Taoist world

Chapter 2644 You want to see me

And above the Yin Spirit Realm Beast and this group of monks, there are two monks standing in the air, and they are all of the strength of the Return to Origin Realm.

One of the younger men had a green vine wrapped around his arm. There was still blood on it that had not dried up. It was seeping into the vine little by little, as if it had been absorbed by the vine.

And another middle-aged man, with a burly build, a sinewy face, and a fierce appearance, with fierce eyes, was looking coldly at the Yin Spirit Realm beasts and many monks below.


Suddenly, the body of the Yin Spirit Realm beast tilted slightly and lost its balance, causing some ores on its back to slip to the ground.

Seeing this scene, the vines wrapped around the young man's arms suddenly swelled and became about ten feet thick. Like a whip, they whipped hard towards the body of the Yin Spirit Realm beast.

There was a crisp sound of "snap", and it was clearly visible that there was another bloody scar on the scarred body of the beast from the Yin Spirit Realm, and the skin was torn open.

Obviously, all the scars on the Yin Spirit Realm beasts were whipped by this vine.

Although it was whipped, causing pain to the body of the Yin Spirit Realm beast, it did not dare to move any more, but its body could not stop trembling.

"Hurry up, this is the last trip!"

The middle-aged man glanced at the many monks who were carrying items, and urged impatiently: "If you don't want to get beaten, just be careful and finish transporting these things quickly, so that we can go to the next world!"

After hearing the man's words and looking at the trembling Yin Spirit World Beast, the faces of many monks showed dissatisfaction.

A younger monk couldn't help but said bitterly to the middle-aged man: "You robbed the resources of our Dao domain, enslaved us, and made us work for you. These debts will wait until we Dao When the domain lord comes back, he will definitely settle things with you one by one!"

"The Lord of your Dao Domain?" After hearing this, the burly man said with a sneer on his face: "Are you talking about that Jiang Yun?"

"That's right!" The young monk nodded and said, "Senior Jiang is the master of our Kongfan Dao Domain, and he also loves the creatures in our Kongfan Dao Domain very much."

"Stop talking about you guys, even the Domain Destruction cultivators don't dare to act arrogantly in front of Senior Jiang!"

"Hahaha!" The burly man couldn't help laughing loudly: "Ever since we learned about your Kongfan Dao realm, our ears have been filled with the deeds of that Jiang Yun!"

"However, we have been here for more than three years, but we have not seen your Dao Domain Master. I just want to ask you, where is he?"

"Even the cultivators from the Destruction Domain dare not act arrogantly in front of him, bah!"

"I think this is simply because you deceived yourself and others. You made up some kind of Jiang Yun and put all kinds of deeds on him."

"If he is so powerful and loves you so much, why doesn't he dare to show up now!"

"Let me tell you, if he doesn't show up, that's just his luck. If he really dares to show up, I will kill him in front of you!"

"Okay!" At this time, the vine man said: "Why talk to them so much nonsense."

"Since they are willing to regard that Jiang Yun as their savior, let them hold on to this fantasy!"

"Haha, you're right!" The burly man laughed and said, "I'm really tired of hearing Jiang Yun's name. If I have a chance, I really want to meet that Jiang Yun and see if he has three heads and six arms! "

"You want to meet me?"

Just when the burly man finished speaking, a cold voice suddenly sounded in his ears, in everyone's ears, and in this world.

Although the sound was not loud, the appearance of this sound made the air in the whole world seem to freeze.


The complexions of the burly man and the vine man changed at the same time, and they both turned their heads, looking for the person who spoke.

Although the expressions of the enslaved monks, including the Yin Spirit Realm Beast, also changed drastically, their expressions turned from anger to surprise.

The young monk who spoke earlier said even more excitedly: "Senior Jiang, it's Senior Jiang, the master of our Dao domain is back, he's back!"

"shut up!"

The vine man's eyes flashed fiercely, and he suddenly raised the vine in his hand and swept towards the young man.

The vines streaked through the air, tearing the space apart easily, and with a whistling sound, they were in front of the young monk in an instant.

This young monk only has the strength of God's Blessing Realm. If he is hit by this vine, he will definitely die!

However, looking at the vines that came in front of him, instead of showing fear on the young man's face, his eyes were widened and full of expectation!

Because he believed that the master of his realm would not let him die or let him down!


Sure enough, just when the vine was about to hit his body, a hand appeared out of thin air and grabbed the vine.

It's Jiang Yun!

Seeing Jiang Yun, all the enslaved monks' bodies trembled with excitement, and they turned over and knelt down towards Jiang Yun without hesitation.

Although each of them wanted to speak, they were unable to make even a single sound because of the overwhelming excitement in their hearts.

"Jiang Yun!"

"Lord of the Dao Domain!"

The burly man and the man with vines had also seen Jiang Yun clearly, and while exclaiming, their faces showed solemnity and a hint of fear.

Despite the fact that they had just scolded those monks, they thought that Jiang Yun was simply not worthy of his name.

But in fact, they had already seen Jiang Yun from the memories of more than one monk.

They saw the battle between Jiang Yun and the Domain-Destroying cultivators, and how Jiang Yun single-handedly blocked thousands of Domain-Destroying cultivators and killed several Void-Treading powerhouses!

Those memories cannot be fabricated!

However, as they said, they have been in this Kongfan Dao Realm for more than three years, but they have never seen Jiang Yun appear.

This made their initial fear of Jiang Yun gradually turn into unscrupulousness, and they even thought that Jiang Yun must have died in the outside world and would never appear again.

However, they didn't expect that Jiang Yun would actually appear in front of them today!

Jiang Yun ignored these two men at all, but looked at the group of monks kneeling around him, which he had a vague impression of, and said, "Are you all monks from my Kongfan Dao Domain?"

"Yes!" Among the crowd, the young monk was the first to come to his senses and said boldly and tremblingly: "Senior Jiang, we are all monks from the Kongfan Dao Domain!"

However, Jiang Yun said coldly: "You are not!"

As soon as these words were said, all the monks kneeling on the ground couldn't help but come back to their senses and looked up at Jiang Yun. They didn't understand why Jiang Yun would say that they were not!

Jiang Yun said coldly: "The monks in my Kongfan Dao Domain should be fearless and fearless of death!"

"They should not and will not become anyone's slaves. They are willing to be driven by others but dare not resist. They just place their hopes on others and wait for their salvation!"


Jiang Yun's words were like needles, piercing deeply into the hearts of these monks, and causing complex expressions to appear on their faces.

However, the young man blushed and shouted: "Senior Jiang, it's not that we dare not resist, it's not that we don't want to resist, and it's not that we are afraid of death!"

"It's because our relatives, the people we care about, have been captured by them and taken as hostages!"

"So, we can only listen to them and work hard for them!"

Hearing the words of the young monk, Jiang Yun narrowed his eyes slightly, finally looked at the two men and said: "I am Jiang Yun, I don't care who you are, I will give you three breaths. I have no reason not to kill you!"

"If there is no reason, then this is your burial place!"

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