Taoist world

Chapter 2271 Seven Layers of Nothingness

Just as the nine red phoenixes broke through the fog, almost all the countless statues on the ground were resurrected.

Facing the nine red phoenixes that rushed towards them with shocking power, everyone hurriedly took action.

All kinds of weapons and magic weapons, and all kinds of attacks from all sects, overwhelmingly faced Danfeng.

"Boom boom boom!"

The nine red phoenixes were completely defenseless, allowing the attacks to hit their bodies, which aroused countless rays of light, making the sky colorful, like fireworks blooming.

Although these attacks were extremely ferocious, they could not harm the nine red phoenixes at all. In an instant, they had already rushed to the ground.

Just like nine suns falling from the sky, each red phoenix slammed into the ground. Not only did it create a huge pit, but there were also raging flames raging out of the pit.

Nine flames connected into one, instantly turning the vast land into a blazing sea of ​​fire.

The scorching heat turned the entire void space into purgatory!

Those statues, whether they were humans or monks, whether they were mountains, rivers or vegetation, were surrounded by endless flames and had no resistance at all.

One by one, they burst into flames and quickly turned into ashes amidst the shrill screams!

Just a few breaths later, all the statues were burned, and the ground turned completely black, with only the flames continuing to burn.

Although there are a large number of these statues, there are also several Tianyuan realm experts among them, but today Jiang Yun is the pinnacle of Tianyuan realm!

In the same realm, Jiang Yun can definitely kill instantly!

What's more, four years of death have completely melted the Danyang and allowed him to control the Danyang fire to the extreme.

In fact, he is equivalent to Danyang.

Although the nine Dan Phoenixes condensed with this kind of strength and Dan Yang fire cannot compare with the nine Dan Phoenixes in the Nine Phoenix and Nine Yang Formation, they are more than enough to deal with these statues!

Jiang Yun looked at all this indifferently, raised his hand, and all the flames rose up again, condensing into a million-foot-sized red phoenix.

Jiang Yun took a step forward and stood directly on top of the red phoenix. The red phoenix looked up to the sky and screamed, its wings vibrated, and it flew forward.

"Buzz buzz!"

The high temperature radiated from Danfeng's huge body caused the air in the entire realm of nothingness to immediately burn and vibrate violently wherever it passed.

Seeing that the front was almost reaching the end of the space, Danfeng suddenly neighed again, accelerated his speed, and hit the end hard.

The end of this place was directly knocked open, and within it, there was a realm of nothingness!

When Jiang Yun used his spiritual consciousness to explore the path before, he already knew that there were more than one void realms laid out by Huoxu, but one inside each.

Looking back now, if you include the outermost one, there are seven layers in total!

The little beast was imprisoned in the seventh realm of nothingness.

It is not difficult to see from this that although Huanxu caught the little beast, he also monitored it extremely closely, for fear that it would escape if he was not careful.

Although Jiang Yun was anxious just now and did not take a closer look at the situation in each void realm, it is not difficult to guess that there must be many murderous intentions in it.

Jiang Yun was worried that Huanxu must have known about his arrival.

In order to prevent him from jumping over the wall, hurting the little beast, or using the little beast to threaten himself, he must rush to the seventh level of voidness as soon as possible to rescue the little beast.


Sure enough, just when the fire phoenix carried Jiang Yun into the second realm of nothingness, there were already several deep roars.

There are also some statues in this void world, but the number is much smaller than that in the outside world, only about a hundred, and their strength is also much stronger.

Here, the weakest ones are those in the Taoist realm, and there are more than a dozen monks in the Tianyuan realm!

These statues obviously know what is happening in the void world outside, and they have all come to life.

At this moment, when they saw Jiang Yun and Huo Feng, they all roared and launched various attacks.

When Jiang Yun was in the first level of Tianyuan, he had single-handedly killed hundreds of Tianyuan strong men. Now faced with the attacks of these hundreds of statues, he didn't even look at them.

The fire phoenix under him simply flapped its wings and shot out countless fire feathers, covering all the statues like sharp swords.

These fire feathers not only easily shattered all the attacks of the hundreds of statues, but each fire feather also penetrated their bodies and burned them to ashes.

The fire phoenix flashed past and reached the third level of voidness.


A huge monster beast that was no smaller than the fire phoenix and looked like a bear appeared in front of the fire phoenix. It raised its palm like a hill and slapped the fire phoenix fiercely.

The palm passed through the air, as if a strong wind was blowing, and many of the flames on the fire phoenix were extinguished by it.

But Jiang Yun, who was always standing on top of the fire phoenix, didn't even lift his clothes. He looked at the giant palm coming towards him, raised his fist, and faced it.

Compared to that giant palm, Jiang Yun's fist was almost too small to be seen.

But before Jiang Yun's fist hit the giant palm, a terrifying force had already rushed out along Jiang Yun's fist, hitting the palm of the giant palm heavily.


Suddenly, bursts of crisp cracking sounds sounded.

Countless lines immediately appeared on the giant palm, and spread to the whole body of the monster at a crazy speed.

The monster's face showed a dull look, and it looked directly at its palm, looking at the countless cracks spreading along its palm, unable to believe what it saw.

Because his physical body is extremely strong, even attacks from strong people in the Origin Realm can hardly hurt his body.

But now, a human being as big as an ant easily shattered his own body with pure physical strength.

When did the human body become so terrifying?

With a "boom", the monster no longer had time to think about such a profound question.

With a huge roaring sound, its huge body suddenly exploded.

The flesh and blood were like a downpour, hitting Jiang Yun and Huo Feng head-to-head with a sharp sound of breaking through the air.

It's a pity that before the flesh and blood fell, it was directly burned into nothingness by the flames on the fire phoenix's body.

A monster with a body comparable to the Return to Origin Realm died easily under Jiang Yun's punch.

Even the flying speed of the fire phoenix was not stagnant at all, and it reached the fourth level of voidness in an instant!

There are seven levels of the void world seen by Jiang Yun's consciousness, but in fact there are nine levels of the void world here.

However, because Jiang Yun had already found the little beast, his spiritual consciousness did not go deeper.

At this moment, in the eighth realm of nothingness, Huanxu was standing in the middle of the realm, his face gloomy and his brows furrowed.

He had naturally known about Jiang Yun's arrival for a long time, and he knew even more clearly that Jiang Yun was here for the little beast.

Originally, he didn't take Jiang Yun seriously. Although he was defeated by Jiang Yun in the Nine Colors Realm and was even devoured by Jiang Yun, that was just a clone of him, not his true self!

When he thought about it, it was impossible for Jiang Yun to break through the layers of emptiness he had set up, but he did not expect that Jiang Yun would become so powerful now.

In the three consecutive void realms, there were many ambushes that even the powerful Guiyuan could stop, but Jiang Yun was not even trapped for the time it took him to count his breaths.

He was considering whether he should fight Jiang Yun himself.

However, in the end he shook his head and said: "You will definitely not be able to break through the sixth realm of nothingness!"

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