Taoist world

Chapter 2222 Goodbye Little Beast

While the demon hunter was speaking, he reached out and tore into the darkness ahead, still tearing out a crack, and then he got out.

Jiang Yun naturally followed closely and got out of the crack!

As soon as a crack appeared, a sudden bright light appeared in front of him, causing Jiang Yun, who had just emerged from the darkness, to narrow his eyes slightly, feeling a little uncomfortable.

However, there was already a roar like thunder in his ears, and there was an endless gust of wind blowing towards his face.

With Jiang Yun's current cultivation level, the wind blowing on him actually made his body shake slightly.

And in Jiang Yun's slightly narrowed eyes, he saw a white shadow rushing towards him, getting closer and closer to him, until it occupied his eyes.

A beast that was over ten feet tall, with wings on its back, two horns on its head, two pupils on its head, long snow-white hair all over its body, standing upside down like sharp thorns, and it looked like a wolf!

Little beast!

Although the monster in front of him and the little beast in Jiang Yun's memory had really changed a lot, Jiang Yun recognized it at a glance. This was the little beast!


The little beast raised its head to the sky and let out a roar again, and the ecstasy in its eyes almost overwhelmed it.

And amidst this roar, its tall body began to shrink rapidly, and the long hair that stood upside down like thorns all over its body also fell gently, and instantly changed back to its original appearance, landing on Jiang Yun's shoulders. Above, he stuck out his little tongue and licked Jiang Yun's cheek affectionately!

Just like before!

Seeing this scene, the demon hunter not far away had a look of envy and jealousy on his face.

The little beast and I have never been so close!


Being licked on the face by the little beast's wet tongue, Jiang Yun couldn't help but laugh loudly, stretched out his hand, and rubbed the little beast's furry head as hard as before, his tone full of endearment.

However, Jiang Yun's smile froze on his face the next moment.

Because the little beast actually spit out two words: "Sir!"

The little beast can already speak human words!

As the little beast finished speaking, Jiang Yun noticed that the changes in the little beast were not just in its size!

The aura it exudes is extremely powerful, and it belongs to the Taoist realm...

Jiang Yun couldn't believe this.

The little beast had been separated from him for only a few decades, and he had already entered the Taoist realm. He was only one step away from becoming a Taoist demon!


Just when Jiang Yun was shocked by the great changes in the little beast, the demon hunter on the side suddenly coughed twice and said: "Little beast, I have found someone for you, should you get back to business?"

Only then did Jiang Yun remember that the demon hunter had said that the little beast was busy, and if it weren't for the little beast being busy, even if the little beast wanted to see him, he would not come to him.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun's gaze also swept around.

At one glance, Jiang Yun couldn't help being stunned again.

This is clearly a world, but the way this world looks is as if a big earthquake has just occurred.

Looking around, wherever you look, whether it's the earth, mountains, forests or rivers, there is no complete place at all, everything is torn apart.

Under a 10,000-foot-high hill made of countless pieces of gravel, there was a huge turtle shell, with the turtle's head shrunk inside the shell.

If I remember correctly, when Jiang Yun first met the hunting demon, the hunting demon was possessed by this turtle.

Not far away, in a lake that should have been extremely vast, but now has dried up with only some mud left, there is a hornless thousand-foot-long dragon, which is constantly twisting its body and moving towards the mud. Drill away.

Even further away, although Jiang Yun's eyesight could no longer see, his spiritual consciousness had long been released. Under the cover, he saw a huge tiger in a forest that looked like it had been blown by a tornado. He was lying there with his legs in the air, dying.

And directly in front of Jiang Yun, in the direction from which the little beast had just rushed, there was a fire phoenix that was a thousand feet in size, hanging quietly in the air, motionless.

Although this fire phoenix was unscathed, its eyes were filled with fear as it stared at the little beast!

Jiang Yun, who saw all this in his eyes, couldn't help but turn his somewhat stiff neck and looked at the little beast again: "Are you too busy fighting them?"

The little beast raised his head proudly and said, "Yes, since I..."

At this point, the little beast suddenly closed his mouth, lowered his head, and carefully looked at Jiang Yun from the corner of his eye, with a hint of guilt in his eyes.

Jiang Yun naturally understood that in order to become stronger, the little beast disobeyed him and left him to hunt monsters. Now he feels a little embarrassed to mention the past.

Jiang Yun carelessly touched the little beast's head and said, "Go on!"

Seeing that Jiang Yun was not angry, the little beast continued: "After I complete my transformation, the demon hunter asked me to fight the four of them every once in a while."

"At the beginning, I couldn't beat them, but now, they can't beat me!"

"I just felt it, sir..."

Jiang Yun raised his hand, interrupted the little beast and said, "You don't need to call me sir, just call me big brother!"


The little beast stuck out his tongue and said, "I just heard Taiyang's neighing and felt Big Brother's breath, but I was fighting with that turtle, so I had to let him find Big Brother."

"If he doesn't help me find my eldest brother, I won't fight him!"

The little beast described him as a monster hunter.

Although the hunting monster clearly gave the little beast a great help and made the little beast completely reborn, the relationship between the little beast and the hunting monster was obviously not that harmonious.

Jiang Yun can understand this.

The purpose of the hunter to help the little beast is to take revenge, and the hunter has an almost instinctive disgust and hatred for monsters. In his eyes, the little beast is just a tool for him to use for revenge.

The little beast is not stupid. Even if he agrees to help him get revenge in exchange for an improvement in his own strength, the relationship between this person and the beast is a cooperative relationship.

From the words of the little beast, Jiang Yun also understood that the monster hunter should have specially arranged these monsters as the little beast's opponents to train the little beast's actual combat ability.

Therefore, I had no choice but to find myself.

Jiang Yun smiled and nodded: "I know, come on, let me see your strength!"


Hearing Jiang Yun's words, the little beast immediately roared with excitement again, and its small body soared into the air from Jiang Yun's shoulders.

While in the air, the little beast's body swelled again, taking on the appearance that Jiang Yun had seen it before, and landed in front of the fire phoenix.

Although the little beast was only about ten feet in size and looked extremely small in front of the fire phoenix, the fire phoenix clearly did not dare to get too close to the little beast and involuntarily stepped back.

"The little beast is not an emperor beast yet!"

At the same time, Ye Guchen's voice rang in Jiang Yun's mind: "However, we are extremely close. It seems that this monster hunter is really capable!"

Jiang Yun asked calmly: "For the little beast, is its current change a good thing or a bad thing?"

Ye Guchen said: "Of course it's a good thing!"

"I don't know how the monster hunter can raise the level of the little beast again, but no matter which method it is, the little beast must have suffered a lot to be able to change like this, and even risk his life!"

"The little beast obviously managed to survive, and that's why he achieved the changes he has today."

Jiang Yun also thought of this.

Upgrading from a king beast to an emperor beast is not an ordinary improvement in strength, but an improvement in life level. How can it be so easy?


At this moment, the little beast roared again.

Amidst this roar, the expression on Jiang Yun's face couldn't help but solidify again, and even Ye Guchen in his soul did the same.

Only the demon hunter on the side showed a proud look on his face!

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