Taoist world

Chapter 2299: Heavy Heart

Liu Peng raised a shining communication stone in his hand and handed it directly to Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun took it and crushed it in front of everyone. Jiansheng's voice came out from inside: "Yue Ruhuo is in the Shangqing Dao Realm and is fine for the time being."

"However, Situ Jing is in danger and I have no resources. Find someone to go to Shangqing Dao Realm as soon as possible to take her back!"

Apparently, in the process of searching for Situ Jing, Jiansheng accidentally discovered the whereabouts of Yue Ruhuo.

However, he didn't expect that Situ Jing was also in danger at the same time, so he had no choice but to save Situ Jing first, so he sent a message back and asked Liu Peng and the others to send someone to bring Yue Ruhuo back.

After hearing Jiansheng's message, the cold light in Jiang Yun's eyes skyrocketed again!

Those closest to me are now in danger, which makes me really want to kill Dao Zun and the Saint Clan immediately and kill everyone in these two forces.

The anger radiating from Jiang Yun made everyone around him feel frightened. Liu Peng boldly said: "Master, what should we do now?"

Jiang Yun forcibly suppressed the anger and murderous intent in his heart, and after pondering for a moment, he said: "Senior Jiansheng has already gone to rescue the second senior sister, so we don't have to worry about the second senior sister for the time being!"

Although Jiang Yun didn't know Jiansheng's specific cultivation level yet, he was extremely confident in Jiansheng's strength.

Back then, Jiansheng had suppressed his cultivation level, and in a fight with him, he was almost killed by him. Now, after so many years, Jiansheng should at least be invincible in Tianyuan territory.

In addition, the Second Senior Sister's own strength is not weak. With the two of them joining forces, unless they encounter a strong Guiyuan warrior, their safety is still guaranteed.

Therefore, Jiang Yun decided: "I will take you with me to go to the Qingdao Realm first and bring Miss Yue back, and then we will return to the Mountain and Sea Realm!"

"Does any of you know where the Shangqing Dao Realm is?"

Although Jiang Yun had never heard of the Shangqing Taoist Realm, since Yue Ruhuo was in it, it meant that there must be other monks in that Taoist Realm.

Moreover, those monks definitely did not escape from the world of mountains and seas.

Otherwise, Jiansheng would not let Liu Peng and the others send people to bring Yue Ruhuo back as soon as possible.

Liu Peng took out a jade slip and handed it to Jiang Yun: "Master, I have a map of the Dao realm here, but it's not complete. Check to see if there is any Shangqing Dao realm in it!"

Although Liu Peng and the others would often go out to look for other people who had escaped from the Mountain and Sea Realm, they did not dare to leave too far, so they did not know where the Shangqing Dao Realm was.

Jiang Yun's spiritual consciousness penetrated into the jade slips and quickly found the location of Shangqing Dao Realm.

It's not too far from my current location. At my own speed, I can reach it in half a month at most.

"Okay, then you guys pack up and we'll set off right away!"

Naturally, no one had any objection to Jiang Yun's words, and they all looked forward to returning to the Shanhai Realm as soon as possible to see their classmates and relatives.

A moment later, Jiang Yun had already sent Liu Peng and others into the dark clouds, and he was rushing towards the Shangqing Dao Realm.

Although he successfully found Liu Peng and the others, Jiang Yun did not feel the slightest sense of relief in his heart, but instead became heavy again.

Until now, the situation in the Shanhai Realm is still unclear.

Did the senior brother who stayed inside have escaped successfully, or was he caught by the saints and Taoists, or... met with misfortune?

The second senior sister is in danger again. Can Jiansheng rescue her?

Where is the third senior brother who set out to find his master's whereabouts now?

The most unexpected thing was naturally the disappearance of his master.

If his conjecture is correct and the master was really captured by the Tiangu clan or the Void-Taking Realm strongmen in the Destruction Domain, then why did they do this?

Now nearly five years have passed since Master disappeared. Is Master safe and sound now?

These unanswered questions kept appearing over and over in Jiang Yun's mind, making his heart unable to settle down.

In this way, after more than ten days, a world finally appeared in front of Jiang Yun.

The area of ​​this world is huge and the preservation is quite complete. There are no defensive measures outside the world, and anyone can enter it at will.

According to the markings on the map, this should be Shangqing Daojie.

When Jiang Yun's consciousness swept through it, he became more and more certain that this was indeed the Shangqing Dao Realm!

Because there are tens of thousands of monks inside, and the strongest ones even have Tianyuan realm.

"These monks probably don't want to submit to the Taoist Master, so they gathered here from various places."

"No wonder Senior Jiansheng asked us to send someone to borrow Yue Ruhuo quickly."

Jiang Yun knew very well that no matter how many these monks were in number or where they were hiding, as long as they were in the Dao realm, they would one day be found by the Dao Lord and the Saints.

And once they are found, the only consequences waiting for them are death or surrender. There is no third possibility.

Yue Ruhuo stays here. If someone from the Dao realm and the Saint clan comes, her fate will undoubtedly be death.

"Miss Yue, where are you?"

Jiang Yun closed his eyes, and a transparent flame in the Life Fire slowly swayed, exuding a special aura and spreading towards the Shangqing Dao Realm.

When Jiang Yun knew that Yue Ruhuo, Liu Peng and others were scattered, he thought that he might have a way to find Yue Ruhuo.

This method is to use the fire of the moon spirit!

Jiang Yun's life fire has also swallowed up the moon spirit fire, and Yue Ruhuo is not a Taoist monk, and the moon spirit fire can completely sense the power of the moon spirit in her body.

"found it!"

Just a moment later, Jiang Yun sensed an aura of the power of the Moon Spirit, and immediately stepped into the Shangqing Dao Realm without hesitation.

The Shangqing Dao Realm is also devastated as far as you can see. There are ruins and ruins everywhere. It is obvious that there has been a war.

However, there is still a large manor that is relatively well preserved.

And this became the residence of those monks who took refuge.

There is a two-story building deep in the manor. On the top of the building, a young woman is sitting there, holding her chin in her hands and staring blankly into the distance.

There was no expression on that beautiful face, and even her eyes were full of emptiness. She had no idea that a figure had appeared behind her.

Looking at the motionless woman like a statue in front of him, Jiang Yun felt even more guilty!

This woman is naturally like a moon!

In Jiang Yun's memory, Yue Ruhuo was a carefree woman who acted in a hurry and without any scheming.

If it weren't for the fact that she was the daughter of Yue Zun, I don't know how much suffering she would have suffered.

But now, that woman has turned into this!

And all this is because of myself!

He pretended to be a Yueling clan member and escaped from the prison in the Destruction Domain. The entire Yueling clan was implicated and was captured by the Imperial Criminal Division.

She originally thought that she would be at least safe and sound when she arrived in the Mountain and Sea Realm, but she didn't expect that the Taoist Master and the Saint Clan's revenge on her would involve her.

At this moment, she should be thinking about her relatives and her home in the Destruction Domain!

Although he felt guilty, Jiang Yun couldn't just stand silently, so he finally spoke softly: "Miss Yue!"

Jiang Yun's voice reached Yue Ruhuo's ears, causing Yue Ruhuo's body to tremble suddenly and heavily as if struck by lightning.

However, she still maintained this posture motionless until Jiang Yun's voice sounded again: "Miss Yue, I am Jiang Yun, I am back!"

As Jiang Yun finished speaking, Yue Ruhuo finally turned her head and saw Jiang Yun behind her.

However, immediately after, her expression suddenly changed and she said: "Go quickly!"

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