Taoist world

Chapter 2260 Paving Stone

Ye Guchen's words made the woman's eyes gradually light up with a light.

She looked deeply at Ye Guchen and said, "I can indeed use your soul as a guide to make Jiang Yun's soul complete, thus bringing Jiang Yun back to life."

"But do you know what that means to you?"

Ye Guchen smiled happily and said: "Both body and soul will be destroyed. From now on, there will be no more Ye Guchen between heaven and earth!"

The woman continued: "Although you seem to be about to be destroyed physically and mentally, and your soul is scattered, as long as Jiang Yun does not die, you can still follow Jiang Yun and continue reincarnation."

"Given time, under the nourishment of the power of the Golden Lock, your soul can still be restored to its original state!"

"Even in the future, when mother and son really meet each other, I will release you from the bondage and let you regain your freedom!"

Although Jiang Yun's self-destruction did not hurt Ye Guyen, in order to suppress the soul of Tianjia, Ye Guyen had used his own soul as blood to draw the demon seal of life and death, and he had already reached the point where he was exhausted.

However, as the woman said, just because the oil is gone and the lamp is dry, it does not mean that it will disappear.

As long as he continues to recuperate in the golden lock, his soul can still recover.

In fact, the woman gave Ye Guchen greater hope to regain his freedom!

Ye Guyen smiled and nodded: "I also know what senior said!"

The woman then said: "Then are you still willing to sacrifice yourself to bring Jiang Yun back to life and let Jiang Yun continue to live in this life?"

Ye Guchen did not answer this question immediately, but looked at Jiang Yun. The expression in his eyes was almost exactly the same as that of the woman before, including love and distress.

After a long time, Ye Guchen said in a deep voice: "I should have died at the hands of Taoist Lord a long time ago, but now that I have lived for so many more years, it is worth it!"

"Also, please forgive me for being too high-minded. Although Jiang Yun is the child of my senior, in my eyes, Jiang Yun is also my child and my disciple!"

"Senior is willing to protect Jiang Yun for thousands of generations and make him immortal. Then naturally, junior is also willing to use my remaining soul to become a paving stone for Jiang Yun to embark on the road to heaven!"

Although Ye Guchen's voice was not loud, every word he said was very loud, and when it fell into the woman's ears, it caused more and more ripples, until it set off layers of waves.

The woman remained silent, just staring at Ye Guyen with her eyes, her original firmness in her heart had been shaken.

He originally trapped Ye Guchen in the golden lock because he was afraid that he would reveal the secrets of his mother and son.

Unexpectedly, he actually planted a life-saving seed for his son!

In addition to Ye Guchen's unexpected love for Jiang Yun, the four words "Road to Heaven" spoken by Ye Guchen also moved the woman.

The Tongtian Sect is about to open. In this life, Jiang Yun has not only obtained the qualifications to enter the Tongtian Sect, but the qualification level is still quite high.

If Jiang Yun is allowed to live another life, then no matter how talented Jiang Yun is, he will never be able to qualify for the Tongtian Sect.

And when the Tongtian Gate opens next time, God knows what year and month it will be.

Even though Jiang Yun can wait, he may not be able to wait.

After a long time, a smile gradually appeared on the woman's face, and she said to Ye Guchen: "It is Jiang Yun's greatest blessing to have you by his side. Thank you, fellow Taoist Ye!"

"This junior is not worthy of the word "fellow Taoist." Thank you, senior, for helping me!"

Ye Guyen clasped his fists and clasped the woman to the ground again. After straightening up, he looked at Jiang Yun for the last time, still with a kind smile on his face.

At this time, the woman's palm that had stopped mid-air before waving it out, finally waved it gently towards Ye Guyen!

Points of light one after another emerged from Jiang Yun's body.

Each of these light spots is as small as dust, emitting all kinds of extremely weak light, becoming more and more dense.

They were suspended above Jiang Yun's body, gradually covering his body that had lost all vitality.

If someone were passing by here at this moment, all they would see were endless light spots condensed together, and they would never have imagined that there was a person wrapped under these light spots.

Anyone who sees these light spots will not care about them, nor can they know where they come from.

Unless someone can put these light points together in categories according to the color of the light they emit.

Then, if you piece them together one by one, you may be able to recognize that these light spots are actually the original objects!

Jiang Yun's self-destruction, in addition to the Danyang and the Wind of Nirvana that he already possessed, even all the original objects in the golden gourd given to him by the hunting monster also exploded and turned into such particles. point of light.

Now, they are all merging with Jiang Yun's body!

Such a fusion will not only increase the darkness in Jiang Yun's body, that is, the area of ​​the Tongtian Order, but also the power carried by these original objects themselves, especially the vast medicinal properties contained in the Danyang, will also gradually be integrated into it. Jiang Yun's body.

However, such integration takes time and requires a process!

In Jiang Yun's body, his soul also had his eyes closed, as if sleeping.

But in his soul, the little golden lock had disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared.

At the same time, the woman's figure appeared next to Jiang Yun's body again. Looking at Jiang Yun who was wrapped in countless original lights, a black sphere the size of a palm appeared in her hand.

The inside of this black ball was squirming crazily, as if there was life.

But no matter how hard it struggled, it could only maintain the shape of a sphere, and it couldn't get rid of the woman's hand.

The woman looked at the black ball with a hint of murderous intent, and gently closed her palms, clearly wanting to crush the black ball.

However, she suddenly released her palm and said, "Although this soul is just the soul of the weapon spirit, it is derived from the soul of Tenga after all."

"With Tianjia's character, he will definitely come to Yun'er to seek revenge!"

Speaking of this, the woman suddenly looked at Jiang Yun, smiled, shook her head and said, "Even if Tianjia doesn't come to look for him, this child will never let go of Tianjia's soul-stealing revenge!"

Zhizi Moruomu!

Jiang Yun's character actually has a side of revenge.

Tianjia had such a deep hatred for his soul, how could he let it go!

"This kid is actually not big-minded, just like his father!"

"Anyway, it will take some time for him to wake up. How about I go there myself and wipe out the Celestial Clan once and for all? It will be the price they pay for provoking Yun'er!"

The woman was about to turn around and leave, but then she stopped and said, "Ye Guchen is right, me protecting Yun'er like this is really doing him more harm than good."

"Even though the Celestial Clan is very strong, with Yun'er's strength, who says we can't destroy them with our own hands!"

"In this case, I will extract the power of the heavenly clan from this soul and give it to Yun'er. How to take revenge depends on Yun'er himself!"

As she spoke, the woman stretched out her fingers and tapped the black ball in her hand a few times.

Suddenly, pieces of black floc were seen floating out of it and submerging into Jiang Yun's body.

After losing these flocs, the black ball finally stopped squirming and exploded with a "pop", turning into a pile of powder.

After doing all this, the woman nodded with satisfaction, stood next to Jiang Yun, stretched out her hand, passed through the light of countless original particles, gently touched Jiang Yun's cheek, and stared attentively. Jiang Yun, as if he had turned into a statue, remained motionless.

But gradually, her vague figure began to fade, fade, until she completely disappeared without a trace.

And just as the woman's figure disappeared, Jiang Yun's heart, which had stopped beating long ago, suddenly trembled slightly and started beating!

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