Taoist world

Chapter 2365 Reincarnation One

Hong Zhenyi's words made Jiang Yun even more confused and confused.

Dao Zun, his master, and foster father Ji Kongfan, what relationship can there be between the three of them?

However, Jiang Yun had never told anyone that his adoptive father was the reincarnation of Ji Kongfan, so even though he was confused at the moment, he said calmly on his face: "Senior Hong, please stop showing off. If you have anything to say, just say it!"

Hong Zhenyi smiled bitterly and said: "It's not that I want to show off, but there are some things that you don't know, so I have to explain it clearly to you!"

"There are many Dao realms, you must already know this, but among so many Dao realms, including our Tiangu clan and the Destruction Domain, you are the only one who is really interested in it."

"The reason is naturally because this Dao realm was created by Ji Kongfan, and he is still here to reincarnate and be reborn."

"Until now, no one knows the true whereabouts of Ji Kongfan, who has been reincarnated into several living beings..."

Hearing this, Jiang Yun's heart suddenly jumped heavily, and a light flashed in his eyes. He interrupted Hong Zhenyi's words and said, "Senior, you said that Ji Kongfan reincarnated into several creatures. What does this mean? ?”

Hong Zhenyi was not surprised that Jiang Yun interrupted him, and explained with a smile: "I have stayed here for so long just to find Ji Kongfan!"

"Although I still can't find Ji Kongfan's whereabouts, I still gained something."

"Back then, Ji Kongfan split his soul into several parts and entered reincarnation at the same time."

"And this means that he did not reincarnate as one person, but became several living beings!"

"Unless we can find all his reincarnations and reunite all his souls into one, then we will truly find him!"

Jiang Yun was stunned again!

This was something he had never heard of!

Originally, he thought that Ji Kongfan was constantly reincarnated, until he reincarnated in this life and became the elder of the Medicine God Sect and his adoptive father.

But now I know that it turns out that my adoptive father is only part of Ji Kongfan's soul, and the real Ji Kongfan also reincarnated into someone else at the same time.

No wonder no one can know the true whereabouts of Ji Kongfan or all the secrets Ji Kongfan hides.

Because even Ji Kongfan himself would not know!

Each part of his soul can only have a partial memory, and he doesn't know where his other souls are reincarnated or who they are reincarnated into!

This will make his situation extremely safe!

As Hong Zhenyi said, if you want to find the real Ji Kongfan, you must find all his reincarnations.

Even if we find one or two, even if we search for their souls, it will be of no use!

Although he understood this, another doubt emerged in Jiang Yun's mind, that is, why did Ji Kongfan do this?

He left the leader of the most powerful ethnic group in the Destruction Territory alone and came with nine slave tribes to open up a Tao realm. He also used the power of the nine tribes to fake his death and enter reincarnation.

He even had to split his soul into several parts and reincarnate at the same time!

There must be a huge secret in Ji Kongfan's body.

And everything he did was to hide this secret!

Ji Kongfan, the leader of the Nirvana Clan, a man so powerful that both the Tiangu Clan had to pay attention to him, for what kind of secret did he have to be so cautious?

At this time, Hong Zhenyi's voice sounded again, interrupting Jiang Yun's thoughts: "Now, you should understand what the second possibility is that I speculated that the young master helped the Taoist master and took away your master. Come on!"

Jiang Yun's pupils suddenly shrank, and he suddenly raised his head and looked at Hong Zhenyi: "Could it be possible that both Taoist Master and my master are one of the reincarnations of Ji Kongfan!"

When he said these words, Jiang Yun's heart almost jumped out of his chest!

Although he felt that his idea was simply a fantasy, the slight movement of Hong Zhenyi's head told him that his idea was most likely true!

Hong Zhenyi obviously knew that Jiang Yun was shocked at this moment, but he still continued: "As I said just now, there are many Dao realms, but only your Dao realm has given birth to such a powerful demon like Dao Zun. There may even be a great demon who might be favored by the Celestial Clan!”

"Although it is possible that Dao Zun's appearance is just a coincidence, but if Dao Zun is one of Ji Kongfan's reincarnations, then this accident has become inevitable!"

Listening to Hong Zhenyi's words, Jiang Yun also remembered in his mind that when Dao Zun attacked the Shanhai Realm for the first time, four powerful sages suddenly appeared. It was said that they were entrusted by his master.

Later, I also learned from the master's mouth that they were from other realms and were fleeing!

And in the Tao realm where they live, there is indeed no great demon like Tao Zun!

Hong Zhenyi's voice continued: "Even if Ji Kongfan is going to be reincarnated, why is he not in the realm of annihilation, but opening up a separate realm, and also cultivating this realm to become a demon?"

"Together, these indicate that Dao Zun is likely to be one of Ji Kongfan's reincarnations!"

"That's not right!" Jiang Yun pondered for a moment and then shook his head vigorously and said, "Ji Kongfan, as the leader of the Nirvana clan, must be a man of great talent, broad-mindedness, and a kind heart."

"And what Dao Zun did, you also know, can be said to be the anger of heaven and the resentment of people, and the anger of humans and gods!"

"Tao Zun, it is absolutely impossible to be one of Ji Kongfan's reincarnations!"

Hearing Jiang Yun's words, Hong Zhen looked at Jiang Yun with a hint of ridicule and helplessness. He shook his head and said, "Jiang Yun, you are still too young after all!"

"Ji Kongfan is a man of great talent and broad-mindedness. This is true, but he has a kind heart. Haha, you have to decide who is right!"

"This does not mean that he will not kill, he is compassionate!"

"Even you, Jiang Yun, have been stained with countless blood along the way, not to mention his majestic leader of the Nirvana clan!"

"Do you think that the Annihilation tribe has become the most powerful ethnic group because other ethnic groups sincerely respect it?"

"Do you think that all the slaves of the Nirvana Clan have become slaves willingly?"

"Behind the strength of the Nirvana clan, and every slave clan, is a mountain of corpses piled up in a sea of ​​blood!"

"Also, what Dao Zun did may seem like anger to you, but to Dao Zun, he actually did nothing wrong!"

"People are angry and resentful! But Tao Zun, he is the heaven of the Tao realm, the god of the Tao realm!"

"Since he has provided everything for all the creatures in the Dao realm, what's wrong with taking it away?"

"This is just like those mortals who raise domestic animals, only to kill them in the end, either to eat or to sell them. In your opinion, shouldn't this also be a matter of anger and resentment between humans and gods?"

Hong Zhenyi sighed and said, "Jiang Yun, what you said is just because you are in a different perspective."

"You are a member of the Nirvana clan, and Ji Kongfan is your clan leader, so in your heart, everything Ji Kongfan does is right, and everything that Dao Zun, who is standing opposite you, does is wrong. of!"

"Taking a step back, even if Tao Zun is really heinous, don't forget that no one is perfect!"

"Every living being has two sides in its heart, a good side and an evil side!"

"Ji Kongfan divided his soul into several parts. Perhaps, he would reincarnate the part of his soul that contained his own evil and become a Taoist Master!"

"Deng Deng Deng!"

Under Hong Zhenyi's barrage of words, Jiang Yun seemed to have been hit hard, and his body continued to retreat until he retreated to the stone tablet with countless names engraved on it, and then stopped.

Although he wanted to refute everything Hong Zhenyi said, he also knew that what Hong Zhenyi said was true!

Especially his last words were the same as what Old Mrs. Li in the Nameless Desolate Realm told him.

Everything in heaven and earth has two sides.

There are indeed two kinds of good and evil in his Tao nature, and he once integrated his evil character into his physical Tao body.

Since he can do things himself, why can't Ji Kongfan do it?

In this case, why can't Dao Zun be one of Ji Kongfan's reincarnations?

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