Taoist world

Chapter 2170 The reason for giving it to you

The Wenqing clan is now riding a tiger and it’s hard to get off!

Although they knew the truth of the matter and it was indeed An Ruotong who was at fault first, they could not let Jiang Yun go so easily.

But this time when they came to the Southwest Wilderness, the strongest member of their Qing Clan only had one from the Guiyuan realm, and the rest were from the Tianyuan and Yuantai realms.

Just like them, if they want to take away or kill Jiang Yun, they don't need Shura to take action. The scholar in the green hat can kill everyone by himself.

Just when the Wenqing tribe was in a tangle, Baili Yong finally showed a smile on his face.

Baili Yong has already seen that it is simply impossible to kill Jiang Yun through a general battle today.

However, now Jiang Yun has given himself a better opportunity.

Even, taking this opportunity, he can kill all three people from the Ancient Yin Clan, or even the entire Ancient Yin Clan!

Baili Yong's eyes swept across the huge Greedy Wolf World and said to himself: "The generals who must kill Jiang Yun now include the Danyang Clan, the Jiantu Clan, the Greedy Wolf Clan, the Lingjing Clan and the Wenqing Clan. "

"There are no generals who dare to protect Jiang Yun. In this case, this matter is basically done!"

Thinking of this, Baili Yong finally said coldly: "Jiang Yun, you are so brave!"

Bailiyong's words made everyone stunned, and they all looked at him.

Jiang Yun also turned to look at Baili Yong and said expressionlessly: "What does Baili Envoy mean by this?"

"Jiang Yun, don't forget that you are in the middle of a battle with generals at this moment, and for your own selfishness, you actually ignored your opponents. This clearly means that you did not fight with generals, did not worship generals, and did not protect us. These two envoys do not take the two royal families seriously!"

Everyone couldn't help but take a breath after hearing Bailiyong's words. This put a big label on Jiang Yun.

In the Destruction Territory, the two royal families are respected. If you don't take the two royal families seriously, you are making enemies of the two royal families. This is a big deal!

"Moreover, you are cruel and ruthless. Although the woman just now had a grudge against you, you would not kill her with a single sword."

"Also, your Guyin clan, from the elders down to you, an ordinary clan member, behaves extremely domineeringly and arrogantly."

"You can tell the whole leopard by looking at one spot. It is not difficult to see from your conduct that everyone in your Guyin clan should be like this."

"If you become a general clan from such a clan, I don't know how many more crimes will be committed, and how many lives will be in vain at your hands!"

After hearing this, everyone basically understood.

Although the reasons given by Baili Yong are all strong words, it is not difficult to see that he is very unhappy with Jiang Yun and the entire Guyin clan.

However, what Baili Yong said is actually true.

Since Jiang Yun appeared until now, although not many people have been killed, all those who died have been members of the general clan!

As for the Ancient Yin Clan, both the clan leader Jiang Luo and the elder who had just rescued Jiang Yun were indeed domineering.

Baili Yong spoke again: "Therefore, I declare that the war with General Dian is over here. You, the Ancient Yin Clan, have failed to do so!"

As soon as this sentence was said, everyone was stunned.

Even Si Lingrui, who was still thinking about the origin of the Flameless Puppet Lamp, temporarily stopped his thoughts, narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at Baili Yong coldly, with a cold light flashing in his eyes.

Although he, Si Lingrui, never spoke or expressed his stance from beginning to end, he was still one of the messengers.

As for announcing the failure of the Gu Yin clan's general appointment, Baili Yong did not discuss it with himself in advance, which clearly did not take him seriously.

What's more, Jiang Yun has won eight games in a row, and in this last game, if Xue Jingyang hadn't used Qian Xiaoshan's safety to threaten him, Jiang Yun would have defeated Xue Jingyang now.

According to the rules set by the two royal families, the Ancient Yin Clan can already be regarded as a successful general.

Even if Jiang Yun loses this battle, there will still be a competition between the two realms of Guiyuan and Taxu.

But now, Baili Yong actually no longer gives the Gu Yin Clan a chance. He casually announced that the Gu Yin Clan failed to recruit generals, obliterating Jiang Yun's efforts all the way up to now, and completely cutting off the ancient Yin Clan's chance. .

Such naked suppression is too obvious and too shameless.

Although everyone has no idea why Baili Yong is so resolute, who knows that Baili Yong is the envoy of the Light and Dark Royal Family and represents the Light and Dark Royal Family.

If you don't agree with him, then the Ancient Yin Clan will really offend the Light and Dark Royal Clan completely.

When the time comes, if the royal family becomes angry, the consequences will be unbearable to anyone.

The ancient Yin tribe will truly face the disaster of annihilation!

In fact, if any ethnic group wants to help Jiang Yun, they may be implicated.

Therefore, although many people sympathized with Jiang Yun and the Guyin tribe, no one dared to speak for them.

Everyone's eyes were looking at the three people from the Ancient Yin Clan, wondering how they would feel about Baili Yong's decision.

Should he obey silently or resist?

But no matter which choice the Ancient Yin clan makes, their clan has completely no future.

Those who resist the royal family will inevitably be directly suppressed and killed;

Accepting the result of failure to be a general, you can only leave sadly, and wait until a hundred years later to try again and be a general again.

However, Jiang Yun has now offended several major generals, and I am afraid that even the Lei Xiao and other tribes who had previously prepared to end their hostility with him will reconsider taking action against him and the Guyin tribe.

At that time, facing the joint attack of several major generals, it would be impossible for the Ancient Yin Clan to continue to exist.

Nangong Meng's eyes were just fixed on Shura, because she felt the most when she heard Baili Yong's evaluation of the Ancient Yin Clan.

She was thinking about whether her previous conjecture was going to come true. Will this Shura kill a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood with great ferocity today?

Luo Xin rubbed his chin and thought to himself: "It's convenient for me to fail in the general."

"After the things here are over, I find Jiang Yun, explain my identity to him directly, and invite him to the Sixiang area. He will definitely agree!"

In his opinion, since Jiang Yun failed to worship the general and there were enemies all over the southwest region, it was naturally Jiang Yun's best choice to follow him back to the Sixiang region.

Under everyone's gaze, Shura and the scholar showed no reaction. Only Jiang Yun finally said calmly: "If I hadn't been ruthless, I would have died countless times!"

"If I don't act forcefully and domineering, how can I be qualified to stand here!"

At this point, Jiang Yun suddenly changed the topic, looked directly at Baili Yong, and said with a mocking tone: "Master Messenger, if you want to kill Jiang, just say it directly, why bother to find such a far-fetched reason!"

Others didn't know why Baili Yong targeted Jiang Yun so much, but Jiang Yun already understood.

This Baili Yong was either from the Imperial Criminal Division or related to Baili Guang.

When he saw himself, he already knew his true identity.

Therefore, he wants to kill himself!

Hearing Jiang Yun's words, Baili Yong sneered in his heart. He was a little worried that Jiang Yun wouldn't resist, but now that Jiang Yun has spoken, it just suits his wish.

Although he was proud in his heart, Baili Yong's face showed a look of confusion, and he frowned slightly: "Jiang Yun, what do you mean by this!"

"I have no grievances against you, so why do I want to kill you?"

"As an envoy of the royal family, I am here just to preside over and witness the battle of generals. Could it be that you are dissatisfied with my decision?"

A smile slowly appeared on Jiang Yun's face and he said: "My lord, it's really hard for you, the messenger. As a member of the royal family, there are so many things that we have to worry about."

"Until now, you still lack a legitimate reason to kill me, so you are willing to persuade me here with all your heart!"

"In that case, Jiang will give you this reason to kill me!"

Jiang Yun suddenly raised the Shura Sword in his hand until Baili Yong said: "Who are you, and what qualifications do you have to dictate to me and my entire tribe here!"

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