Taoist world

Chapter 26 The day of retest

In the following days, Jiang Yun also temporarily put aside all distracting thoughts and focused on cultivation. Because he did not dare to improve his realm too quickly, he spent most of his time practicing techniques.

In addition, he will go to the first floor of the Library Pavilion, where he will enrich his knowledge of Taoism.

Of course, occasionally he would visit Dongfangbo and find out one or two questions to ask the other party for advice.

What surprised him the most was that not only did Xu Chengshan, the outer disciple of Hundred Beasts Peak, never come to seek revenge on him, but also nothing happened to Lu Xiaoyu. Lu Xiaoyu even came to Zangfeng several times to visit Jiang. cloud.

Over time, the relationship between him and Lu Xiaoyu became closer. Unknowingly, Lu Xiaoyu regarded Jiang Yun as his brother, and Jiang Yun truly regarded Lu Xiaoyu as his sister.

In short, this kind of life made Jiang Yun live a fulfilling and satisfying life.

On this day, Jiang Yun opened his eyes from practicing, and the black stone appeared in his hand.

For such a long time, although Jiang Yun went to the library frequently and asked Dongfang Bo sideways, he still had no clue about the origin and specific use of the black stone.

In addition, as a handyman, he could not obtain any items related to cultivation, and he was too embarrassed to ask Dongfang Bo or Second Senior Sister for them, so he never used the stone again.

"After today, maybe I can try this stone again!"

Today, Jiang Yun has been coming to Taoist Sect for half a year, and it is also the day for the retest. According to Dongfang Bo, as long as he can successfully pass today's retest, the sect will distribute some practice items as rewards. .

Although they are still just some inferior elixirs, there may be items containing Taoism among them!

If you are lucky enough, you can even turn this stone into water again.

"Dang Dang Dang!"

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As Jiang Yun muttered to himself, three melodious bells suddenly rang, spreading throughout the Taoist Sect and reaching the ears of Jiang Yun, who was playing with the black stone.

Jiang Yun's eyes suddenly lit up and he said, "We're finally here!"

Jiang Yun knew that this was the bell ringing to summon disciples within the Taoist Sect, which meant that the retest was about to begin.

The so-called retest does not mean passing through three more levels like the initial stage, but directly assesses the disciple's cultivation realm. The passing standard requires all new entry-level disciples to improve at least one level based on the original realm.

Of course, the more you improve, the greater the benefits will be for the disciples.

If you fail to pass the retest, no matter what your status was when you entered the school, you will automatically be demoted one level. For handyman disciples, the consequence of downgrading is to be directly expelled from the Taoist Sect.

The reason for conducting retests is, firstly, to urge the disciples to practice hard and give them a sense of urgency; secondly, it is also to avoid negligence in the three entry levels, resulting in missing some disciples with good qualifications, which can be considered as a reward. A second chance for these new disciples.

After the re-test, there will also be some small competitions focusing on discussion, in order to train the disciples' practical ability.

Some people have outstanding aptitudes in cultivation, but lack combat experience. They simply cannot use their strength when fighting against others, and end up losing their lives at the hands of opponents who are not as good as themselves.

After all, if any sect wants to develop and grow, it must fight with others. Just as Jiang Wanli once told Jiang Yun back then, in this world, the weak eat the strong!

Therefore, the sect does not prohibit competition among disciples, and even arranges a small competition for each peak every year, and every three years, the entire sect has a big competition.

In short, all new disciples attach great importance to the retest. Based on the history of Taoism, there are indeed many people who did not perform satisfactorily in the three entry levels, but performed outstandingly in the retest. This leads to examples of status being directly promoted.

It is even said that Fang Yuxuan, who is now known as the number one inner disciple in the Taoist Sect, was promoted from an outer disciple directly to the fourth level during the retest because he continuously improved to the fourth level and showed his talents in the competition. As a disciple of the inner sect, he even became a disciple of the main sect of the main peak. From then on, he jumped over the dragon gate and soared into the sky.

There was a flash of light in Jiang Yun's hand, and the black stone had been hidden in the Dantian again. When he opened the door and walked out, Dongfang Bo also appeared in front of him with a smile and said: "Brother Jiang, are you nervous?"

Jiang Yun also smiled and said, "Don't be nervous!"

Although he only stayed in Taoist Sect for half a year, with the guidance of Dongfang Bo, a senior brother with profound theoretical knowledge and the second senior sister who is good at magic, plus his own understanding, and the rich books in the library, Today's Jiang Yun is no longer the newcomer who knew nothing about cultivation.

Dongfang Bo actually just said it casually, thinking that Jiang Yun's cultivation speed of reaching the third level of Tongmai in just one and a half hours, and the situation of injuring the tiger with one finger, were still fresh in his memory, not to mention, even if he even He couldn't see through Jiang Yun's current state, so he had no worries about Jiang Yun's retest.

"By the way, has your second senior sister taught you the little tricks you need?"

"Taught me!"

Not long ago, Jiang Yun specifically asked Second Senior Sister for advice on a small method to hide his cultivation level, in order to retain some strength during the retest.

Although everyone wants to become famous in the retest, Jiang Yun is just the opposite. He would rather stay on this hidden peak and practice with Dongfang Bo and Second Senior Sister than become a disciple among the five peaks of Dao Dao.

In addition, his cultivation speed is far faster than others. Once word spreads, it may not be a good thing for him, and it will even cause some unnecessary trouble. Therefore, his requirement for the retest is just to pass That’s it!

Dongfang Bo reached out and patted Jiang Yun's shoulder and said: "That's good, I have something to do. I have to go out for a few days or half a month before I can come back. I won't accompany you for today's retest!"


Dongfang Bo nodded towards Jiang Yun, waved his sleeves, and a green leaf suddenly appeared under him. It grew when the wind caught the wind, and instantly became ten feet long.

Then there was a flash of light from the leaves, and suddenly it carried Dongfang Bo and rushed into the sky. A moment later, it had disappeared without a trace.

Although Jiang Yun and Dongfang Bo were already very familiar with each other, he had never asked about Dongfang Bo's cultivation, nor had he seen Dongfang Bo perform any spells.

Today, I saw it for the first time!

However, Jiang Yun was not too shocked. When he thought about it, Dongfang Bo and the second senior sister should be at least at the Blessed Land realm, so it was extremely normal to be able to fly with weapons.

Watching Dongfang Bo's retreating figure, Jiang Yun was thinking about another thing. Just now, he was keenly aware of a trace of solemnity hidden deep in Dongfang Bo's eyes!

"Elder brother, are you in any trouble?"

Although Jiang Yun was a little suspicious, since his senior brother didn't speak, he couldn't take the initiative to ask. What's more, if there was any trouble that even his senior brother couldn't solve, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to help.

However, Jiang Yun still felt uneasy, so he simply went to the waterfall to inform the second senior sister about the matter. However, when he arrived at the waterfall, he was shocked to find that the second senior sister had also disappeared.

This made him immediately realize that something must have happened to Zangfeng, and the thing that caused the brother and sister to disappear at the same time was probably related to the master of Zangfeng, or the third senior brother.

These two people have never appeared before!

After standing in front of the waterfall and thinking for a moment, Jiang Yun finally turned around and walked towards the hidden peak.

No matter what happens to Senior Brother and the others, I can't help them. It's better to pass this retest first, and then find an opportunity to ask if there is anything I can do to help.

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