Taoist world

Chapter 2390 More than once

In the blink of an eye, more than a year has passed, and the number of Shanhai cultivators who have rushed to the Nameless Desolate Realm from all over the Dao Domain has reached one million!

Although this number is far from the number of creatures when the Mountain and Sea Realm was breached, Jiang Yun decided not to wait any longer!

Because he knew that there might be Shanhaixiu Xiu on the way to the Nameless Desolate Realm, but that was only a small part.

Most of the Shanhai Cultivators have either been captured and imprisoned by people from the Taoist Temple and the Saint Clan, or they are already dead!

Especially in this year, he didn't even wait for a member of the Nirvana Nine Clan to come back, or even wait for his second senior sister and third senior brother to come back.

Even the communication stone left by Jiansheng didn't receive any response, which made him understand that they might have fallen into the hands of Tao Zun or the Saints!

If I continue to wait in the Nameless Desolate Realm, the longer the time goes on, the more Shanhai cultivators will be killed!

In addition, not long ago, the nameless wilderness welcomed a ghost monk from the dead world, Gui Li!

The world of death has undergone earth-shaking changes in just one year!

Two of Sen Luo's former capable generals started a war to compete for the position of Lord of the Death World, resulting in both sides losing.

At this time, Zong Rui, with the support of Gui Yuankui, came out of the blue and successfully killed these two people one after another, finally becoming the Lord of the Death Realm!

Zong Rui sent Gui Li here to tell Jiang Yun the news, which made Jiang Yun finally make up his mind!

In today's world of death, the real vitality is severely damaged, and only three of the powerful people in the Tao Transformation realm, including Zong Rui, are left.

Even if Zong Rui betrays Jiang Yun and is willing to lead the ghost army to be used by Tao Zun, he will not pose the slightest threat to Jiang Yun.

"In one month, we set out for revenge!"

On this day, all the creatures in the Nameless Wilderness heard Jiang Yun's order, only a simple sentence!

Hearing this sentence, except for those monks who had fled from other worlds and came here who felt nervous and uneasy, none of the monks in the mountains, seas and nameless wilderness were nervous or afraid.

Especially the cultivation of mountains and seas.

The reason why they escaped from the Mountain and Sea Realm in the first place, the reason why they gave up their dignity and hid in the Dao Realm, and the reason why they did not hesitate to risk many dangers to come to the Nameless Wilderness Realm after learning that Jiang Yun was in the Nameless Wilderness Realm, was to Yes, that’s the sentence!


This year, for them, is an extremely fulfilling year of life, and it is also a year of great blessings.

Because most of them have already entered the Holy Lake and experienced a transformation.

Even a few people, such as Wu Shang, have entered twice or three times, which has naturally greatly improved their strength.

Now, they urgently need to fight to prove their strength, need to wash away the humiliation they suffered through blood, and need to use the lives of their enemies to pay tribute to their companions who will never come back!

Xiao He stood in front of Jiang Yun and said with a rare solemn look on his face: "Have you really decided to attack Dao Zun?"

In the past year, Jiang Yun has really not been back to his home in this unknown wilderness a few times.

In addition to establishing Void Paths everywhere, he was busy instructing the monks in the mountain and sea world on their practice and helping them treat their injuries.

Naturally, the number of times he and Xiao He met was also very rare!

Now seeing Xiao He suddenly come to him and ask such a question, Jiang Yun was quite puzzled.

Jiang Yun even felt a little vigilant in his heart. Could Xiao He, like Shao Zun, be standing by Dao Zun, ready to help Dao Zun?

However, Jiang Yun still said truthfully: "I think you should also know the grudge between us Shanhai Zhixiu and Dao Zun."

"Between Dao Zun and me, only one can survive!"

Xiaohe did not answer Jiang Yun's words, but suddenly changed the subject and asked: "Then do you know that your senior brother's life is running out?"

Jiang Yun nodded and said, "I know!"

Jiang Yun is no longer as worried about his senior brother's life as he was before.

Because Zong Rui has become the Lord of the Death Realm, even if the elder brother's life span is really reached, he can either keep his soul in the living world, or he can let the elder brother re-enter the reincarnation, reincarnate, and cultivate for another life!

However, Jiang Yun was very moved by the fact that Xiao He was thinking about his senior brother and said: "Miss Xiao He, thank you for staying with my senior brother during this time!"

Although Jiang Yun still can't figure out Xiao He's true purpose, and he doesn't know how long Xiao He will follow him, it is undeniable that she is indeed better at coaxing people than he is!

Thanks to Xiao He's presence, Jiang Yuncai could see a smile on his senior brother's face almost every day.

Facing Jiang Yun's thanks, Xiao He smiled coldly and said, "Then do you know that if your senior brother dies, he will never enter the realm of death, there will be no reincarnation, and there will be no more reincarnation. Reincarnation!"

"What did you say!"

Suddenly, two rays of cold light burst out from Jiang Yun's eyes, hitting Xiao He's face.

Xiao He didn't care about Jiang Yun's gaze and said coldly: "Don't you understand what I just said? If you don't understand, I can repeat it again!"

Of course Jiang Yun understood it, but just because he understood it, he didn't believe it at all!

Birth, aging, illness and death are all natural events. As long as the soul is not scattered, the soul will enter the realm of death and reincarnation after death.

Although his senior brother has lost his cultivation, his soul is still there. Even if he dies, his soul will definitely enter reincarnation again.

But Xiao He said that his senior brother would not enter the realm of death or reincarnation after death. How could this be possible?

Suddenly, Xiao He chuckled and said, "Jiang Yun, your senior brother said you were careless. I didn't believe it at first, but now, I believe it!"

Xiao He's laughter suddenly subsided and said: "As your senior brother's most beloved junior brother, don't you know that your senior brother has died before, and more than once!"

Jiang Yun was suddenly stunned!

Senior brother has died before, and more than once?

Jiang Yun's mind raced rapidly, recalling everything about his senior brother.

He only remembered that in order to go deep into the Dao Prison to save him, his senior brother had his soul snatched away by Dao San, but in the end his soul was snatched back by him.

I still remember that in the illusion of the Nine Realms of Nirvana, my senior brother was controlled by Dao Zun and almost became Dao Zun's clone. He even turned against me and started fighting.

But in the end, the senior brother returned to normal!

Although the two situations that the senior brother encountered were extremely dangerous, he did not actually die in any of them. On the contrary, his third senior brother died once.

Looking at the stunned and silent Jiang Yun, Xiao He frowned and said, "You really don't know that your senior brother has died?"

Jiang Yun hesitated for a moment, then told the two crises that the senior brother encountered, and finally said: "Does this count as the death of the senior brother?"

Xiaohe took a deep look at Jiang Yun and said, "It turns out that you really don't know!"

Jiang Yun finally couldn't help but asked: "Miss Xiaohe, what do you mean by what you just said?"

"What do you mean my senior brother has died before, and more than once, did he tell you himself?"

For more than a year, Xiaohe has been accompanying Dongfangbo and made Dongfangbo very happy.

Jiang Yun wondered whether Dongfang Bo had told Xiao He something about himself.

Xiao He shook his head and said, "Your senior brother didn't say anything. I saw it myself!"

"Your senior brother actually died when he was just born!"

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