Taoist world

Chapter 2281 If you don’t tell me, you will die.

Looking at the world below him, Jiang Yun's pupils couldn't help but shrink slightly, and a strange color flashed deep in his eyes!

This is a small world. Like most worlds, it has mountains, water, sky and earth.

There are a large number of humans and monsters distributed in various places in this world, some are looking for food, some are practicing, and some are fighting.

There is nothing special about such a world when you look at it with your eyes, but it is too weird if you listen to it with your ears.

Because every human being and every monster in this world, no matter what they are doing, their mouths are not idle. They are all making various sounds and saying various things. Discourse.

The roars of monster beasts originally only had a few simple pronunciations. Generally, the roars of beasts were only one or two, and at most they could only roar three or four times in a row.

But the sounds from the mouths of the monsters here not only have ups and downs, but also almost never stop in the middle, as if they are talking endlessly, words that only they themselves can understand.

As for humans, it’s even weirder!

Some people kept uttering curses from their mouths, and the curse words they uttered were all kinds of strange, varied, and extremely vicious;

There is a person whose mouth keeps uttering praises, from heaven to earth, from ancient times to the present, praising everything he can see and cannot see;

Some people kept saying nonsense words that had no meaning at all...

In addition to speaking, their faces also have a look of numbness, as if they are used to this kind of life, and are used to this state of having to talk all the time.

There are about a million creatures in the whole world, and when they make sounds at the same time, you can imagine how loud and messy the sounds are.

So when Jiang Yun stepped into this world, he immediately felt a kind of noise, which made his head hurt and he wanted to turn around and leave.

And this is where lies live!

Jiang Yun could naturally see that these creatures, just like the statues in the void world, were captured and controlled by lies.

It's just that Jiang Yun really can't figure out why Huayu wants these creatures to keep making sounds and talking.

However, this did make him realize that the ability of Lianyu may not only be the magic of heaven.

In fact, his origin should have something to do with his voice and words.

Shaking his head, Jiang Yun forced himself to ignore the voices that kept pouring into his ears, took a deep breath, and suddenly said in a deep voice: "Liar, I'm coming!"

These five words, Jiang Yun used all his strength, so it was like five thunders exploding, shaking the earth and forcibly suppressing the voices of all the creatures in this world.

As Jiang Yun's voice fell, the world also experienced a rare silence.

But just a moment later, several screams were heard suddenly.

Amid the screams, it was clearly visible that the bodies of many humans and monsters were trembling crazily, and then they all exploded, with flesh and blood flying everywhere.

The other humans and beasts were also trembling, their lips were trembling, and they hurriedly started talking again.

Moreover, they spoke faster than before, as if anyone who spoke slower would die immediately, and they couldn't understand what they were saying.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Yun understood a little bit. If these people and beasts didn't speak, they would probably die!

"Is it possible that these words they said are the source of the power of lies?"

Just as Jiang Yun was deep in thought, a voice suddenly sounded: "Who are you?"

In front of Jiang Yun, a middle-aged man appeared. He looked at Jiang Yun with a puzzled look on his face. He was lying.

Because Jiang Yun changed his appearance during the battle at the Gate of Life and Death, but now that he has returned to his true appearance after resurrecting from the dead, Huayu did not recognize him for a while.

Jiang Yun said calmly: "If I don't come to see you, I will die. Who do you think I am!"

Upon hearing this, Lianyu suddenly understood, and the confusion on his face turned into a proud smile: "It turns out to be you, you are finally here..."

Before he could finish speaking, his expression suddenly changed again, and at the same time, his body quickly retreated.

Because Jiang Yun had already raised his fist and rushed towards him.


Although Huanyu's reaction was already very fast, he was still hit by Jiang Yun's fist, and his body that was already retreating retreated even faster.

"You asked me to come to see you, and I'm already here, why are you running away!"

Jiang Yun was following him like a shadow. When he spoke coldly, he followed his body, stepped forward, and punched hard again.

This time, Lianyu could no longer dodge, and was directly hit by Jiang Yun's punch.

The whole person flew out like a huge boulder and hit a mountain peak.

Since Jiang Yun already knew a little bit about the power of lies, of course he would not talk nonsense with him anymore, so he launched an attack as soon as he saw the lies appeared, and dealt with the opponent as soon as possible without giving him a chance to speak again.

Huayu didn't expect Jiang Yun's attack to come so suddenly, nor did he expect Jiang Yun's strength to have improved so much compared to four years ago.

You know, he personally paid attention to Jiang Yun's actions during the battle at the Gate of Life and Death four years ago.

At that time, he could also see that although Jiang Yun was able to fight with the strong men in the realm of destruction and return to the origin, what he really relied on was the power of the thousands of monsters from the black clouds.

Although Huanyu's own strength is not as good as Huanxu, he is still at the third level of Guiyuan, so he doesn't take Jiang Yun seriously at all.

This also resulted in him being completely blindsided by Jiang Yun's fierce attack.

When Jiang Yun came to him again, and a small vortex appeared on his fingertips, Huayu finally came to his senses and hurriedly blurted out a strange syllable.


When this syllable reached Jiang Yun's ears, Jiang Yun's heart was inexplicably shocked. The finger that was about to touch the center of Luanyu's eyebrows suddenly froze and stopped in the air.

And as Jiang Yun's fingers stopped, the millions of creatures who were still talking endlessly suddenly turned their heads and shouted that weird syllable again towards Jiang Yun.


Countless sounds converged into one syllable, like some ancient spell, pouring into Jiang Yun's ears, and Jiang Yun immediately screamed inwardly.

Jiang Yun's heart beat faster with the introduction of this syllable, his breathing became rapid, his mind became uneasy, and he had an ominous feeling that a catastrophe was about to happen.

"I'm afraid this is the real curse!"

Jiang Yun's eyes narrowed slightly, and the power belonging to the heavenly clan in his soul suddenly started to circulate, filling his whole body, making all the uncomfortable feelings in his body disappear immediately.

Sure enough, the power of the Heavenly Clan has extremely powerful suppression power over the power of lies, or in other words, the Heavenly Curse.

At this moment, Lianyu, who had already escaped when Jiang Yun's fingers stopped, suddenly showed hatred on his face, a mark appeared between his eyebrows, emitting light, and said again in a sinister voice: "What if you If you attack me again, your right hand will be shattered!"


Jiang Yun smiled coldly. He felt that he had completely returned to normal, so the finger that he had stopped just clicked on the lie again without hesitation.


Jiang Yun's outstretched finger, just when he was about to click on the lie, suddenly felt a strange force suddenly appear.

It was as if an invisible person raised a hammer and hit his right hand hard, causing the bones in his right hand to completely shatter!

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