Taoist world

Chapter 2177 It’s too late to meet

Shura actually attacked Tu Chengye!

This made everyone stunned again.

The patriarch and clan members of the Ancient Yin clan have exactly the same behavior style, they are lawless and domineering!

A strong man in the Void Realm, a leader of the general clan, such a being, even the royal family may not dare to take action against them at will.

But Shura has no scruples!

Moreover, in the face of Shura's blow, the sword in Tu Chengye's hand had been broken into two pieces, but Shura was unscathed.

As strong people in the Void Realm, unless they themselves are willing to tell them, no one can know their true realm and true strength.

Their strength can only be judged through their battles with each other.

Therefore, it is not difficult to see that Shura's strength is clearly far stronger than Tu Chengye.

Shura also looked at Tu Chengye with a smile and said: "It is said that the sword cultivator has the strongest attack power, and in the southwest wilderness, you, the Sword Tu General Clan, are the strongest, but it is a pity that you, the leader of the General Clan, are only as strong as this! "

Tu Chengye's heart had never beat so violently as it did at this moment, so that he was unable to speak for a moment, and just stared at Shura with a hint of fear in his eyes.

Of course, even if he could speak, he couldn't refute Shura's words.

When Shura launched his attack just now, he clearly felt the shroud of death.

In other words, Shura showed mercy to him!

Otherwise, I would have become a corpse just like my son!

"By the way, Sect Leader Tu just said that Jiang Yun must be killed as a warning to others, right?"

Shura's voice sounded again, especially the emphasis on the words "to serve as a warning", which made everyone come back to their senses.

The reason why Shura wanted to attack Tu Chengye was to retaliate for what he said.

Tu Chengye wanted to kill Jiang Yun to warn others not to imitate Jiang Yun.

Shura, on the other hand, attacked Tu Chengye and even almost killed him to warn others!

At this moment, Tu Chengye clenched his teeth. Facing an existence that could kill him instantly, he didn't dare to speak.

Shura stopped paying attention to him, the smile on his face faded, and his eyes calmly swept over Xue Qianshang and all the monks who just now agreed that they wanted to kill Jiang Yun and prevent the Ancient Yin tribe from succeeding in becoming generals.

"Now, whoever wants to kill Jiang Yun as a warning to others? Whoever thinks that we, the Ancient Yin Clan, should not worship successful people, Jiang, will accompany them one by one!"

"As long as you can kill me, then my ancient Yin clan's appointment as general today will be considered a failure!"

Shura's voice contained endless coercion, which resounded in everyone's ears and made them all tremble in their hearts.

There was silence in all directions.

Shura's words are so similar to Jiang Yun's words just now, "Whoever wants to kill me in Tianyuan"!

However, Shura is not in the Tianyuan realm, but a strong man in the Void Realm!

When Jiang Yun is angry, he can kill more than a hundred Tianyuan realm experts, and when Shura is angry, at least 90% of all the monks in the Greedy Wolf Realm will die in his hands!

Even Tu Chengye, a sword cultivator in the Void Realm, couldn't withstand Shura's blow, let alone others!

Maybe others can't guess Shura's true strength, but Xue Qianshang and other Void-Taking Realm experts have a rough idea. I'm afraid even if it were him, he wouldn't be able to withstand Shura's blow.

Shura's Taxu realm is definitely much higher than that of himself and others.

Xue Qianshang calmly glanced around, especially the heads of the other major general clans, and sighed in his heart: "The only ones who are still firmly against Jiang Yun are my Danyang clan, the Jiantu clan and Spirit Mirror Clan!”

"Now that Tu Chengye has lost his confidence, and Jiang Yun is in the spotlight, at this time, even if I join forces with the leader of the Lingjing Clan, I'm afraid it will be difficult to kill Shura."

"What's more, there is Luo Xin from the Xuanwu area. He is clearly helping Jiang Yun."

"In this way, today, we can only let Jiang Yun and the Guyin clan go temporarily!"

"However, after the general worship is over, as long as you are still in the southwest wilderness, we can slowly avenge this revenge!"

After making up his mind, Xue Qianshang stopped talking and even closed his eyes.

Naturally, everyone else also kept their mouths shut. No one dared to risk their lives by speaking out and provoking Shura at this time.

Therefore, after a moment of silence, Shura smiled slightly, then looked at Bailiyong and Si Lingrui and said: "Two envoys, can I, the Guyin clan, be the general?"

Si Lingrui stood up and said with a smile on his face: "Of course!"

Baili Yong also had a smile on his face and said, "Okay, okay!"

Even though Baili Yong still felt unwilling to do so, he knew that now that the matter was over, no one could stop the Ancient Yin clan from worshiping the general and killing Jiang Yun.

General, let’s begin!

Jiang Yun let out a sigh of relief. So far, his plan has been implemented smoothly.

However, Jiang Yun raised his head and glanced at Baili Yong, with a murderous look flashing in his eyes.

He was considering whether to kill Baili Yong!

In the southwest wilderness, not only did a large general clan, the Ancient Yin General clan, appear again, but there was also a legendary figure, Jiang Yun!

Although the strength of the leader of the Gu Yin General Clan was obvious to everyone, Jiang Yun's performance was even more shocking in the eyes of everyone.

Use your own strength to invite the generals out, and after beating the eighty-two drums to lead the generals, continue to walk the path of selecting generals with your body exhausted, attract the source of heaven, and break through to the source of heaven;

In the battle between generals, he won nine games in a row, killing three geniuses, seriously injuring one person, and finally killed one hundred and three Tianyuan monks with one man!

Everything Jiang Yun did was passed down word of mouth by countless monks throughout the Southwest Wasteland, and will definitely be recorded in history forever.

Although the Gu Yin Clan's worship of generals has ended, everyone knows that the feud between the Gu Yin Clan and several major general clans will definitely not end.

What's more, if the Ancient Yin tribe wants to gain a foothold in the southwest wilderness, they will inevitably start to expand aggressively, which will inevitably lead to conflicts with other general tribes.

Especially since the Gu Yin Clan's general worship ceremony had just ended, Xue Qianshang and other major generals left immediately without saying goodbye.

After they returned, although everything was calm on the surface, someone secretly inquired about these generals and began to recall the tribesmen they had sent to various places.

Among the tribesmen recalled, the weakest ones are all in the Tianyuan realm.

Obviously, they are ready to take action.

However, it will definitely take some time before their revenge can truly begin.

Because until now, most of the people of the Ancient Yin Clan have not shown their faces.

Even their clan leader has not yet decided where they will choose as their clan's location.

Even Jiang Yun and the others are still staying in the Greedy Wolf Realm.

It's not that they don't want to leave, it's that someone won't let them leave.

This person is Si Lingrui!

Si Lingrui actually stayed with Jiang Yun and others all day long, pestering them with questions.

Especially for Jiang Yun, he regards him as a confidant, and he has the feeling of regretting seeing each other so late.

If it were another ethnic group, if this happened, it would be too late to fawn over Si Lingrui.

What an honor and opportunity it is for an ethnic group that has just succeeded in becoming a general to win the favor of the person who created the royal family.

But Jiang Yun and the others were miserable.

Jiang Yun did not dare to offend Si Lingrui, because he was planning to go to the Creation Royal Family with Si Lingrui, so he could only stay with him and make mistakes.

Even so, in the end, Jiang Yun used the excuse that his injury was too serious and went into seclusion.

Shura also found a reason to leave and asked the scholar in green clothes and hat to accompany him.

As for Baili Yong, although he had long wanted to leave, all the major generals and clans in the southwest wilderness had extended warm invitations to him.

How could Baili Yong not know that these invitations were nothing more than the generals' desire to have a relationship with him?

However, you can also get a lot of benefits from them.

Therefore, he did not refuse and happily went to the nine generals one by one to keep their appointments.

Today, he will go to the Danyang Clan!

At this moment, in the Danyang clan, Xue Qianshang's face was as dark as water. He looked at the sixteen monks in front of him who had been summoned back by him and said, "Tell me, have you found out the origins of Jiang Yun and the Ancient Yin clan?"

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