Taoist world

Chapter 2569 I am willing to join the war

Ye Guchen's awakening means that in this battle between the Dao Realm and the Destruction Realm, the power belonging to the Dao Realm has grown, and there is another strong man in the Void Realm.

This is what surprised Jiang Yun!

But if Ye Guchen wakes up before when there are only five strong ones in the Void Realm among the realm-destroying monks, the situation of the battle can be turned around in an instant.

However, Ye Guyen is awake at this time, which means that he will soon know what is happening here and will come to join the battle.

In fact, more Taoist monks will be aware of the battle here and will also come.

The realm of Kongfan Dao can be said to be full of disasters.

After Dao Zun's great purge, it was finally possible to kill Dao Zun. Now is the time when everything is waiting to be done, and all living beings should recharge their batteries and prepare their troops.

But they didn't even have time to rest, but they had to face an opponent that was far more powerful and terrifying than Dao Zun.

And in this battle, even if Dao Realm can win in the end, it will definitely have to pay a heavy price. A large number of Dao Realm monks will be killed in this battle.

This is why Jiang Yunhui can't bear it!

However, facing the thousands of realm-destroying monks and the eight strong men in the Void Realm, Jiang Yun also knew that even if he tried his best, he could not stop them at all.

If you want to win, you can only let the Taoist monks come to join the battle, and let the Taoist monks take advantage of the number of people to win this extremely difficult war.

Just when Jiang Yun had finished these thoughts in his mind, Ye Guchen's voice sounded in his ears: "Jiang Yun, what's going on?"

"The Domain of Destruction is coming!"

These four simple words immediately made the entire Dao Domain tremble!

And then, the endless darkness was like turning into the sea. From the other end of the Dao Domain, layers of waves were set off, getting higher and higher, continuously heading towards the thousands of people who were about to reach Jiang Yun. The domain-destroying monk in front of him rushed over.

Ye Guchen, take action!

Although he didn't know the restrictions in the Destruction Domain that prohibited Taoist monks from entering the Void Realm, he didn't need to know at all.

He is the Lord of the Dao Domain, he is the Dao Domain, how can anyone attack the Dao Domain, let alone Jiang Yun to protect the Dao Domain by himself.

Not to mention destroying the domain, even if the Tiangu clan wants to attack the Dao domain, they can't!

Although Ye Guyen has just entered the Taoxu Realm, as a demon in the Dao Realm, his strength is far greater than that of Taoxu Realm at the same level.

His action is the action of the entire Dao Domain!

In addition, this is his home court, and there is still some remaining power of heaven in the Dao Domain.

Therefore, Ye Guchen's attack was actually wrapped up with the power of the sky, making his attack even more powerful.

Because of Ye Guchen's sudden voice and the aura he exuded, the cultivators of the Domain Destruction realized that he was also a strong man in the Void Realm, so everyone slowed down.

Everyone's eyes were all turned to Shui Jinglue and the other three.

The strong Taxu from the Tianhe tribe asked in confusion: "Jinglue, why did another Taxu appear?"

Shui Jinglue and the other three people also looked at a loss, and they also didn't know what was going on!

So far, if Jiang Yun is included, they have met four Taxu in this Kongfan Dao Domain!

Even in the Destruction Domain, being able to have four Taxu ethnic groups is something that cannot be underestimated, let alone in the Dao Domain.

And this is something that shouldn't happen at all.

However, they had no time to think too much.

Because just as they were slowing down, Ye Guchen's attack that gathered the entire Dao Domain had arrived.

Looking at the dark sea, especially feeling the faint power of heaven contained in it, their expressions changed slightly.

The next moment, the sea of ​​darkness turned into a huge wave that almost reached the sky and the earth, and crashed on them, as if the sky and the earth collapsed, swallowing their figures in an instant.

At the same time, in the Dao Realm, Ye Guyen's voice rang in the ears of all the monks who, like Ye Guyen, had just awakened from the baptism and tempering of the power of heaven.

"Fellow Taoists, I am Taoist Master. There are currently domain-destroying monks attacking my domain. They want to destroy my domain. The attackers are extremely powerful. Now Jiang Yun is blocking them with one person!"

"Although I know that compared to the Destruction Domain monks, our Dao Domain is too weak and cannot be their opponent, but once the powerful enemies of the Destruction Domain really invade the Dao Domain, what awaits all of us will be family ruins. ending!"

"Therefore, now, I hope that you can work with Jiang Yun and me to protect our home and this realm!"

"There is a high chance that you will die in this battle, so I won't force you to go."

"Those who are willing to join the battle, release your spiritual consciousness immediately, and I will personally send you to the battlefield!"

Just as Jiang Yun couldn't bear but had to accept the fact, Ye Guchen also thought of this.

With the strength of himself and Jiang Yun, they are no match for those realm-destroying monks and cannot stop them at all.

The only chance of winning is to unite the power of everyone in the Dao Domain to face the enemy together!

As Ye Guyen finished speaking, several rays of divine consciousness immediately rose into the sky.

The first spiritual consciousness came from Lu Qingcheng: "Master, disciples join the battle!"

The second spiritual consciousness came from Liu Peng: "Senior, junior join the battle!"

The third spiritual consciousness came from Dao Yuanzhi: "Lao Ye, I join the battle!"

After them, the members of the Life and Death Sect and the cultivators of Shanhai all released their spiritual consciousness and expressed their willingness to participate in the war.

Even Lu Lun, Yao Shen and other powerful people from the nine tribes are like this.

In fact, they don't even need to think about it or hesitate at all.

Because Jiang Yun is fighting, they can no longer let Jiang Yun fight alone!

And after them, all over the Dao Domain, there are also lines of spiritual consciousness rising into the sky, hundreds of means, thousands of means, ten thousand means, one hundred thousand means... tens of thousands of means!

These spiritual consciousnesses are all from monks in the Tao realm, condensed in the darkness, and all turned into a common voice: "I am willing to participate in the war!"

Before facing Dao Zun, they did not dare to join the battle, but now facing powerful enemies from outside the territory who want to destroy their homes and kill their relatives, they do not hesitate to join the battle. In order to protect Home, go and contribute your part!

Although there were many monks who responded, Ye Guyen couldn't really take them all with him.

After all, those who are too weak will be nothing more than cannon fodder in the war. Even if they self-destruct, they will not be able to hurt the opponent at all. If they go, they will just die needlessly.

Therefore, Ye Guchen selected from these people monks who had at least the Dao Realm cultivation level, and quickly rushed towards the location of the Destruction Domain monks under the same darkness that turned into waves.

At this moment, Jiang Yun looked at the sea of ​​darkness flowing over his body without hurting him at all, with murderous intent in his eyes!


The Danyang above his head spun crazily, and was directly driven to the extreme nine rotations by him. The speed was so fast that it was dizzying.

The nine red phoenixes neighed, left Danyang, spread their wings, and rushed into the dark sea!

The golden sword and the Shura sword, one on the left and one on the right, turned into two rays of light, followed closely behind with indestructible murderous intent!

The nearly 10,000 immortal void slaves also moved suddenly, turned into rays of light, dispersed, and rushed into the sea of ​​darkness.

As for Jiang Yun himself, he also took a step forward without hesitation, rushed into the sea of ​​darkness, and rushed towards the thousand realm-destroying monks.

One person, fighting thousands of people!

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