Taoist world

Chapter 2246 How to save me

Jiang Yun disappeared, and the boundary seam also disappeared.

One person, one day of confrontation, and now only the black sky is left!

However, the black sky is also disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Because there is a group of wind that shuttles back and forth among the black clouds, and wherever it passes, the black clouds will immediately dissipate.

No one knew what was going on in the clouds, and no one knew whether Jiang Yun was dead or alive.

Everyone still stood where they were, not daring to act rashly, for fear that if they acted rashly, the black cloud that had finally stopped would spread again.


The little beast's eyes were about to bleed, and he kept letting out dull roars from his throat.

It had long wanted to help Jiang Yun and resist the black cloud's attack with Jiang Yun.

Especially at this moment, seeing Jiang Yun being swallowed by the black cloud, its four claws were about to scratch the seam to pieces, but it did not dare to disobey Jiang Yun's order.

Lu Qingcheng also wanted to save Jiang Yun, but he also knew very well that if he really rushed into the black cloud, not only would he not be able to save Jiang Yun, but he would also be swallowed up by the black cloud.

However, they did not believe that Jiang Yun was dead, so they still waited!

Jiang Yun is naturally not dead yet.

Even though he used all his strength and used the Art of Annihilation, the gap in strength between him and Heiyun was so great that even if he tried his best, he still couldn't compete with him!

All his internal organs have been destroyed, the meridians in his body have been broken every inch, and his bones have been shattered into powder. He is lying in the black cloud, unable to move at all.

Such an injury would almost certainly kill someone else, but for Jiang Yun, it would not hurt his life.

Because his soul contains the elixir, which is the first naturally generated elixir, its medicinal properties can heal Jiang Yun's injuries as long as Jiang Yun is still breathing.

But the premise is that no external force attacks Jiang Yun again.

At this moment, Jiang Yun could clearly see the waves of power coming from all directions, constantly hitting his body, clearly trying to completely tear him into pieces.

Under the impact of these forces, Jiang Yun did not feel any pain, but instead felt as if he was in the waves.

His body rose and fell with the waves. Gradually, a feeling of fatigue came over him, quickly spreading throughout his body, making him want to close his eyes and have a good sleep.

Jiang Yun, however, tried his best to keep his eyes wide open, not daring to fall asleep, because he knew that once he closed his eyes, he would never be able to open them again.

He is not afraid of death, not because there is a golden lock in his body that can make him immortal.

To be honest, he had always had a little doubt about the role of the golden lock after hearing what Ye Guchen said.

What's more, even if the golden lock really allows him to enter reincarnation and be reincarnated, in fact, after rebirth, he will not remember the memories of this life, and it will be a brand new life.

Maybe he will still be called Jiang Yun, maybe he will still embark on the path of spiritual practice, but it will have nothing to do with him in this life.

The reason why he is not afraid of death is because he has experienced too many lives and deaths and has seen too many lives and deaths.

Even if he is as strong as a strong man in the Void Realm, his lifespan is about to come one day, so he has nothing to be afraid of.

However, he was a little unwilling to do so!

He had even crossed the great rivers where the realm of destruction, the general clans, and the strong men of the Void Realm existed, but he never expected that he would die in a small ditch like a battlefield outside the realm.

What makes him most unwilling is that until now, he still doesn't know who wants to kill him, and what is the deep hatred between him and the other party.

You are so confused that you will never be able to understand until you die!

"The person who killed you actually has no hatred against you!"

At this moment, an old voice suddenly sounded in Jiang Yun's ears, and in one word he expressed what he was thinking.

Although the sound sounded suddenly, Jiang Yun was not surprised at all. He even felt that the sound was familiar, as if he had heard it before.

However, he was too lazy to think about who the other party was, because he was more curious about what the other party said.

The person who wants to kill me doesn't have any hatred towards me?

The old voice sounded again: "I can save you, let you escape this disaster, and explain your doubts to you!"

The corners of Jiang Yun's mouth raised slightly, but he did not speak, just waiting for the conditions that the other party would propose next.

Nothing in this world will ever come to nothing.

No matter who the other party is, no matter how powerful the other party is, if you want to save yourself, there must be conditions.

Sure enough, after a moment of silence, the old voice sounded again: "I only hope that one day, when you know who you are, you can take care of my people!"

Jiang Yun couldn't help but frown.

He didn't know whether it was because he was about to die, causing him to lose consciousness, or for some other reason, but he couldn't understand what the other party was saying.

What does it mean when I know who I am?

"I am Jiang Yun..."

Jiang Yun's own voice sounded in his mind.

But as soon as his voice sounded, he was interrupted by the old voice again: "You are Jiang Yun, but you are not Jiang Yun!"

"Now, you don't have to think about those problems, because maybe you will never know who you are in this life, so my conditions will not do you any harm."

After a pause, the old voice continued: "Actually, there is some fate between you and me."

"Even if you don't agree to my conditions, I will save you once."

"In that case, I won't be able to answer your questions!"

The other party's confusing words made Jiang Yun fall into deep thought. After a moment, he said: "How are you going to save me?"

At the entrance to the Dao Domain and the battlefield outside the domain, the old man had just put the wine bottle in his hand to his mouth. When he heard Jiang Yun's words, he couldn't help but be stunned.

But then, a smile appeared on his face, he nodded and said: "Good boy, now I am even more sure that you are Ji Kongfan, and you are worthy of being the strongest leader of the Nirvana Clan."

There are many ways to save people. My original plan was to take Jiang Yun away from Jie Tian, ​​and then send him to a safe place, away from the battlefield outside the territory, to avoid Jie Tian's attack.

But Jiang Yun obviously didn’t want to leave like this!

Smiling slightly, the old man did not answer Jiang Yun's question, but asked: "How do you want me to save you?"

Jiang Yun said calmly: "If you can let me kill the person who wants to kill me, I will agree to your terms!"

"Haha! You kid, you really dare to think about it, but I can't do this kind of rescue!"

"Even if I could do it, I wouldn't do it, because you can't afford to offend the person who wants to kill you!"

"If you really kill him, then I can assure you that it won't take long to destroy the two realms, including this battlefield outside the realm. Anyone who has anything to do with you, whether they have a grudge or not, will be destroyed." No matter how kind you are, everyone will die!"

Even though Jiang Yun was already as calm as water, when he heard these words, his heart couldn't help but jump heavily.

Naturally, he would not suspect that the other party was deliberately bragging about the strength of the person who wanted to kill him.

Because since the other party was able to send his voice to his ears in this situation, and also had the ability to save himself, it showed that he was so strong that there was no need to lie to him.

However, what is the origin of the person who wants to kill him, and he can actually threaten everyone who has had a relationship with him.

It would be possible if it only included the Dao Domain and the battlefield outside the domain, but it actually included the Destruction Domain.

Jiang Yun's heart moved slightly: "Including the two royal families?"

"Not just the two royal families, but even your Nirvana clan!"

Jiang Yun's pupils could not help but shrink suddenly: "The person who wants to kill me is actually higher than the status of the two royal families?"

"If you want to know, just agree to my conditions!"

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