Taoist world

Chapter 2499: Stop Jiang Yun

The reason why Jiang Yun had such a big reaction when he saw the golden sword was because he suddenly felt an extremely strong sense of familiarity with the golden sword!

Jiang Yun didn't understand why he felt like this.

And he can also be sure that he has never seen this golden sword in his own life, or even in his nearly a hundred reincarnations.

However, he knew clearly that the golden sword belonged to him!

With the emergence of this feeling, he couldn't help but want to take away the golden sword that originally belonged to him from the hands of the Taoist Master!

This is why he dares to hold this golden sword that can easily make a hundred feet of space disappear!

Especially after he held the golden sword, he was even more sure that his feeling was right.

Because the golden sword actually trembled, an extremely excited aura came from the sword body.

It seemed that it also recognized Jiang Yun and its true master!

In this way, the terrifying power contained in the sword will naturally not be able to hurt Jiang Yun!

At this moment, a large amount of Dao Qi was flowing out of the body, sweeping towards the entire Dao Domain. After hearing Jiang Yun's words, it was like being struck by lightning, and he almost forgot to continue. escape.

"No way, that sword can't be yours!"

"You relied on your Nirvana body and your strength higher than mine to make this sword unable to harm you."

Tao Zun could not accept it no matter what, this sword actually belonged to Jiang Yun!

"Just wait, Jiang Yun. One day, I will get this sword back!"

"All Taoist monks, what are you waiting for? Do you really want to be buried with me?"

Although unwilling and unbelieving, the current Dao Master did not dare to fight Jiang Yun at all. He let out an angry roar in his mouth, and suddenly accelerated his speed, continuing to move towards the depths of the Dao Domain. And go.

As the Taoist Master returned the Tao to all living beings, other monks began to appear in the gaps between the worlds. Most of their faces were filled with confusion and disbelief.

Because before this, they didn’t know at all that the original identity of Dao Zun was the demon of Dao Realm. It turned out that Dao Zun was the Dao Realm!

Although some people still doubted the truth of Dao Zun's words, the vast majority of people chose to believe it, so they began to look for traces of Jiang Yun.

No matter how bad Tao Zun is, at least they can survive as long as Tao Zun is alive.

The gap in the Dao realm that had been silent for a long time became lively again.

At this moment, Jiang Yun was following Tao Zun and kept pursuing him.

Although Dao Zun is very fast, Jiang Yun's strength has surpassed Dao Zun.

In addition, Dao Zun was injured, so Jiang Yun gradually shortened the distance between him and Dao Zun.

As he continued to move forward, Jiang Yun's expression was calm, but the murderous aura exuding from his body was getting stronger and stronger.

Because there are no other thoughts in his heart, no thoughts, the only thought is to kill Dao Zun!

Even in this situation, Tao Zun still wanted to use the lives of other monks to buy time for himself!

Although Jiang Yun knew about those Taoist monks who suddenly appeared and wanted to stop him, he ignored them at all.

Because Tao Zun did not deceive them this time.

If he kills Tao Zun, they will really be buried with him.

You can understand that they are blocking themselves in order to save their own lives!

But even so, he still had to kill Dao Zun!

Although a monk had already discovered Jiang Yun, Jiang Yun's speed was too fast, and the overwhelming murderous aura emanating from Jiang Yun's body had condensed into a terrifying storm, making no one dare to approach him.

Even the Lord of the Dao Domain is no longer Jiang Yun's opponent, let alone the other monks in the Dao Domain.

Just like that, just a moment later, the figure of Tao Zun appeared in Jiang Yun's eyes!

Looking at Dao Zun's figure running away in a hurry, like a bereaved dog, Jiang Yun couldn't help but think of the time when he was wanted by Dao Zun and was chased by Dao Zun. Under Dao Zun's big hands, he tried his best to survive. Scenes after scenes.

Now, the roles of himself and Dao Zun have been interchanged!

Seeing Jiang Yun's figure appearing behind him, Dao Zun's face showed real panic.

At this moment, a world appeared in front of him, and there were thousands of monks patrolling outside the world.

They had just heard Tao Zun's words, and the monks who wanted to stop Jiang Yun appeared.

Seeing them, the panic on Dao Zun's face turned into ferociousness, and he said in a deep voice: "You guys, quickly self-destruct and stop Jiang Yun!"

"Otherwise, I will destroy your world and all your relatives right now!"

These words from the Taoist Master made the bodies of these thousands of monks tremble!

Although they originally came to stop Jiang Yun, they did not expect that Dao Zun would use the safety of their relatives to force themselves and others to self-destruct.

"If you hesitate any longer, this world will disappear!"

However, Dao Zun stopped, stretched out his hand and pressed down on the world below, causing the world to turn into dough and be gently flattened.

For the creatures in the world, it is like the end is coming, with landslides and tsunamis, and the sky falling and the earth falling.

Among the thousands of monks, an old man immediately stood up and said with a trembling voice: "Fellow Taoists, we are not planning to go back alive anyway. Now we will obey the order of Taoist Master and use self-destruction to stop Jiang Yun." !”

"I am the first!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the old man rushed towards Jiang Yun who happened to be here. Without saying a word, his body exploded.


A huge puff of smoke instantly enveloped Jiang Yun.

Before Jiang Yun could walk out of the smoke, the other monks gritted their teeth and rushed to Jiang Yun's side one by one, their bodies all swelled up.

In order to protect their families, they had to choose to obey Tao Zun's order and use their lives to stop Jiang Yun.

Although they have just been returned to Dao Qi by Dao Zun, their strength is not high at all, and the strongest ones are only at the Dao stage level.

And with Jiang Yun's current strength, he can surpass them at the moment they self-destruct, and will not be affected by the power of their self-destruction at all.

However, Jiang Yun also saw Tao Zun who was holding down that side of the world with his palm!

As long as Jiang Yun dares to move, Tao Zun will destroy the world without hesitation!

Although Jiang Yun had made up his mind to kill Dao Zun even if it cost the lives of all the creatures in the Dao domain.

But at this moment, when he saw the self-destruction of thousands of monks and saw the fear on the faces of hundreds of thousands of creatures in the world, he still could not turn a blind eye.

Jiang Yun also knew that the reason why Tao Zun wanted to encourage all the monks to stop him was that the real purpose was not to kill him with the hands of these monks, but to make him continue to feel guilty!

"Tao Zun, you deserve to die!"

Jiang Yun stared at the Taoist Master and suddenly took a step forward. In a flash, he rushed out from the surrounding of thousands of monks who were about to self-destruct.

Dao Zun's eyes turned cold and he said, "Jiang Yun, do you think I dare not kill them?"

While speaking, Dao Zun's palm suddenly pressed towards the world below.


At the same time, shrill screams came from the mouths of the thousands of monks who were about to self-destruct.

"Boom boom boom!"

Their bodies finally exploded, killing themselves, but they still didn't get the safety of their families, which made them unable to rest in peace.

But just when their lives were about to disappear, his ears suddenly heard three words spoken repeatedly by Jiang Yun: "Ding, Cang, Hai!"

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