Taoist world

Chapter 246: Nine Snow Chains

The reason why Jiang Yunhui thought that the formation in front of him was not complicated was because it was composed of only nine snowflakes.

And some of the formations he has seen, even the isolation formation casually arranged by the snow tribe's grandpa, require more than a hundred snowflakes.

But when he really had a rough understanding of the way of fighting, he realized how naive and ridiculous his idea was.

The complexity and power of the formation have nothing to do with the number of items that make up the formation.

The power of an array does not lie in the number of items in the array, but in the number of changes it contains after it is formed, and how much power it can borrow.

The formation is to use the power of heaven and earth to have a certain effect, so this power does not belong to the monk personally, but to all things in the world.

For example, the isolation formation deployed by Snow Tribe's Abbot borrows the power of hundreds of snowflakes. It looks gorgeous, but in fact it is not very powerful.

It doesn't even contain more than three variations.

As for the formation in front of him, after Jiang Yun spent three days and three nights finally knowing its name, he couldn't help but take a deep breath.

This formation is called Jiuxue Lianlian!

The reason why it is called this is because this formation is a chain formation.

The entire formation contains a total of nine small formations.

And as long as more than two small formations are combined together, they can form a separate formation.

Arrays within arrays, arrays within arrays, interlocking, endless!

The formation in which the Hanming Winged Bat was trapped was only the first small formation in a series of formations.

However, although this first small formation seems to be composed of only nine snowflakes, in fact, each snowflake contains nine changes.

In short, this first small array contains eighty-one variations.

If you want to crack it, you must unravel all these changes one by one.

And after this small formation, there are eight more small formations!

However, the number of snowflakes that are combined into each small formation later is not nine, but based on nine, they are continuously stacked.

For example, the second small formation is composed of twenty-seven snowflakes, with a total of two hundred and sixty-one variations.

The third small formation is composed of eighty-one snowflakes, containing as many as seven hundred and twenty-nine variations, and so on.

So much so that Jiang Yun couldn't even calculate how many snowflakes the ninth small formation consisted of, and the changes within it could simply be described in astronomical numbers.

And these nine small formations added together form a complete Nine Snow Chain Formation!

It is conceivable that the power borrowed from such a complex formation and so many changes must be extremely huge.

This formation borrows the power of the entire world sea!

The area of ​​the Boundary Sea is said to be endless, and its power can even engulf the entire Wushan Island, leaving countless monks helpless. One can imagine the terror of its power.

However, what is even more terrifying is that because the Boundary Sea is not in a static state, but is in motion all the time, its power is also endless, endless, and never stops.

Therefore, no matter what the function of this Nine Snow Chain Formation is.

Its power is absolutely breathtaking and unimaginable for anyone.

This Nine Snow Chain Formation is also the culmination of Xue Mu's formation technique!

He even said without exaggeration in his experience that if someone could completely crack this formation by mastering the formation method.

Then this person's attainments in formations, even if they cannot surpass him, are at least much worse than him.

Although the complexity of the Jiuxue Chain Formation far exceeded Jiang Yun's imagination, it inspired his stubborn and competitive spirit.

What's more, he couldn't really leave the Cold Winged Bat here and leave alone, so he made up his mind to at least crack this first small formation.

Moreover, the process of deciphering the Nine Snow Chain Formation is also a great opportunity to learn the art of the formation.

Therefore, Jiang Yun completely calmed down and studied the formations carefully, starting from the most basic common sense.

In this 10,000-foot-deep ice cave, Jiang Yun forgot time and everything, immersed himself in the experience of this formation, forgetting to sleep and eat.

The hard work paid off, and after a full month passed, Jiang Yun finally had some insights into how to decipher the first small formation of the Nine Snow Chain Formation.

This is thanks to his excellent mentality and never being arrogant or impetuous.

Moreover, he has more than ten years of experience in studying alchemy, so his research on formations also adopts the method of simplifying the complex and tracing the source.

Split a formation into pieces, then split the nine changes of each snowflake into pieces, study each change one by one, and crack it bit by bit.

In the beginning, the speed of this kind of research was naturally extremely slow.

But as he gradually became familiar with it, his speed increased, and he was finally able to break through a total of eighty-one changes in such a short period of time.

But even so, when Jiang Yun actually started to personally try to break the formation, he failed seven times in a row.

There were even two times when some other changes in the formation were accidentally triggered, resulting in powerful attacks within it.

Thanks to Hanming Winged Bat's cultivation in the Cave Heaven Realm, he could barely bear it.

If it were ordinary monsters like the Golden Gang Demon Ape, they would have died in Jiang Yun's hands before Jiang Yun could break the formation.

With the breaking of the first formation, the Hanming Winged Bat finally got out of its trap, and Jiang Yun finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at the formation in front of him that had returned to its original state, a look of lingering fear appeared on his face.

However, the Cold Winged Bat was still staring ahead with burning eyes, even sticking out his tongue and licking his lips continuously: "Master, why don't we go inside and take a look, the cold air inside is really delicious. !”

This request was naturally flatly rejected by Jiang Yun.

Although until now, he still doesn't know why Xue Mucheng wants to set up a nine-snow chain formation here.

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But it took him a month to crack the first and simplest small formation, and he almost killed the Hanming Winged Bat.

If you go further in and accidentally fall into the second or third formation, you may not even have a chance to break it, and you will be killed directly by the changes in the formation.

More importantly, I am now pressed for time.

I wanted to wait until the Snow Clan left and then go to Tianyao City immediately, but I didn't expect that I was delayed for another month here.

But to be honest, Jiang Yun was indeed a little reluctant to see the Nine Snow Chain Formation in front of him.

Because although there is danger here, it is also an excellent place that can help him improve his formation skills.

Just as Xue Mucheng said, if the Jiuxue Chain Formation can be completely cracked, his attainments in the formation will definitely be greatly improved.

After mastering the formation method, his strength will naturally increase.

"If we have the opportunity and time in the future, we will come here again."

"When the time comes, I will try to destroy all the Nine Snow Chain Formations so that you can eat enough!"

Although Jiang Yun's idea was good, he also knew that it was unlikely to be realized.

After all, the distance is too far, and now that the catastrophe of the Shanhai Realm is imminent, it is really impossible for me to return here again.


Pulling the Hanming Winged Bat, who was also reluctant to leave, Jiang Yun turned around and left.

However, at this moment, a sudden "pop" sound came, making Jiang Yun's body tremble slightly.

Because he clearly felt that something hit him and then fell to the ground.

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