Taoist world

Chapter 2535 What is a demon?

Jiang Yun was naturally asking the Demon Lord!

If the Demon Lord hadn't suddenly reminded Jiang Yun just now and told Jiang Yun not to compete with the power of the people of the Heavenly Clan, then Jiang Yun must have exposed the power of Heaven now.

Once Jiang Yun takes action, the Heavenly Clan members will not leave easily. He will either kill Jiang Yun or bring Jiang Yun back to the Heavenly Clan.

In that case, not only Jiang Yun would be in danger, but Jiang Ying's identity would also be directly exposed!

In fact, both of them may be imprisoned in the Celestial Clan forever!

Although Jiang Yun didn't know why the Demon Lord reminded him, in any case, he was kind to himself, so Jiang Yun was no longer very wary of him.

What's more, the Demon Lord needs to help him find a suitable Demon Clan.

And the Demon Lord obviously knows a lot of things that he doesn't know.

If both parties can really cooperate, it will be of great benefit to each other!

As for recommending Jiang Ying to the Demon Lord, first of all, Jiang Yun feels that Jiang Ying's character is indeed suitable for becoming a real demon;

Secondly, if the Demon Lord can take a fancy to Jiang Ying, then based on the Demon Lord's understanding of the Celestial Clan, maybe he will have a way to protect Jiang Ying!

After all, when the Demon Lord is at its peak, he will at least not be weaker than the Celestial Clan.

With such a strong backer, Jiang Ying's path to cultivation will be much smoother in the future.


The Demon Lord's voice sounded quickly, with a hint of obvious dissatisfaction in his tone: "That shadow demon?"

"Jiang Yun, although I really want to cultivate a few demons, not everyone can become a demon easily!"

Jiang Yun naturally heard the dissatisfaction of the Demon Lord, and continued to talk to himself: "When I first met him, he was just a shadow that had not even opened his spiritual intelligence. It was I who used the magic of refining to transform him. Became a demon."

"Now, it should only be a hundred years since his birth, and he has already entered the realm of humane isomorphism!"

"In terms of qualifications, he is definitely much better than most creatures!"

"Ever since he was born, he has been loyal to me. The reason why he doesn't want to return to the Celestial Clan is because I need him to help me guard this place!"

"In terms of perseverance, I think you won't be able to find anyone who can be stronger than him!"

"Also, you saw how he fought against the Tian clan just now."

"If it were the pseudo-demons you chose before, I'm afraid they would have given up resistance in a hurry and agreed to return to the Celestial Clan!"

"I don't know much about demons, but I think that demons should have great perseverance and a kind of rebelliousness, and Jiang Ying has all of these!"

After Jiang Yun finished speaking, a full moment passed before the Demon Lord's voice sounded again: "Is everything you said true?"

This time, there was no dissatisfaction in the Demon Lord's voice, but a bit of surprise.

The Demon Lord only knew Jiang Ying for a short moment and had no idea about Jiang Ying's past.

Now after listening to Jiang Yun's introduction and knowing that Jiang Ying has so many strengths that others do not have, I am really tempted.

"Of course it's all true!"

Jiang Yun also heard the demon lord's temptation. Just when he was about to say a few nice words for Jiang Ying, a thick black cloud suddenly flew over and came to him.

This is not a black cloud, but countless shadows!

Looking at these shadows, the light in Jiang Yun's eyes became brighter and he said: "If Jiang Ying can become a demon, then your original wish to find an entire ethnic group may also come true!"

Jiang Yun stretched out his hand and continued: "I can help you turn them all into monsters."

"It's up to you to turn them all into demons!"


As if knowing that Jiang Yun was seeking a great future for them, the black cloud exploded, and all the shadows immediately wrapped around Jiang Yun's arm.

Although they are not yet intelligent, they are extremely familiar with Jiang Yun.

They were willing to stay by Jiang Yun's side in Jiang Ying's absence.

In the Nirvana Demon Statue, the Demon Lord's voice didn't sound for a long time. Jiang Yun was not in a hurry and waited patiently.

He knew that the Demon Lord was already tempted, but establishing a Demon Clan would not be easy even for the Demon Lord, so he needed to think about it carefully.

After a long time, the Demon Lord's voice finally sounded again: "If that Jiang Ying is really what you said, then his other conditions are absolutely suitable, but there is only one thing!"

"He's too loyal to you!"

"As you said, you don't know anything about demons."

"But there is no power in heaven and earth, and no one can restrain and suppress the devil, not even the giver of his life!"

Jiang Yun smiled slightly and said, "Demon Lord, do you have any relatives or friends?"

The Demon Lord's voice condensed and he said, "Why do you ask this?"

Jiang Yun said calmly: "I think, although the devil is unfettered, it doesn't mean he has no relatives or brothers, right?"

"Jiang Ying is indeed loyal to me and recognizes me as his master, but in my heart, he is not my slave."

"He is my brother and my relative. I will not restrain him, let alone suppress him!"

"Perhaps Jiang Ying's loyalty to me will not diminish, but this loyalty will only give him and me the most trustworthy person we can entrust our lives to."

"This does not seem to have much to do with him becoming a demon, and there is no harm in it!"

After listening to Jiang Yun's explanation, the Demon Lord remained silent for a moment before continuing: "I have one last question."

"Whether they are monks or mortals, almost all living beings will have a sense of rejection, fear, and even disgust and hatred towards demons!"

"You also said that you treat Jiang Ying as a brother, so why are you willing to let your brother become a demon?"

"Hahaha!" Jiang Yun suddenly laughed loudly and said: "In my opinion, the devil is just one of the thousands of paths to cultivation!"

"What's more, everyone has demons in their hearts. It just depends on how you act. You can become a Buddha with just one thought, or become a demon with just one thought!"

"There's nothing wrong with becoming a demon!"

As Jiang Yun finished speaking, the Demon Lord also laughed loudly and said: "Hahaha, well said, well said, everyone has a demon in their heart!"

"The devil is indeed not what most people imagine."

Jiang Yun smiled and said: "Then I would like to ask you, what is a devil in the eyes of the devil?"

The Demon Lord spat out six words heavily.

"To the extreme of love, you become a devil!"

"The love I'm talking about doesn't simply mean love, friendship, family affection, etc."

"The love I'm talking about includes all the emotions in the world!"

"Any creature with an emotion that can reach its extreme is a devil!"

"This is also the reason why I am attracted to the Jiang Ying you mentioned."

"His loyalty to you is also a kind of emotion, and it has also reached the extreme, so he is indeed a good candidate to become a demon!

If you are extremely passionate, you will become a devil!

The smile on Jiang Yun's face suddenly solidified.

Six words may sound a little too thin, but if you think about it deeply, they are extremely profound.

The Demon Lord continued: "Jiang Yun, do you know that in fact, the two people I most hope can become demons, one is Ji Kongfan, and the other is you!"

"Ji Kongfan..." Jiang Yun sighed and said, "Actually, when he sent his child to the black cloud, he was already possessed by a demon!"

"His love is revenge!"

The Demon Lord agreed: "Yes, but it's a pity that my strength was not as good as Ji Kongfan at that time."

"In addition, his whereabouts were still unknown later, so I had no choice but to give up the idea."

"Otherwise, I will definitely make him a real demon!"

"Jiang Yun, are you interested in becoming a demon?"

"If so, then not only can I give you unconditional guidance, but I can also assure you that it won't take long for you to come and go whether you are from the Heavenly Clan, the Ancient Clan, or the Tongtian Sect. freely!"

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