Taoist world

Chapter 2619 The vastness


Suddenly, a huge illusory hand appeared within the open door of Guantian Palace.

The gate of Guantian Palace is a thousand feet wide, but the appearance of this palm is like a hill, blocking the entire gate firmly.

The figures of several strong men who were charging forward were suddenly blocked from the palms of their hands and could not move any further.

At this moment, everyone could clearly see that the faces of the several Void-Taking experts standing in front of that palm showed extremely frightening looks, as if they had seen something that made them extremely frightened!

Immediately afterwards, the palm of his hand slapped them hard, like a mountain falling, directly covering the bodies of those strong men.

Although there was no sound, seeing this scene made everyone's hearts tremble, and they felt as if the palm had hit them.

The moment the palm fell, it exploded silently, turned into streaks of mist, and disappeared without a trace.

And those few Void-Treading experts, under everyone's gaze, actually disappeared along with the palms of their hands!

From the moment the palm appeared to when it disappeared, the whole process only lasted a few breaths.

At this moment, the more than 100,000 monks gathered outside Guantian Palace all closed their mouths tightly, and they were silent, not a single sound came out.

Although they all witnessed it with their own eyes, they still found it hard to believe that the powerful Tangtang Taoxu expert was so easily beaten into nothingness by a single palm of his hand.

What shocked them even more was that during the entire process, regardless of their level of cultivation, they did not feel any fluctuations in aura from that palm, nor did they feel any release of pressure.

It seemed that it was just an extremely ordinary palm.

After a long time, someone finally said softly: "Are they really dead, or just disappeared?"

This voice broke the dead silence around them and made everyone come back to their senses one after another, with doubts on their faces.

Indeed, although the bodies of those powerful men disappeared with the palm, it did not mean that they were dead. Perhaps the palm was like a teleportation array, sending them to other places.


At this moment, there was suddenly another violent coughing sound.

Everyone followed the sound and found that the person coughing was one of the few Void-Taking experts who had just disappeared.

Seeing this person, everyone suddenly realized that the person who had just entered Guantian Palace must be his clone.

However, although his true self is not dead, his face is extremely pale at this moment, and blood spurts out of his mouth every time he coughs.

He didn't pay attention to everyone's gaze at all. He just stared at Guantian Palace with deep fear in his eyes.

Seeing his appearance, it was not difficult for everyone to guess that his clone was probably dead.

Moreover, the clone's death actually made his original body feel the same and suffered severe injuries.

An illusory palm easily killed several strong men in the Void Realm!

This fact made everyone feel shuddering in their hearts.

Under the gaze of everyone, the strong man suddenly showed a smile full of resentment. He glanced at everyone coldly and said sinisterly: "All those who use clones, if your clones If you die in it, your fate will be the same as mine!"

"The power in the Heavenly Palace can follow the clone and find your true self!"

After saying these words, he turned around and left without hesitation.

His injuries were so severe that he did not dare to stay here any longer.

And his words were beyond everyone's expectations, and caused the complexions of more people, including Tianjia, the young master of the ancient clan, etc., to change.

There are many kinds of clones.

The death of some clones will indeed have an impact on the main body, but the disappearance of some clones will not affect the main body in any way.

For such an unpredictable place as Guantian Palace, I believe that any clone sent by anyone will never have anything to do with the original deity.

But even so, the death of the clone will still affect the original body. This is not good news for those who want to use the clone to find out what is going on in the Heavenly Palace.

"Thankfully we didn't go!"

The white-haired old man carrying the gourd on his back had a trace of happiness on his old face.

Although he was much stronger than the few strong men who broke into Guantian Palace, after witnessing the death of those people, he did not think that he could survive the slap of that palm.

The old woman next to the old man looked at the direction in which the strong man who stepped on the void disappeared before and said: "What you said is unclear. Let me go and see what his clone has experienced!"

After the words fell, the old woman's figure had disappeared. After a few breaths, she came back again. She nodded to the old man with a solemn expression: "I searched his soul, and he didn't lie!"

The old man looked at Guantian Palace and said: "This should dispel the idea of ​​many people who want to enter Guantian Palace as clones!"

As the old man said, with the death of those powerful warriors who stepped on the void, the power barrier they left behind has disappeared, making the gate of the Guantian Palace unimpeded at this moment.

However, among the many monks who were close to the gate, no one dared to step in easily.

Although they are both in the realm of Taxu, who knows whether the voice before told the truth or a lie.

If he and others enter, and a palm falls down, then his death will be unjust.

There were even more figures who did not advance but retreated, rushing in the opposite direction of Guantian Palace.

These figures naturally belong to the clones of certain monks, and they dare not let their clones take risks anymore.

Just when no one dared to enter, there was a figure that rushed directly to the gate of Guantian Palace at lightning speed and entered directly.

Everyone's eyes naturally turned to this figure, watching him disappear into the gate of Guantian Palace, and nothing strange appeared until he disappeared from everyone's eyes.

Obviously, this figure has actually entered Guantian Palace safely and unharmed.

Seeing this figure's smooth entry, everyone immediately started talking.

"Who is that person?"

"No matter who he is, at least he entered Guantian Palace safely!"

"He should be at the level of cultivation below Taxu!"

"Then what are we waiting for? Come in quickly!"

With the guidance of this figure, all the monks below the Void Realm immediately rekindled their hope and rushed towards the gate of Guantian Palace one by one.

As for the strong ones who tread on the void, they have naturally given up on entering and just stood around watching.

The old man carrying the gourd on his back said softly: "The figure that rushed in just now seems to be the Taoist monk who fought against the Crazy Sword Clan!"

"Yes, it's him!"

The old woman nodded and said: "This shows that his true state is under Taxu."

"Under Taxu, you can have the strength to compete with the strong ones in Taxu. It's interesting!"

The old man smiled slightly and said: "If he can come out alive, then I believe we will be able to find more interesting things about him!"

They were right. The first person to rush into Guantian Palace was Jiang Yun!

Although Jiang Yun was also shocked by the palm that easily killed several strong people who stepped on the void, he believed that Dao Wuming would not deceive him.

Before his cultivation reached the point of being overwhelmed, he would naturally be able to enter the Guantian Palace smoothly, so he could no longer suppress his inner impulse, so he rushed in regardless.

At this moment, he was not in any palace at all, but in a vast and boundless world.

His eyes did not look at the environment of this world, but looked deeply at the end of the world.

There, there stood a huge... tomb!

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