Taoist world

Chapter 2422 Nine Nirvana

Tao Zun's words made Yao Shen's heart tremble slightly.

Although he knew very well that this was Tao Zun's temptation for him, he was really tempted.

Just as Tao Zun said, the nine tribes have got rid of their status as slaves, and the relationship between their own tribe, all tribesmen, and Jiang Yun is no longer a master-slave relationship.

So, why did I and all my clan members sacrifice their lives to help Jiang Yun?

If you can save all your clan members and take them out of the Dao Realm, whether it is to go to the battlefield outside the territory or to the Destruction Domain, relying on your own strength and the strength of the Soul Clan, your clan can definitely live a better life!

Even, he could feel that Dao Zun did not lie to him.

Dao Zun should really have a way to bring his dead tribesmen back to life.

And all he has to do is step into the vortex!

Of course, without the life fire that he used as a guide to ignite the life fire, Jiang Yun, who was in the life fire nirvana, would never wake up again and would truly die.

And no one except Dao Zun and himself would know that Jiang Yun died here.

Should he sacrifice himself to help Jiang Yun, or give up on Jiang Yun and resurrect his people?

The Medicine God was caught in a tangle.


However, after only a short silence, the Medicine God took a long breath and said: "Tao Zun, I have to admit that you almost impressed me!"

Dao Zun's voice immediately sounded: "Why, you still decided to sacrifice yourself to fulfill Jiang Yun?"

The Medicine God smiled slightly and said, "Yes!"

"Can I know the reason?"

"Because I'm curious, why don't you kill Jiang Yun now!"

While speaking, the Medicine God's palm was already placed on Jiang Yun's head, and he continued: "Your strength should be higher than mine."

"And now, Jiang Yun is almost in death and unable to resist all the forces from the outside world. You can take advantage of this opportunity and take action directly to kill Jiang Yun and kill me!"

"But, not only did you not take action, you also deliberately tempted me to give up helping Jiang Yun and wanted to use my hand to kill Jiang Yun!"

"To be honest, I can't figure out why you did this, but just because I can't figure it out, I won't be fooled by you."

"Tao Zun, Jiang Yun will kill you!"

As he finished speaking, a "peng" sound was heard, and the God of Medicine's body was filled with raging life fire. While wrapping himself, it also rolled towards Jiang Yun.

Dao Zun's voice sounded again: "Hun Cang, don't you want your people to be resurrected?"

Under the flames, the Medicine God could no longer be seen, only his voice came out from the flames.

"Since you can resurrect my people, I believe Jiang Yun can do the same!"


As these words fell, all the medicine god's life fire rushed into Jiang Yun's body!

And the Taoist Master’s voice no longer sounded!

Jiang Yun opened his eyes, and the first thing he felt was his extremely strong life fire, but he didn't look at his life fire at all, but turned to look around.

The surroundings have turned into nothingness.

There is no more red world, no more tens of thousands of Soul Clan members, and no more Senior Medicine God.

Everything was like a dream, as if nothing had happened.

But Jiang Yun knew that everything was not a dream!

Because his life fire has swallowed up the soul clan’s sacred object, the Indeterminate Soul Fire, and completed nine nirvanas!

Although Jiang Yun's cultivation level and strength have not increased after nine Nirvanas, his soul has become extremely powerful.

Even if he is a strong man in the Void Realm, his soul power alone is not as powerful as Jiang Yun.

If Jiang Yun meets Sen Luo again now, he can easily kill him with life fire alone!

However, Jiang Yun didn't feel the slightest excitement in his heart.

Life fire Nirvana, three times is a hurdle!

Jiang Yun didn't know how the senior Medicine God achieved nirvana eight times and how he crossed two hurdles. He only knew that the three hurdles he walked through cost three people their lives.

The first time was Ye Tianshi, the disciple of Senior Medicine God. The old brother in Taoist Prison used his life fire to help Jiang Yun complete Nirvana for the third time;

The second time, it was a soul created by the senior Medicine God who helped Jiang Yun complete the sixth nirvana;

This time, it was the senior Medicine God himself who helped Jiang Yun complete his ninth nirvana!

Of course, in addition to them, there are tens of thousands of members of the Soul Clan.

Without their sacrifices, Jiang Yun would not have been able to swallow the Wuding Soul Fire.

Jiang Yun raised his hand, slapped his chest hard, and said softly: "Senior Medicine God, all members of the Soul Clan, don't worry, from now on, Jiang Yun will not talk about death easily again, your Life, Jiang Yun will live for you!"

Although the voice is soft, it reveals incomparable determination!

After the words fell, Jiang Yun raised his head and saw the spinning vortex above. He was about to stand up and enter the vortex, but his eyes suddenly shrank.

Because, he suddenly discovered that there was an extra memory in his soul that did not belong to him.

"This is……"

In his memory, Jiang Yun saw the Medicine God and heard the conversation between the Medicine God and Hun Cang.

"This is what happened when my life fire went out!"

Naturally, Jiang Yun also understood that this was why Senior Medicine God deliberately kept this memory to himself.

The reason is that I hope that I can figure out the problem that the Medicine God has not figured out!

Jiang Yun frowned and fell into deep thought.

In Jiang Yun's heart, he always believed that Dao Zun was definitely stronger than himself, so much so that he did not have the confidence to kill Dao Zun before he stepped into this lawless land.

Originally, he thought that the reason why Dao Zun never took action personally and killed him cleanly was because Dao Zun wanted to watch him continue to suffer the pain of the people he cared about dying in front of him.

"But if that's the case, why did he encourage Senior Medicine God to leave when I lost consciousness."

"Is this obviously trying to kill me with the help of Senior Medicine God?"

"Could it be that Dao Zun is not actually strong enough to kill me, or that he can't do it himself, so he can only rely on the sacred objects of the nine tribes to set up many difficulties?"

After thinking for a moment, Jiang Yun shook his head.

I also can't think of an answer to this question from Senior Medicine God.

However, maybe in the next difficulties, I can find the answer!

In addition to doubts, the memory left by the Medicine God to Jiang Yun, especially the last words of the Medicine God, made Jiang Yun feel a lot better.

"Since Tao Zun can resurrect all the dead soul clan members, then I can definitely do it too!"

"This is just like what Xiao He said to me before. Everything here is a certain rule set by Dao Zun, but as long as I am strong enough, I can override his rules. !”

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun finally stood up and stepped into the vortex above his head!

Just when Jiang Yun thought of Xiao He, Xiao He was standing in the dark gap with a pretty face and frown, hugging the little beast.

Beside her, there were four monsters standing there with wry smiles on their faces.

These four monsters are the four great monsters of the Holy Clan!

Naturally, they were ordered by Xiao He to come and prepare to secretly help Jiang Yun.

However, in front of them, there was a huge light mask emitting nine colors of light.

Not long ago, Jiang Yun walked into this light barrier in front of Xiao He, but strangely, Xiao He and Xiao Beast, together with the four monsters, could not enter!

Not only could he not get in, even his spiritual consciousness could not penetrate into this light shield, which made Xiao He really anxious.

Jiang Yun has been in for a long time, and he doesn't even know whether he is dead or alive!

"What kind of light mask is this? It can even block me?"

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