Taoist world

Chapter 2166 Danfeng Burning Feather


The flame surrounding Jiang Yun suddenly trembled violently.

But amidst this trembling, the blazing flames gradually weakened until they were completely extinguished, revealing Jiang Yun again.

Seeing Jiang Yun at this moment, everyone's eyes couldn't help but condense.

Because everyone can clearly feel that the aura exuding from Jiang Yun is clearly much stronger than before!

Naturally, everyone couldn't help but make comments.

"Jiang Yun must have used a secret method to temporarily improve his cultivation!"

"I just don't know what secret technique this is. Judging from his appearance, his cultivation level has improved a lot!"

"I originally thought that Jiang Yun was about to lose, but I didn't expect that Jiang Yun actually had a trump card. Now we are lucky, and the next fight will definitely be more exciting!"

Facing Xue Jingyang, whose realm far surpassed his own, Jiang Yun had no choice but to use the power of the Nine Annihilation Clan, and used Control of Reincarnation to summon his fifth reincarnation body, thus raising his cultivation level to the fifth level of Tianyuan. territory.

Although Jiang Yun was a little uneasy, worried that the two royal families or the generals in the Four Elephants region would recognize the power of reincarnation, for the sake of his own life, he couldn't care less.

If it were another opponent, Jiang Yun would have to admit defeat directly, but facing Xue Jingyang, who wanted to kill him, Jiang Yun had no choice but to fight him at all costs to truly decide the outcome of life and death!

Xue Jingyang's eyes glowed as hot as flames. He looked at Jiang Yun with an excited smile on his face again and said, "I knew you were hiding your strength. Sure enough, it's more interesting this way!"


Before he finished speaking, Xue Jingyang suddenly reached out and pointed towards Jiang Yun.

Above Jiang Yun's head, large swaths of red flames suddenly appeared from the void, until they condensed into a huge red phoenix.

This red phoenix was hundreds of thousands of feet in size, occupying almost half of the sky and covering the entire competition stage.

Although there was no flame burning on Danfeng's body, the strong pressure and scorching heat emanating from that huge body caused even many monks in the stands to change their expressions slightly.

"Ran Yu!"

Immediately afterwards, Xue Jingyang uttered two more words.


Accompanied by an earth-shaking loud noise that shook the entire Greedy Wolf world, a fireball suddenly appeared from the end of the sky, from outside the Greedy Wolf world, and fell like lightning, hitting the beast. On the body of the huge red phoenix.

Danfeng's feathers seemed to be carrying heavy oil, and were ignited by the fireball, suddenly bursting into flames.

Together with the flames, the Danfeng, which was originally hundreds of thousands of feet in size, became even larger.

And the high temperature emitted by the flames rising from its body seemed to melt the sky.

On the stands, the monks at the Origin Realm of each ethnic group had to take action to protect themselves and the tribesmen with lower cultivation levels to withstand the power of the flames.


Xue Jingyang waved his sleeves, and the red phoenix immediately flew straight towards Jiang Yun with billowing heat waves and flames filling the sky.

Looking at the oncoming Danfeng, Jiang Yun's expression became serious.

Regarding fire, Jiang Yun is the most familiar power.

Whether in the Dao Realm or the Destruction Realm, he is proficient in the power of fire.

At this moment, facing this red phoenix, Jiang Yun was certain that this was the most powerful fire attack he had ever encountered in his life.

However, Jiang Yun certainly would not sit back and die.

He raised his hands and pressed them weakly in front of him.


Jiang Yun's seemingly powerless palms pressed down, causing the competition platform under him to suddenly sink.

The strong force squeezed out the air on the competition platform.

Immediately afterwards, white flowers bloomed out of nothingness!

With the appearance of these white flowers, everyone can feel that the surrounding high temperature has dropped a lot in an instant.

Because there were waves of chill emanating from the white flowers.


Flowers truly made of snow bloomed one after another throughout the competition platform, boundless and with no end in sight.

The boundless coldness continued to rise and condensed into ice, so that it condensed into a wall of ice crystals in the air, blocking the Danfeng carrying the monstrous flames.

Jiang Yun's counterattack made many monks look at the Shuangtian Clan involuntarily, with thoughtful expressions on their faces.

Because the white snowflakes displayed by Jiang Yun were very similar to the power of Shuangtian, they believed that the Shuangtian clan secretly gave their power to Jiang Yun.

The Shuangtian clan shook their heads and smiled bitterly. This was certainly not the power of their own clan.

However, they had to admit that this power was really very similar to the power of Frost Sky.

Only Shura and the clan elder knew that Jiang Yun's snowflake power was obtained from countless secret realms in Shura Heaven, just like the power of weak water.

However, they also have some doubts in their hearts.

Although they have not practiced all the powers that exist in the secret realm of Shura Tiannei, they have more or less understanding.

Most of the levels of those powers are not high, and even if they are cultivated to the extreme, their power will not be too amazing.

But now that the power of snowflakes is being exerted from Jiang Yun's hands, its power is clearly far beyond the extreme!


Danfeng hit the ice crystal wall directly, making a loud noise, and the ice crystal wall collapsed instantly.

But before they disappeared completely, behind them, the chill that was continuously released from the countless snowflakes had suddenly condensed into a wall of ice crystals again!

"Boom boom boom!"

As if tireless, Danfeng continued to use his huge body and the high temperature radiated from his body to hit the wall of ice crystals.

The white snowflakes also tried their best to release the coldness quickly, and continued to condense the wall of ice crystals, forcibly blocking Danfeng's path forward.

Looking from a distance, the red phoenix and white snowflakes seem to dye the world red and white respectively.

The attack and defense between the two seemed to have turned into a contest between heaven and earth.

Although Danfeng had the upper hand, Snowflake was extremely tenacious.

Unless all the snowflakes are burned into nothingness at once, it will be impossible to attack Jiang Yun who is surrounded by snowflakes in a short time.

Xue Jingyang narrowed his eyes slightly, finally lost his patience, stretched out his hand and pointed at Danfeng again!

Danfeng immediately gave up attacking Jiang Yun and suddenly opened his wings. His huge body suddenly completely enveloped the entire competition platform.

Then Danfeng closed its wings again and lowered its head, as if it had turned into a fireball.

Whether it was the competition stage, those white snowflakes, or Jiang Yun, they were all in the fireball!

The scorching heat caused Danfeng's body to begin to contract violently.

Everything inside it, even nothingness, was burned to nothing at an extremely fast speed and disappeared completely.

In the blink of an eye, the fireball had shrunk to a size of ten thousand feet.

Naturally, the competition platform also became only ten thousand feet in size.

"This time, let's see how you hide!"

A satisfied smile appeared on Xue Jingyang's face.

Indeed, under the contraction of the fire ball, nothing could escape the burning of the high temperature, including Jiang Yun.

Unless Jiang Yun can break through the fireball, otherwise, he will be directly burned to nothing along with everything inside.

Seeing that the fireball continued to shrink at a faster speed, until it changed from ten thousand feet to a thousand feet, and from a thousand feet to a hundred feet.

Shura's eyes showed a cold light, and he was already ready to take action.

Xue Qianshang also raised his hand, not looking at the battle between Jiang Yun and Xue Jingyang, but just staring at Shura.

Luo Xin also stood up from the crowd in the stands!

Now, Jiang Yun seems to be doomed.

If they didn't want Jiang Yun to die in Xue Jingyang's hands, they had to take action.

But at this moment, a light suddenly appeared in Jiang Yun's hand!

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