the Dao Realms.

Although the Kongfan Dao Domain at that time had just experienced a war with the Destruction Domain, a large number of monks died in the battle, and the overall strength also dropped significantly.

However, Kongfan Dao Domain is still full of talents.

Above the formation, there is Jiang Yun’s disciple Liu Peng;

Above the path of medicine, there is the spirit of medicine;

The way of divination is divided into easy and difficult divination and so on.

What's more, there is also the existence of Ye Guchen, a strong man in the Void Realm!

It is no exaggeration to say that Ye Guchen could easily intimidate all the monks in the thirty-six Taoist realms by himself!

Ye Guchen also sincerely wanted to form an alliance with other realms to fight against the realm of destruction, so he deliberately showed the strength of the Kongfan realm to the monks from other realms.

For example, the Zhoutian Realm Formation arranged by Liu Peng easily trapped all other Taoist monks. The pills that Hun Cang casually refined were unheard of by those monks. The harmless Tao of the Five Elements was an eye-opener for them. .

In short, after seeing the power of Kongfan Dao Domain, the monks from these Dao Domains finally made up their minds to form an alliance with Kongfan Dao Domain, and use Kongfan Dao Domain as their base camp, respecting Ye Guchen as Ye Zun, and jointly Fight against the realm of destruction.

Therefore, with the help of Kongfan Dao Domain, they began to establish teleportation arrays and Void Dao in each other's Dao Domain, and continuously sent monks from their Dao Domains into Kongfan Dao Domain to strengthen the Kongfan Dao Domain. strength.

For the arrival of these monks from outside the realm, the monks who have deeply experienced the power of the realm of destruction, the Kongfan Dao Realm, sincerely welcome them.

No matter which world these foreign monks enter, they will be warmly received, and the two sides will quickly get along with each other.

Originally, if things continued to develop like this, then the strength of Kongfan Dao Domain would indeed become stronger and stronger.

It's a pity that there are unpredictable circumstances!

Seeing that the alliance between Kongfan Dao Domain and other Dao Domains was progressing smoothly, the two middlemen, Shi Tian and Han Jiang, also felt relieved and left one after another.

And then, Ye Guchen suddenly and inexplicably disappeared!

At the beginning, no one paid attention to Ye Guchen's disappearance, thinking that he was just in seclusion or had something to do temporarily.

However, as time passed, Ye Guchen never appeared.

In addition, the benefits brought about by the Kongfan Dao Domain being tempered by the power of heaven began to gradually show up.

Each world seemed to be reborn, and the vitality and spiritual energy increased significantly. This caused some evil thoughts to gradually arise in the hearts of some monks from outside the world.

The monks from outside the realm who came to the Kongfan Dao Domain, the Dao Domain they lived in, not only had a lower level of cultivation than the Kongfan Dao Domain, but even the living environment was inferior to it.

Therefore, many monks are very jealous of everything in the Kongfan Dao Domain.

In the past, the existence of strong men such as Ye Guchen and Shi Tian made these people dare not show off their greed even if they were greedy. But now that these strong men have left, they can't help but want to take action.

Driven by greed, they began to snatch the resources of Kongfan Dao Domain!

At first, they were restrained and only robbed some small families and small forces.

And when they discovered that no one came to trouble them during their robbery, their courage gradually grew.

With the first person grabbing, there will naturally be a second person and a third person.

In the end, all the monks in these thirty-six realms finally joined in the robbery!

By this time, the monks in Kongfan Dao Domain had naturally noticed the evil intentions of these outside monks, and some strong men took strong action, and several battles broke out between the two sides.

Although the Kongfan Dao Domain is full of talents, the monks from the thirty-six Dao Domains who come here are also strong in their respective domains.

Even if one Dao Domain has a strong Returning to the Origin Realm, that is thirty-six Returning to the Origin Realm!

In the absence of the Void-Treading strongman, the thirty-six Returning Source strongmen were enough to sweep across the entire Kongfan Dao Domain.

In this way, these foreign monks occupied the magpie's nest and became the masters of the Kongfan Dao Domain. They even wanted to take the creatures in their own domain to settle in the Kongfan Dao Domain.

However, it is impossible for the Kongfan Dao Realm to accommodate the creatures of the thirty-six Dao Realms, and no one is willing to give in.

In addition, they were also worried that Ye Guchen would appear again, so they reached an agreement with each other, just to divide all the resources in Kongfan Dao Domain and transport them back to their respective Dao Domains.

"They don't have enough manpower themselves, so they seize our relatives and use them to threaten us and make us work for them."

The young monk finally finished describing what happened in the Kongfan Dao Realm over the years.

After he finished speaking, everyone looked at Jiang Yun with sorrow and anger.

It’s not that they don’t want to resist, it’s that they can’t resist!

There was no expression on Jiang Yun's face, making it impossible to tell what he was thinking.

After a moment of silence, Jiang Yun asked again: "How many of us died in their hands?"

The young man shook his head and said: "They are still worried about Senior Ye and Senior Jiang, so apart from robbing resources, they didn't do much killing!"

"Our relatives were gathered together by them and imprisoned in certain worlds."

"As for those powerful people, they were either sealed or imprisoned by them, and no one was killed."

Jiang Yun nodded and stopped talking!

At this point, he finally understood why all the monks in the previous First Town, whom he didn't know, had set up an ineffective formation.

That's because Liu Peng was imprisoned by them.

He also understood why there were no people inhabiting the worlds he saw that were clearly full of life.

That's because all the creatures on it have been imprisoned by these outer-domain monks.

However, he still had two questions that he couldn't figure out.

Why did Ye Guchen disappear, and why did Ji Kongfan and Cangmang ignore all this?

"Senior Ye's disappearance is very similar to the disappearance of Master. Then, it is very likely that he was also taken away by the ancient tribe."

"As for Ji Kongfan and Cangmang, either they were found and taken away by the ancient tribe, or they only care about this Dao Realm, not the creatures in the Dao Realm, so as long as the Dao Realm is not destroyed, they will not care about these things. I won’t care!”

"Since you don't ask, then I'll ask. Since you don't care, then I'll take care of it!"

Jiang Yun suddenly raised his hand and waved in the air towards the people in front of him who were watching him, as well as the Yin Spirit Realm Beast!

Suddenly, all the vitality and aura in this world turned into powerful storms visible to the naked eye, pouring into the bodies of all the monks and Yin Spirit Realm beasts!

"Bang bang bang!"

As vitality and spiritual energy entered their bodies, the faces of these monks all showed signs of pain, and there were continuous explosions in their bodies.

However, there was unconcealable ecstasy and shock in their eyes.

Because the sound of the explosion was the sound of their cultivation breaking through the bottleneck.

The numerous scars on the body of the Yin Spirit Realm beast are also healing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye under the permeation of the vitality and spiritual energy storm.

Jiang Yun, with the vitality and aura of this world, not only helped these monks and Yinling Realm beasts heal their injuries, but also helped them break through in their cultivation!

A moment later, when these monks felt their greatly improved cultivation level, they all fell into huge shock.

After they came to their senses, they immediately bowed to Jiang Yun again and said, "Thank you, Senior Jiang!"

Jiang Yun waved his hand and said, "Does any of you know where the thirty-six Taoist monks are now?"

"I know!" It was still the young monk who said.

Jiang Yun nodded and said, "Take me there!"

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